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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Thoughts On What is Funny and How To Be It”

Recent post by Klutch, July 14, 2008

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Awesome thought about being funny:


You roll over it real quick, because it's only PART OF YOUR STORY!

Laugh button - seriously, practice it!


Today was an awesome day, and I feel extremely happy and full of positive energy.

I had some great laughs with my co-workers during lunch. There was me and 2 other guys, and 4 hot girls.

I'm the center of attention, as always - someone has to be it, right?

I told a few great stories and had the girls laughing ridiculously! Then my wingman co-worker fuckin laughs so hard he starts choking on his food - which caused another wave of laughter that plowed into more of my best material, which kept the smiles going all the way back to cubicle land. They got loud!

The thing is, I'm not trying to be funny in this post. I'm just going to tell you a little bit about my style of being funny, how it has worked for me, and how each person needs to find his own style of how to be funny.

First off:

The best way to describe my humor is like a combination between good verbal skills, slang, simple details, and a way of pausing and saying shit at just the right time. I ride with the audience, I play them. The attention comes to me so easily, I'm like a magnet in these situations.

A guy who's good at being funny knows that it's like playing music, you move the melody smoothly, from one note to the next.

People laugh off the words and vocal delivery, and when they catch a breath, I hit them with a facial expression that is only but a split second but hilarious because I quickly revert to my stoic, laid back face/body language». They laugh again.

For the most part, I'm saying somewhat clever shit in a wry, unsmiling, unemotional tone and then looking away, saying, "Anyway..." "Well then..." I'll have an exaggeratedly snooty expression by raising my eyebrows and drooping my eyelids.

My personality is a combination between Mike Rowe (the host of Dirty Jobs in the U.S.) and Denis Leary. My facial expressions can be as grotesque as Robert Deniro, Jim Carrey, or even the Kramer character from Seinfeld.

There is a degree of self-deprecation to my humor. I will often joke about being blatantly hit on by ugly girls and describe the girls in funny ways.

I'll say something in a Mike Rowe tone like:

"...and the girl, well, she was butt-ugly but what can I say? It made me uncomfortable. She says, 'I promise I won't take advantage of you' and I'm like, 'oh shit..' and have my hand on my phone, ready to call 911..."

"She looked like Angelina Jolie - except not in a good way..."

So I've come up with this formula for how I get the laughs.

Here are the concepts of how it works for me.

1. Simple story (self deprecating concept)
2. Vocal tone/Body Language» (Dead-pan but Dignified)
3. Shit to Say
4. Facial Expressions (Appropriate timing is key)


For me, there is a somewhat self-deprecating concept in the funny stories I tell.

For example, the stories about me getting hit on by ugly girls. They are hilarious!

Those are perfect, and here's another one that is PERFECT, I use this one a lot...

"...It kinda reminds me of back when I worked over in the building on west central avenue. I was getting lunch at the cafeteria, and the girl at the checkout says to me, 'looks like some girls are checkin' you out' and I look up and see three of the most butt-ugly girls I've ever seen, staring me down..."

God, that shit has been bread and butter for me since I first told it to my parents!

Everyone laughs at that!

So that's the first concept.


Like I said, I am a huge fan of Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs. I don't know why he's funny to me, but it's just the way he'll say shit completely natural, yet articulate. He's got the slang too, he's not annoying like the guys on "Scrubs" can be. I like that show, and it is funny, but sometimes too much verbal is annoying. Too much of anything is annoying, so keep that in mind.

I go for laid back, but controlled, stoic, articulate, slightly snooty (in a funny way).

You've got to be very very slightly cynical in your tone.

With Body Language»:

Always be laid back, in control, non-invasive, open. Turn your nose away (in a funny way) after delivering a good punchline.

3. Shit to Say

Making fun of ugly girls in a highly exaggerated way is hilarious. To laugh, someone's gotta be getting made fun of - that's just how it goes. If you can't be a little cruel, go watch Nickelodeon.

I often say this:

"My friend's like, 'Well, that girl that you were talking to had hot personality' and I go, 'Bro - her face looked like a squirrel's paw...'"

Laughter ensues. Some will go, "what'd he say?" and the person who's cracking up will say, "A squirell's paw!" and then the other guy starts fucking laughing his ass off. Then I go, 'A squirell's paw, you know..' and I make this ugly facial expression and put my hand up next to my face like claws.

I have no idea why - people always lose it. They laugh their asses off!

I think of two completely unlike things - an ugly squirrel's paw and a girl's face. Combine two different things to create humor. Say that a girl, 'has a face like the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt.'

Exaggerate in a simple, but clever ways.

I remember a close friend said one time:

"Oh Laura? Her personality reminds me of a wet blanket."

That shit cracked me up!


Like I said I'm mostly very laid back and stoic. But I will throw out these hilarious facial expressions at timely moments.

The key is to make the face and be unreactive to everyone else laughing. Don't join them, stay in your element.

A girl from today said, "I love how he doesn't even smile!!"

And it's true, I keep control of my face when I'm being funny.

That's basically the meat of it. This is the stuff that works for me with great results. Everyone should find their own style, but maybe try using some of the shit I talked about and see how it works for you.
And that's that.

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