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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “A basic guide to getting good at something for the complete novice”

Recent post by Trystan, May 25, 2008

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Apologies in advance for speaking in metaphors...

Planning and execution: the train and the tracks. Each is virtually worthless without the other. Even the most well-laid tracks will forever be doomed to silently stretch out 'til tomorrow unless there is a way to get there; on the other hand, the most powerful train will eventually meander to the depths of the ocean without tracks to guide it.

I find that most people (myself included) are great at either planning or execution. For me, it was planning: I consider myself to have been a gifted strategist who was alright at getting things done. Now I consider myself to be truly great at both. I got this way shortly after I realized that I was unbalanced. Balance brings comfort, and comfort is where the game is played.

For my money, execution is more important on the grounds that a stopped clock is right twice a day (more metaphors). Since this is what I think, and because it is my post, this is what we will talk about first.

Work is a gift, I truly believe that. Before you can appreciate that gift, you must know how to work. Here are some suggestions to get you good at working:

-Get a part time job doing manual labor (the less you get paid, the better). My first job was digging ditches for groundwork; my dad paid me $4 an hour, and I worked from 6:30a.m. until 5p.m. I loved my job.
-Clean your buddies house/car.
-Start a garden (horticulture also doubles as a great DHV).
-At work, come in a half hour before anyone else and stay at least a half hour later.
-Build something: a toy-chest, a car, a fucking barn for all I care- just build something that you can call your own-- take the time to do it right.
-Accept any requests for help and refuse compensation.
-Just turn your brain off and focus on your tasks.
-Adopt the attitude of "I'll stay until the job is done"
-Accept that you are ready and willing to get your ass kicked by work all day long.

Remember this, we'll tie it in with this next part...

Planning is the key to long term success. Without clearly defined goals, you will spin your wheels and feel as if you are not reaching your potential. Here are some tips to get you good at planning:

-Learn how to play Chess and Go
-Rewrite the rules to your favorite board game
-Study how important battles were won and lost
-If you know a business owner, ask if you can study their profit and loss statements- compare those statements to the applicable market trends during that period and try to predict where the market is going.
-Make a couple Rube Goldberg Machines.
-Find ways to bait people into saying specific things- I call this Solfege Theory. You can DAFS for my old posts for it, or better yet, you can read Cyrano De Bergerac to help you with this, he is a character that is very witty.

So let's bring it all together. We start by building tracks. In other words, we make a clearly defined goal and decide how to get there- I use the SMART goal system. To my knowledge, there is no copyright on SMART goals, so I'll list them out for you you. SMART is an acronym that usually means:


Example of a bad goal: I want to get good with women.
Example of a good goal: In one month I will be able to start a conversation with any stranger who piques my curiosity. I will achieve this by opening no less than ten sets a day until the month is up.

Example of a good long term goal: In six months I will have six-pack abs by doing the following:

1. By tomorrow, I will decide on a workout plan to use, and I will sign up for a gym membership.
2. After I sign up for the membership, I will purchase the best equipment I can afford to maximize every opportunity, I will also do this by tomorrow.
3. In two days, I will get rid of all the food that is counter-productive to my goals; I will replace it with healthier food, and I will start my workout routine in earnest.
4. Every Monday thereafter, I will spend time reviewing my current goals and setting new ones that are aligned with attaining my overall goal of having six-pack abs.

After your tracks are laid, you start your train; this is my clunky way of saying YOU DO THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO GET DONE!!!

That's it. That is the no-nonsense way of getting good at something.


1. Make sure you have the right tools i.e. an outstanding work-ethic, planning skills, and goal-setting skills.
2. Set your goals.
3. Plan how you are going to get there.
4. Do the work required to achieve greatness without exception and without hesitation.

Next topic will be congruency/genuineness- more to come.

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