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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “A mindset to skyrocket your results”

Recent post by A_Man, September 9, 2008

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I realized this recently. This is one of those "simple yet advanced" things. I'm putting it in advanced because it apples to everything, not just meeting and dating women. It's simple to state, but powerful.

Thinking "X is not a big deal" gets you lots more of X.

Afraid of going in for the kiss? Realize that kissing is not a big deal, guys and girls do it all the time. Don't place so much emphasis on it.

Dating beautiful women is not a big deal, either. They are the same as other women. Try all different kinds of women, just like women try all different kinds of men. Don't fuck yourself up by being dumbstruck by the girl you like. As you walk up to her, imagine she is one of 100 in the neighborhood.

Sure, there are things that are legitimately hard in this world, and you need skills to overcome them. But whether or not that is the case, getting rid of distracting and non-productive mindsets will change your focus and skyrocket your success.

Mainly what this change in attitude does is conditions your responses. As soon as people make moves to reject you, you poke fun of their attempt. Because you truly believe what you're doing is a normal everyday thing. In your reality, what they are doing is the non-normal thing, and they have to endure YOUR mockery for doing it. That's a powerful motivator.

I guess this is also called "setting the frame", but I'm talking about the mindset that leads to "living the frame" naturally.

There is a corollary here that I find bittersweet:

Things start coming easily to you when they lose their magic.

So you are out for that beautiful woman? You think you have to say 100 lines and routines to get her? According to this, by placing so much emphasis on it you're actually fucking yourself over. Instead, just think it's no big deal.


One more thing... since this deals with BELIEFS, you have limited power to affect them DIRECTLY. To really internalize a belief, you must affect it INDIRECTLY through experience. Rejections are going to happen. Your reaction to rejections is going to determine whether you think they're no big deal or not. So you can shape your beliefs by determining what attitude you have as you are getting feedback. Are you wearing rose-colored glasses, or a special snowflake doomsday hat?

Basically what I'm saying is, start to believe that having the success you want is no big deal, that the special girl is no big deal, and you will start taking many more shots more effectively. Then you'll be dating lots of beautiful women and the belief will come true.

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