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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “You are Who You Hang Out With”

Recent post by Krome, June 16, 2008

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"Get rid of your loser/girless/afc/virgin-not-by-choice friends at least until you're independant enough to do this stuff on youre own regardless of whether or not the encourage or discourage you." -Nashvilleplayboy

I recently made the decision to only hang out with guys who are good with girls, cool social guys, and girls.

I remember Tyler Durden saying in some post that to achieve success you have to hang around with people who don't give a fuck about your current success level because they're so beyond it.

But It seems like a very shallow and immoral thing to do. To give up friends and decide not to hang out with certain people in order to get girls doesn't seem like the most compassionate thing to do. But it makes sense and it must be done. There's a saying that says you are who you hang out with. If I hang out with girls and guys that can get girls it will tremendously improve my skills. I will be consciously and even uncosciously learning hundreds of things to help get to the place I want to be.

I have the desire to move forward and so I have to leave a lot behind. To bring myself to the success level I want, I have to hang out with people who already have that success level. I have to move on to bigger and better things.

Is this really a good idea? I'll be limiting who I can hang out with and cutting off opportunities to socialize and friends of the past, but only to improve quality over quantity.

And like NVP said, i can always go back to my other friends once I'm independent enough to do this stuff on my own regardless of who I'm with.

I just want to make sure its a good decision- any thoughts?

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