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Recent post by TheCostOfSuccess, June 30, 2008

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I suggest you take, a good hour aside to read this, and treat this VERY seriously. Go get some food, a drink, before you sit down. This is a truly unique post (even for me). I have spent two and a half hours today writing this, to ensure it is clear and concise. It is a culmination of several years of research, that was only made possible by my unique disposistion. It as such, is unlikely for you to ever come across anything like this again. Having said that, it will appear quite normal I am proud to say, and won't seem like much at all (but don't be fooled).
But like any of my posts, this is first and formost to be enjoyed. So..

INNER GAME»: Distraction Till Immersion

The way the mind works is too complicated to go into.
But suffice it to say, the mind, goes into entirely different realities, all the time.

When you are happy, you only remember good things. You can't see bad things if you try.
When you are a bit shadey you can only see and remember shadey things.
When you are inspired, you can only see ways that your idea works.

You could say these are REALITIES, more than emotions.

Basically, there is a DEEP STRUCTURE, to your emotions that are invisible, that most people aren't aware enough to recognise, these deep structures deeply influence your reality.
Anyways, its important to note, that these aren't "emotions" perse'.
Not really.. (lets call them IDs "invisible deep structures")

They are something else

Something way too complex to fake, or induce by any method of skill.
You CAN to some degree influence actual emotions.
Via methods like:
- Changing point of view
- Changing opinion and honestly attempting to see that view
- Waiting it out
- Being a really good actor

However, all these methods, allow you ONLY to control "emotions" which are the things YOU CAN SEE. They do not allow you to evoke, or create emotions that are OUTSIDE YOUR REALITY.

For you to ACTUALLY change this deeper process within your mind, you cannot use, your reality perse'.
Since, their are limitations.

If you want to change your emotion, but you are only in a reality where good emotions exist.. I think you can guess how your power of control over self is diminished no matter how excellently you are an actor etc. Your mind is fixated and immersed within a reality it cannot or will not take itself away from.

I guess you could say, you are limited by your "imagination". And your imagination doesn't span too far from the current reality. Even if you really think it does.

Now before I go further I should tell you something important.
Each, and every one of these IDs, is UTTERLY CONVINCING. So convincing, that it creates a very limitation to your abilities.
Kind of like a box.
Now within this box, everything exists..

Lets take inspiration for example. You've just come up with an idea. Now all you can see is that this connects with EVERYTHING, and it makes SO MUCH SENSE! It is all that could be! Its right, and you know it is. Everything in your reality proves it.

Thing is.. Their is a limitation. Because no matter HOW SMART YOU ARE, you will ALWAYS be limited by your REALITY, or you IDS.
That inspired thought, may have been taken and consumed the INTIRE structure of your reality, and everything you saw made PERFECT SENSE. Nothing could contradict it.

HOWEVER, its resourses ARE LIMITED.
You must understand that you will ALWAYS be limited by your IDS (invisible deep structure).

It is for this reason, that no matter how hard you try, or how fully you exert yourself, you may still indeed fail. Whether it be to grasp something, or to fight something, or to see something, or to feel something, or to imagine something.
You are limited by your IDS.

Essentially, you are limited by what you cannot see.

You can be perfectly convinced of anything, if it fits your IDS (deep structure). You will honestly believe, their is no shade in the world, when you are happy. You will honestly believe you cannot be wrong when inspired. You will honestly believe, how you feel, and your reality.

This is a good thing, and my point is not to get rid of this, but rather to allow you to appreciate what is around you, so that you may understand, that IDS are VERY convincing. Beyond your power of comprehension. Literally outside your IDS (invisible deep structure)

So even if you THINK your imagination spans away from your current reality, if you believe in IDS, then it really doesn't. Its always within the IDS, however IDS aren't rigid, and are subject to flowing, flipping, switching etc naturally.
Your imagination may, extend, but it won't go too far, without the IDS keeping tabs on it.
So as convinced as you get, you may still be in the IDS. (good thing, but important to understand)

To change the IDS, I am only aware of one method, that is clean, painless, and natural. And it is by using nature itself.

I call it.. Distraction till immersion (DTI).

This runs off the principle of IDS. And that there is deep structure, underneath emotion, that is invisible, because it makes up your reality.

Via exposing oneself to a different focus, for a prolonged period, one gets "distracted".. Which is essentially a shift in IDS. And if one gets distracted long enough, a person becomes immersed, which is the point of no return, where the IDS becomes self reliant, and the system is sustainable.

For example, ever have an arguement with someone, then you both get distracted by a commotion outside. You are both still kinda aware of the stuff to go back to, but are distracted right now, and are experiencing a different IDS.. If that distraction goes on for long enough, or is important enough, like say, a wrecking ball is demolishing everybodies house in the street and yours is next, and the guy behind the wheel is a madman.

All of a sudden, you become DEEPLY IMMERSED. You no longer need, the arguement in the house in your IDS, its completely unneeded to sustain you. Now this madman, with a wrecking ball is SUSTAINING YOUR EMOTIONAL BASE.
He has provided you with a new IDS (invisible deep structure).

Now, by understanding this, I can understand the true power of distraction, and immersion. And how they are unique, in the fact that they restructure your IDS.

So now, the saying, "your focus determines your reality" is very powerful indeed.
What distracts you, what consumes you, what absorbs you, WILL BECOME YOU, will become your reality, will establish your IDS.

And your IDS, sets the limitations of the system. No matter how hard you try, within the IDS, you won't really change THAT much, although it IS possible.

Though great power usually comes from an IDS shift.
Often called
- Leaps of faith
- Letting go
- Just be
- Do or do not, there is no try
- Believe

But what people don't realise, is that great power also comes from immersion. Things like aggression, pain, etc, may suddenly shift, your IDS into a completely new place.. IF it reaches a critical point and IMMERSES you in another reality. (Ever have such a blind rage that when you come out of it everything is different?)
Thats what I'm talking about.. And its NOT common. Generally all emotions stay within the confines of the IDS, and are thus limited.

That is why it is so hard for people to "change".
Because, our IDS, is SOOOOO powerful, and invisible, that we cannot escape it.

So by understanding this, we can finally understand our mortality.
- Not stress so much
- Know you are limited no matter how much you draw from within your IDS
- Sometimes, you may be lucky enough to shift IDS, so when push comes to shove, there is point in truly trying. However for the most part, its just not gonna happen.

Only by understanding these things, can you truly, grasp what comes next, and truly embrace, and see the positive effect of DTI (distraction till immersion).

DTI, is not merely, avoiding a problem, it is also changing the very limitations that are imposed upon us by IDS (invisible deep structures).

So many times, DTI, is more powerful, than any amount of "trying hard", or "complete revelation", or "complete understanding". Because all the above work within the confines of the IDS (invisible deep structure).

This means that, when I change my focus, or avoid thinking about bad things. I do NOT and I repeat.. DO NOT, abandon anything.

If I turn a blind eye to someones suffering, it has more to do with me changing my IDS than abandoning them. It is infact, possibly the most POWERFUL way to help someone. For often when caught up in a situation, we become consumed by the same IDS that the other person has.
Which is obviously unhelpful, because they cannot solve their problem.

So by turning a blind eye, we are creating the LARGEST chance by default, of helping that person. (within reason)
Their are pros and cons to both.. However, it is sufficient to say, that DTI (distraction till immersion) is generally superior for several reasons.
- Your state can bring power to them
- You can act with your strength and vitality
- There is a principle in nature, that helps anybody that is outcome independent

Suffice it to say.. Becoming absorbed or intangled in a situation is the SECOND CHOICE. The one you take if their is no other practical way, or if you cannot accept the possibility of missing out on something.
However, generally its still the best option, even if you must sacrifice. Because DTI, adds great value.

Its important you understand that, or you will not be ready, to apply DTI, and you will always feel bad about "avoidance". Without realising just how truly powerful, and how different IDS control, and DTI is from avoidance.

Its a highly refined system, with years of research and application behind it, that goes with countless wisdoms, and long held understandings.
Suffice it to say, by using DTI and IDS control, you ARE GOING WITH NATURE, and will be using the principles of nature.
Your actions will be strengthened by natures principles.

This is FAR different from any kind of unstructured, natural avoidance instinct. And until you realise that, you won't feel comfortable with DTI. You will have complications like:

- I'm not solving the problem
- I'll forget and lose all progress
- I am avoiding helping others

You must come to realise
- You are restricted by IDS anyways, answers aren't always solutions. DTI, will give you solutions, without answers. (preferable and more natural)
- There is nothing to lose, your IDS changes constantly anyways, via nature. Every IDS is somewhat created equal, its not as simple as just "losing". Perhaps write down notes, or carry a note pad, so you can not lose anything of value.
- You stand to help others more because it uses the power of nature which is more powerful than power of self (unless you REALLY REALLY truly put in an effort). So if you ARE NOT, going to put in the gods to honest effort. DTI is quite simply a more powerful default than absorbsion into the delivered IDS.

How to use DTI, for focus control, and IDS manipulation.

Well, this is actually the simple part. The hard part is understanding DTI, and that it is not just a stupid gimmick, but a very well structured and important understanding and maturity.

Its a simple premise

- Distract yourself, with positive things, that will help you achieve your goals.
- Use positive distractions, to motivate yourself.
- Use positive distractions, to allow you to no longer focus on negative imput.
- Give people positive distractions, to help them change state themselves.

Field example:
When I go out, I start focusing on girls shoes, what they wear, what I think of silly things, crude sexual sexist humor, or anything positive and helpful.

Then, when time comes, I can comment on shoes, what they wear, and playfully rip on them with absolutely no regard to being politically correct.

Basically, I predict, what I focus on, will make me feel. And how it will effect me.

If I am running low on "motivation"
I will stop focusing on the things I am focusing on. Instead, I may get something to eat, distract my focus, onto something that will rise my state "why the fuck can flys land upside down? I'm so confused".. And many other stupid rediculous thoughts..
Until I reach the point, where I become immersed in thinking these thoughts, and forgot the very reason I was distracing myself.

Basically, I DISTRACT TILL IMMERSION. Then I have a different IDS, and lack of motivation, is not going to be part of that IDS. I will have a NEW SHOT.

Basically, distract yourself, till your are so immersed, that you cannot remember why you distracted yourself. But also remember, you did DTI for a reason, so no use dwelling.

And by constantly using DTI, I influence my state, positively.

I don't just, be non reactive to shit tests. I FORGET ALL ABOUT THEM, DON'T NOTICE THEM etc
Instead I'll be distracted by positive things.

There are a few rules I go by
- Don't focus on girl
- Don't focus on girls opinion
- Don't focus on gaming her
- Get distracted constantly, and provide everything (girls suck at providing healthy IDs)

So do friends, and people around you.. They basically suck at providing positive IDs, some of the time. But most especially, when it comes to relationships, or "hitting on chicks"..

Your best friend, god love him.. May just be bringing down the mood, and by you focusing on him, everything goes shadey.

I have extensively field tested the use of DTI on kill joys, and the results are STAGGERING.
Whilst it is not a complete cure all, it is incredible, just how powerful, DTI can be.

I use a combination of both

a) Not focusing on what they are saying unless its a positive move for the IDS, being distracted when shadey things occur.
b) Using topic of conversation, or topic of focus, to DTI them. I will start talking about other things, IMMERSE THEM, DISTRACT THEM, within other things, change locations, get rid of triggers. They WILL become immersed, and their IDS will change. And you will reap the benifits.


Its important to understand, when dealing with TRULY powerful states, emotion is not merely enough. A killjoy does not merely feel bad. Its that their feel good, is also SHIT. So even if they act upbeat, they are fucked.
DTI and change their IDS!

You will invisibly and fluidly change their IDS, so subtely, you won't even notice. You will just gain the benifits, effortlessly, with no need to "claim" that you are awesome for doing so.

DTI, is an act of HUMILITY. Not an act of power. And that is what is so refreshing about it.
Using DTI is not a perversion of other peoples will. Or a command for them to change their emotions. Or an unfair manipulation.

It is humble, and not an act of power. (why I personally am fond of it)

So, use DTI, to influence IDS.

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