Reader Reviews of the “Real World Seduction” eBook
by Swingcat
reviews Real World Seduction:
Well, the first thing I have to say about this book is that it made me laugh harder than any other book I have ever read on seduction. This is not because the book isn’t good, to the contrary it’s actually very good (though a bit on the short side). But the book has a section on telling stories, and his example stories are just some funny shit.
Ok, I am getting ahead of myself here, but anyway, this book is all about one thing, and that is how to get women to think you are the PRIZE. If you don’t think that is profound, then ask yourself how many women truly think you are the PRIZE right now. That is to say, how many women look at you as something that they not only have to work to get, but in fact also WANT to work to get you?
The book consists of 5 parts and 21 chapters that flow well together. Each chapter has an average of about 4 subsections, and everything is hyperlinked from the table of contents. The chapters all have a really concise review that is simple to follow and helps you remember what you just learned. You also get a review of your homework at the end of each chapter. The book then is almost perfectly organized except for one thing. There are no page numbers though which could be a small issue for the engineers, math majors, physicists, and software programmers among you.
Part 1 is called ‘Becoming the Prize’ and introduces the concept of what it means to be the prize, explains how the author stumbled upon the concept, and in general sets the stage for actually learning how to PRIZE in the later chapters. In this section, you are introduced to 4 underlying ideas that are meant to be applied in any interaction with a woman. I suggest that as you read these, you memorize them, it makes the rest of the book easier to understand and apply. There is also a list of 9 ways to behave with women and how to interpret their behavior that pop up later in the book so these are worth memorizing on the spot as well.
Part 2 is called ‘Prizability’ and focuses on making you more of a prize, in part by giving you some basic tools to use with women, and in part working on your presentation, etc. here you get introduced to some of the author’s unique stories and you start to see why and how what he is teaching can work.
Part 3 is called ‘Prizing’ and is where you get the more advanced techniques. Things like Open Loops, Pushing and Pulling (very similar to 101 theory on this website), Qualifying and Challenging, Role Playing, etc. are introduced and explained. The author also gives a list of Standards and Expectations women must meet for him, and a list of things he won’t tolerate.
Part 4 is called ‘Chick Tests and Chick Frames’, and is sort of a troubleshooting chapter for dealing with the dynamics of using PRIZING.. This chapter helps you deal with the tests that women will throw at you in general, especially through use of reframing. We have all heard the phrase “live in your own reality” and the author uses this concept of frames to really live in a reality where women are chasing HIM.
Part 5 is called ‘Putting it All Together’ and is pretty self explanatory in that sense. Its basically a story of an actual seduction that the author did, and he outlines how he used all the things in the book to achieve it. I found this particularly useful and unique among all of the seduction books I have read so far where everything is usually more 3rd person in nature.
As I said, the book is a bit short, and if you are a slow reader like me, you can still finish it in a single sitting of a few hours. But what you get in that few hours should probably be read over and over in order to get it to sink in. The material is really concise but is really power packed with the keys to taking one particular method of seduction, and making it work for you. This is useful especially for guys who get a lot of information overload and want to concentrate on just one thing. If you still want some supplementary material, I suggest reading the Coquette section of the Art of Seduction when you read this book, as it will add to your understanding and it will also help you understand historical examples of men who used this technique effectively.
I felt this method of PRIZING and this book are particularly well suited to outgoing people who like to socialize. On the other hand, if you are a bit introverted, learning how to tell a story properly could help draw you out of your shell. Worthwhile in either case! Its also good for people who are naturally funny, but on the other hand for those who are not, you get all the canned material of a really funny guy so that you can be funny yourself. And as we all know, humor is always good for seducing women.
So what are you waiting for, click the link and buy the book already! It’s a small price to pay when you imagine yourself being the PRIZE that women actually fight over…
~TokyoPUA, 2004-10-19
Readers of Fast Seduction 101 who have read this book or sat in on a seminar are welcome to submit their own reviews.