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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The Value Beliefs of a High Status Player”

Recent post by RagsToRich, November 1, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

I have a lot of value and I display it:
a) Well groomed
b) Healthy
c) Muscular
d) Vibrant vocal tone
e) Outstanding posture
f) Strong frame - completely unreactive to external frames.
g) Very strong eye contact
h) Great body language»
i) Good fashion sense
j) Confident - whooping, partying, and seen being a strong communicator and clever socialite.

I never request (in any way) value from any of my friends (and nor do I ever need to):
a) Comfortable on own
b) Comfortable when the attention is elsewhere
c) Comfortable with friends having a good time, but not feeling the vibe.
d) Comfortable managing interactions and conflicts without any "hand holding" or reassurance from friends.

The polar to the above - on the occasion that my friends do offer me value (step in way of conflict, arm over shoulder, whatever) I am comfortable with that.

I give lots of value to my friends (remember my post distinguishing high status giving value from low status submitting value):
a) I give my friends a lot of attention, I listen to what they're saying, especially when they obviously consider it important.
b) I face my friends directly in group and when required. Especially when I can see they are under pressure or require support or require value.
c) I know how to WING properly (DAFS, discuss the rules, learn the communication)
d) I allow my friends to stand alone if they clearly want to (resolving own conflicts etc), but I let them know that I'm right there to step in if they need it.

I give women value when they pass my compliance tests.

I never give women value of any kind based on their looks, their own status beliefs about themselves, or the attention they may be getting from the chodes.

I diminish women's value to the room and to the rest of her group when they fail my compliance tests:
a) Negs which make the others laugh
b) Back turns (taking my attention, which is valuable, elsewhere)
c) The electric rib-cage (Cred: me)

Value Value Value...

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