Review(s) of Speed Seduction» Hyper-Response and Core
Attraction Audio CD’s and Video Course (CD Contents Notes)
notes on the CD contents of Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction
Hyper-Response and Core Attraction Course:
CD 1
Beliefs reprogramming
Clear that Ross has more experience in seduction than anyone,
The Ross Sargy ministry bit on CD 2 is so funny that its almost worth the price you pay for the entertainment value alone.
Does lots of change work based on NLP.
Great ways to deal with very beautiful women.CD 2
Refinements in the new SS – “not fry her circuits”, less self points, more vagueness, etc.
How to demonstrate you are an authority in her world while being in rapport.
Scarcity, takeaways, challenge, redirection of resistance.
8 spoked seduction wheel (use 3 or more spokes at a time), etc.
CD 3
Contrasts old speed seduction» vs. newer models.
In the ew model she has to work for you vs. you work for her.
Ask questions, anchor responses, build a model in your mind about what moves her.CD 4
Hypnotic paradox: human brains notice what is different, but move towards what is familiar.
Some anchoring examples, etc. conversational frameworks, etc.CD 6
Some pickup/opening lines. “Has anyone ever told you at (pause) 3:01 in the afternoon that … you are absolutely beautiful and I had to meet you. Oh, now its 3:02, but you are still beautiful.”
Combo of put on and a statement of interest.
Opening lines and approaches.
Anchor value that you have to them (gold coin of the realm).CD 7
Old SS – “may have had feeling of tricking them” vs. new SS is that she has to show you value.
Individual troubleshooting with guys who have problems.CD 8
Real life example of Ross PU on younger woman, over half his age.
Humorous opener, use of intuition to create intrigue, checks for comfort, etc.
Example of student outings from the seminar, analysis of their successes and failures, etc.
Begins theme explanations, and how they can be used to lead to demonstrations.CD 9
Demonstration explanations step by step, how to take advantage of signal recognition, when to use patterns and when to capitalize on her reactions and not use patterns, etc.
Places in the mind, new ideas on anchoring, symbol fractionation, etc.
Special segment with Yates talking about linguistic/semantics (modal operators of possibility, etc) and their relationship to a positive mindset/positive outcomes, and his view of improvements in the new model of SS.CD 10
Intro to ritual work, step by step through a ritual to ignaite the passions of others, command their respect, etc. Resource creation. Ross shares 14 notes for his personal success. How to deal objectively with weaknesses.CD 11
Wrap up questions and testimonials.~TokyoPUA, 2003-04-27
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