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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The Pick Up Artist Cliche Stack”

Recent post by Nashvilleplayer, June 6, 2008

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Before we get started good, let me say that I am an idiot. You know Charlie(yes tv, Two And A Half Men style)... you get it. Idiot.

Soooo, by nature, I say idiotic things. Perfect example of this:

The PUA Cliche Stack.

Practically every girl you talk to from now until eternity is gonna ask you a few of the basic rapport seeking interview type questions.

You know what I mean. "Whats your name? Where are you from? Are you gay?"

Ok, so not that last one. But you get the idea.

So when the interview starts, just for YOUR OWN PERSONAL AMUSEMENT, destroy the interview.

However it gets started, you just cut it off. Feel free to set it up however you like, but heres the stack.

"Ok, I'd love to know more about you too, but damnit, does this have to be an interview? Look, lets cut this short.I'm 12 and you're a little too old for me, I'm a disposable lighter repairman, and I have 4 girlfriends who love each other just as much as they love me."

Feel free to mix that up or introduce it however you want. And yes, thats assuming that she's going to ask(without her actually having to ask), "So, how old are you? What do you do? Do you have a girlfriend?"

The laughs alone are worth every bit of it. Again, the only real purpose this serves is for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. You KNOW its funny.

And thats pretty much it. The art of being a seductive idiot. Entertaining yourself.

Have fun.

EDIT: If anyone has to ask why its called "PUA CLICHE", get a grip.

WE HAVE OUR OWN CLICHES. WE ACTUALLY CALL THIS CRAP AN INTERVIEW IN THE COMMUNITY, LOL. Disposable lighter repair man... seriously, lol. Girlfriends who love each other as much as they love me: that top-hat magic trick guy.

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