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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “WOW, Uncanny picture' of me.”

Recent post by Gunwitch, September 2, 2008

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A little set up here:

Was on barry kirkeys radio show, and it came up if me and niel/style were siamese twins what it would be like.

I said he would be trying to interview jenna jameson, and id be looking at her jerking off, and getting in drama, and drinking all the time etc, and hed lose it.

AND a guy who comes on the show associated with the mexican lair, said to get in the lair you have to bring a bag of potatoe chips, posted some pics of the lair guys etc and barry asked him about chickens in mexico, we all talked etc.

Anyyyyyyhow, I dunno how the guy who drew this frickin got the angles right, from my one and only pic online..

But shit, its dead on, to tiny details, barring a couple scars.

Could ask magnus or tokyopua who have met me, and wow, its strange how "dead on" it is, guy should be a sketch artist.

anyhow here is the drawing lol.

Have to remove the little squigs after gunwitch, to copy and paste it.

Funny thing is, not to seem arrogant, but this is like community art of some sort almost to me.

It represents in satirical form the major duality of the community, trying to be a journalist seeking fame and celebs etc, or crazy chickens, chips and lair people and drama and weird shit.

And you know why it represents that duality?


No I'm just fuckin around on last part lol.

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