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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Some Real Honesty for You”

Recent post by joseph_went_south, August 29, 2008

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The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome is the fear of rejection. It's there under the surface even when you are not conscious of it. I don't know if it is better to be conscious of it so I can murder it or if I'm better off with it lurkin in my subconscious. I suspect that consciousness is much better, even though it's painful sometimes.

I think that if a man truly lacks fear of rejection, and this is based on real life experience, that he is a true professional ladies man, then that man can probably fuck as much pussy as he can possibly handle. Do you guys agree?

It is almost like I am a schizophrenic. When I am superconfident Joseph I can walk out the front door and get a new girlfriend by the end of the day. I have done it before several times and you have read about it. But to be honest, in Cayman there are women out drinking on the beach at 2PM or wanting to be and know that I am and it's just that kind of culture. Here I feel like a bit of a freak acting that way LOL. This is a "granola" town, at least in my mind so far.

I concluded when in Nashville with my wonderful new friends Johnny, Nashville and Tubarao that I can be more helpful if I lose the apprehension to show my human side. All of the crazy shit I write about is 100% true. Naturally, though, I leave out a lot of FU reports I could right and down days and depressions and self doubts I go through. Not to whine or complain! But just to illustrate with compassion that I have seen most of these problems and suffered from them first hand and in many cases came out the other side victorious.

When I am not confident I am in an "excuse process". I tend to be more productive with work projects and personal improvement like exercise and studying. So in that sense I can reframe it that there are the ebbs and flows of normal life. I cringe when I see guys "sarging" 24/7, because what happens – I have done this too – is, you'll start to attract people to an unbalanced side of yourself. For me, I love to stay up all night and party and play loud music and get ridiculously intoxicated. So when I am on a mission to talk to lots of girls, I tend to get into a manic state, and I start to attract the party girls and the professional slacker boys and, basically, all the other freaks who are on my wavelength. LOL. I can't do that as a full time dad and be a competent dad. But I also know that MILFS get fucked on a regular basis from coffee shop pickups. I know this because I have seen a lot of porn.

I guess I am saying I want to start fucking more office and professional chicks LOL.

This town is not a drinking culture. Sure they have it but the really attractive people (to me) are into health and self help. It's really good for me, because I need to learn how to fuck higher level women in order to be really congruent with my older, more mature self.

See when I am at a house party, or a place where everyone is drinking and interacting, I am really in my element. I know how to work that shit. Yoga class? Not so much LOL.

The problem is that when I get to the end of a cycle, I realize I want more female companionship, and there is a hunger there, and then a realization that I need to do simple things like, go out and say hello to people, return phone calls and emails, and so on. So I am more needy, naturally. Franco's Neediness Management essay was a real life changer for me in this aspect. It's just a phenomenon you need to understand and MANAGE. A man who has no friends and stops being sociable WILL become needy; it's axiomatic.

So I all of a sudden become more conscious of the need to calibrate things. Like I was blowing these two girls off for so long and couldn't even be fucked to keep them on a string and now I sense they have withdrawn and they will try to make me chase them because I embarrassed their sense of magic pussy syndrome. Do you know what stupid thing I did? A girl who is about to cheat on her boyfriend with me actually arranged the logistics to spend the night with me and lie to her live in boyfriend and I fell asleep! Abundance mentality! Fuck that is embarrassing to write.

But anyway I noticed another excuse process forming in my mind this morning, as I lazily turn over one more time in my deadly nasa foam mattress. Ok so when I am out of shape, I am kind of nervous about "what if she doesn't like me as much as I like her". This only ever happens with girls I really like and especially ones I haven't fucked yet. I start to feel guilty about using lesser women as "starter hos". I then say fuck this, fear of rejection is RETARDED. I have some very beautiful girlfriends and I have picked up beautiful women before. This shit is EASY.

Then I say, what about attainability? Here's my problem: I really, really love "7s" and "8s". I feel like I could fall in love and marry any one of these girls, except that I am not monogamous. They are cute. They are adorable. They are awesome.

And they are also very common!

See the paradox in my mind? If she is common, then I have no fear of rejection. But I also sense I scare some of these girls off when I display no fear of rejection whatsoever. It's almost like they have to preemptively reject you. To save face or something.

Here is where I am stuck. I just realized that I have been using this fear of rejection as a TACTIC. A bit of a feminine tactic, isn't it? So I will come on strong, very intense, then act "as if" I think the woman doesn't like me, or like me ENOUGH. I think my style may have often been what they call COQUETTE.

Here's why I don't like it: I feel my most powerful and alive when I am acting MASCULINE. I love to pin girls legs back, or better TELL THEM to pull their legs back, and tap their pussies with my hard cock and stare them down and verbalize "say please!!". Seriously I am that twisted, but that's when I feel ALIVE.

I am in a rut in this new town. I got an SNL two weeks ago and I thought I did everything masterfully. But this is the first SNL I have had where she was not trying very hard to see me again. I find myself mentally chasing her (not acting it out, of course), wondering why she hasn't called back, etc. Meanwhile my girlfriends in other cities are texting and calling me daily. I concluded logically that I really blew her mind. I mean, she intentionally did not shave because in her 35 years on this planet that's what she does when she doesn't want to have sex and it's always worked for her. So I roll in and give her two orgasms. I couldn't come btw and I fell asleep next to her before I did. She was really sweet in the morning and said she was really glad she met me. Next stop is she has been ignoring me. I told her I missed her and wanted to see her and she basically said "that's nice". So I have no choice but to go out and get a new girlfriend now. Fun times!

I guess I am afraid of being blown out in a small place. HBMommy is still very jealous of me. She "needs" to work night shifts now, to make enough money to survive and to keep me from hitting the bars at night. So I simply said "thank you! Now I am going to become the king of day game". It is the only way I can make it in this town. So in some ways, I am a beginner all over again.

Fuck, I have got to get out of the house. See you all later.

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