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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “You can succeed at this IF YOU FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES”

Recent post by Social_Artist, August 20, 2008

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I am by no means a master at life yet. In fact there are soooo many things that I want to improve about myself and my life that I feel overwhelmed at times.

What I DO know though is that I use to look very skeptically at this whole movement.

You see I made a few mistakes in how I went at this, and so I want to explain those mistakes.

Now that I realize the mistakes and am taking an effort to correct the mistakes I am realizing that this community actually indeed has a ton of value to offer.

So lets get into my mistakes shall we?

Mistake #1:

The first mistake I made was thinking that picking up women would be relatively easy. Read ebook, learn the way, do it, get girl. Magic bullet» thinking. Memorize some cool things to say, understand a couple of concepts, all woman will respond.

This is what I thought. Many people on this board and others STILL think that. Some are noobs and others have been around a while. The fact is that there is no magic bullet» and this is NOT as simple as coming up with a preset robotic thing that you do where you will be able to go out and pick up girls randomly within a few weeks. Just is not how it works, at least it wasn't for me.

Mistake #2

The second mistake I made was the opposite of this one. I began to think that picking up women was too HARD. I read so much theory and got so overwhelmed by everything that I simply didn't even know who I was anymore. I started to get cognitive dissonance because of conflicting theories and idea's. I began to go insane. How could picking up a girl be this complicated? It can't be!! Guess what? It's not.

Mistake #3

After making the first two mistakes I started thinking to myself. Well if it's not hard and it's not easy and it's not a magic bullet», than what the fuck is it? I started to think of how I would usually have girls interested in me before, how I had girlfriends, and even ended up with a serious girlfriend. You know what? This entire seduction community must be a scam. It's bullshit. They are just creating problems to solve them in order to make money. So I went back to my old self. Well my old self didn't do all that. Well compared to the progress I had made in the community and when I started noticing the matrix and how I would naturally respond to it, I realized I had a lot of work to do.

Mistake #4

That's when I discovered inner game» and congruence. I didn't understand how sometimes things could go well for me with a girl and other times they didn't. Even more strange was that often it would be the SAME girl. This never used to happen. In the old days it was chick digged me, chick fucked me, I got sick of chick or chick got sick of me, and we parted ways. Now it was different. Chicks were confused and acting weirder than ever around me. I discovered congruence, and I just knew that the inconsistancy was due to that incongruence.

So I went on a long tear to find everything wrong with me. I picked apart everything about me. I went on a quest to become to perfect man, the inner game» master. I would be everything I am not from top to bottom.

Thing is, i just kept finding problems. The more problems I looked for the more I would find. Then when I would solve a problem different problems would result. I would never have to look very far to find the next "problem" to work on.

After several months working on inner game», my inner game» was worse than it's ever been in my entire life. Kind of funny how that works out. lol.

Mistake #5

Out of the ashes of my inner game» quest of doom i started to realize what was happening to me. I was going through all this effort, all these studies, all this theory ... for chicks. Rule number 1 is to not idolize women and yet I had devoted most of my free time to trying to become someone who could have MORE of them. I had become a broken chump. Everything that I had that had led to me being able to attract them had been compromised. I had been questioning myself, not trusting myself, and tearing my life upside down to find the answers. There had to be another way. I already knew the way wasn't to give up and quit, but I didn't know what else to do.

So now here I am before you, a man that has made many mistakes on this journey and gone down countless dead ends.

So what have I learned that you have to do? What ACTUALLY works? What is the RIGHT way to go at this? Well it's actually very simple:

#1- focus on my strengths and on the positives and on taking action.

#2- Get out of my house and socialize as much as possible.

#3- Take ALL the knowledge I have read about, and small chunk it. That means taking ONE thing that I am not doing consistantly and practice doing it until it is AUTOMATIC. Reading a bunch of books, listening to audio, and watching DVD's no matter how many times does not transform someone into a pimp. You have to do the dirty work to TRUELY change and to TRUELY transform.

What do I mean by small chunking? I mean pulling one small piece of a program or book and working on it until it becomes a part of you. That means pulling what may be 5 percent of ONE program and applying it until it comes naturally. Like qualifying people towards the trait you want them to be: i.e "you seem like a friendly girl"

#4- Be PATIENT. Rome wasn't built in a day. Since I always felt this rush against time I never truely mastered ANYTHING new because I wanted to just absorb it all and become it, to somehow retain it all magically.

#5- There are sublevels and prerequisits in this game. If you don't have the basics and fundamentals down, then other stuff is not going to work. You have to know how to build your house, and there must be a STRONG foundation.

What does this mean? Well it means a lot and I will get into that in a second in #6 and 7 but as a simple example it means before you worry about mastering the mystery method» in it's entirety with all it's subtle and overwhelming mechanics, why not try mastering something like the gunwitch method»? I mean who knows you may find thats all you really NEED for outer game!

#6- Your looks, your style, your lifestyle, your interests, your hobbies, your identity, and your passions are a big part of your foundation. Get in the gym, find some interests, pursue some passions or at least a money making career. Most of us can't get by on game alone unless we have some things going for us, if for no other reason than the effect a lack of these things have on our self esteem, our inner game», and our moods. Those who think working on inner game» is the answer will soon learn that without this (#6) as part of your foundation, there will be a leak. It will be like filling up a glass of water that has a hole in it.

Another part of the foundation is your delivery, your mood, your outlook, spontanuity, confidence, competence, courage, masculinity, goals, value, preferences, tonality, nonverbals. (to name a few)

#7- Work on your insecurities by taking ACTION to eliminate them in whatever ways you can. If you notice a pattern getting in your way due to an insecurity, solve the source of the problem. You can't tackle them all at once, take baby steps. Tackle them CORRECTLY and EFFICIENTLY one at a time. Tackling one problem completely is much better than trying to tackle 4 of them half assed all at once.

#8- The only way to win at this game is to not have to be able to win. You HAVE to be able to walk away from any woman with no regrets. You MUST not be attached to any outcome. This HAS to be about having fun. It CANT be about getting women. Ironic I know.

So this was a long long post but I trust that those who took the time to read it, are the ones that needed to hear it most.

I know this sounds like a hell of a lot, and I am not trying to overcomplicate this journey by any means. Just remember to take baby steps and do things the RIGHT way, lay a SOLID foundation. Always remember that if you do it right and you are patient that there is no turning back. As time goes on you will get stronger and stronger, more attractive and more attractive. You will build momentum slowly and before you know it you will blow up. You don't need to have ALL of this together to get women or have success, you just need to have the map so you can know how to get to each place.

Hope this helps guys....

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