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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “NEWS FLASH: girls pee a lot!”

Recent post by CosmicCowBoy, September 21, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

alright, so you are in some sort of social setting. you have to build social proof, pre-selection and some good solid BL. on top of all that you have to find a way so that everyone around the place observes all of this.

for a long time i would float around from group to group trying to build up my momentum in the scene. it took a lot of extra energy to move around and then get people to move with me. a total pain in the ass to try and herd two groups together for a merge.

then i realized that girls need to pee. last night i got my group to take a place right in the path towards the womens washroom. i didn't have to actively seek out women to get them to notice me. there was a steady stream of girls parading past me, noticing my social proof and pre-selection without any effort on my part. whenever i see a girl checking me out i would smile or say hello. it was all so effortless.

i also knew that eventually my target would end up walking right by me on her way back from the bathroom. she was somewhat isolated from all the huge group of guys she was with and at the same time she wasn't feeling too vulnerable because, as you know, girls always take a friend to the bathroom.

thats right guys, pretty much every girl is going to be in a very nice easy 2 set some time in the night while they are going to the bathroom. position yourself properly and she was pretty much walk right too you.

in the end i stopped her and she stayed at my table most of the night, leaving the group of guys she came with as a big huge sausage party.

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