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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “God Mode”

Recent post by Corvette, November 17, 2008

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Cosy talks a lot about trances and how new realities manifest as a consequence.

The logical logical guys who haven't seen what's possible may write him off as a crank.

It's like how TVA_Oslo» (who actually is one of the LESS logical guys on here! and who I think is AWESOME) said: "But why did she begin verbalizing that she wanted to #### you Corvette when you hadn't set the ####ual frame?" It's because in his reality this is a logical step that needs to be employed to get result X. Whereas in my reality it happens as a natural consequence of the reality I am in at that time. There's no logical way to get there... and you're not looking at it the right way if you think there is.

A naturally consequential reality such as God Mode is not like "Do A then B happens" - it's more like, reach reality A then B happens by itself.

Now I'm just a normal guy who has allowed himself the opportunity to see what's possible outside of the cause->effect model of reality. Outside the Newtonian action->reaction model which is drilled into us from an early age but is only the story of ONE type of reality.

So stuff I've done in God Mode, and which I'm looking forward to enjoying more of in the future:

-Making out with the two hottest girls in the club simultaneously by telling them "I am going to have a three-way kiss with you."

-Being served first at a bar when the queue was wall-to-wall 4 people deep. Her literally serving me over this mass of people as though this was normal (when we realize she was in a trance through repetition we see how I could make that happen by behaving congruently as though it was my turn next - this is the essence of being in a reality where you congruently get what you expect).

-Getting three girls into a club FREE, even though their ID got declined, by saying "Don't worry. They're with me." to the bouncers whilst making a "Come this way" gesture with my hand.

-Saying "I want discount on this entry fee" and getting it.

-Being given discounted drinks without ever verbalizing it.

-Calling a bar manager out and telling her "I'd like you to skip 4 or 5 tracks on the jukebox until you get to my songs, the songs that are on aren't very good for the bar." Her: "What songs?" Me: " You like them." (I did not know this). Her: *Skips the tracks*

-Waltzing to the front of a queue 50 people long in a diner and ordering my food, and being served it immediately. Two nights in a row.

-Waltzing into the same diner, ordering food, saying thanks, then just walking out without paying and it not even being noticed.

How all of these happen is simply an exploitation of the BIGGEST GLITCH IN THE MATRIX:

People capitulate to the person who is most certain of his or her own reality.

(Credit: The Blueprint)

Now why do you need trance to achieve this state of complete certainty, which forms the basis of God Mode?


(Credit: Me)

Read my realities post again. Trance masks the uncertainty in the left line, which invokes the right line to follow suit (external events become what you expect on your internal line - basic #1). Trance also highlights your desires on your internal line making them manifest externally.

These are the two main methods of having the dominant reality:

-React less to other people's realities (masking of uncertainties on your internal model)
-Force them to capitulate to your desires by having them react to you (highlighted desires on your internal line)

If you get both at the same time, you get God Mode.

Now this post has been left purposely vague as to how to move into this reality. That's because the process of reaching it will be unique to you. The aim of this post, instead of prescribing logical steps, is instead to plant a SEED of what is possible. The other aim is to get you thinking about the nature of reality and how much control you actually have over both yours and others'.

I have planted a seed for your Reticular Activating System to begin hunting down evidence for. Let it do its job. Keep going out, and let the evidence mount. Eventually you will be entering this trance on a regular basis, and your nights out will begin to get VERY interesting.

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