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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Knowing your worth (the foundation of inner game)”

Recent post by Torquio, November 23, 2008

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Your worth is an extremely important concept and is something that should form the foundations of your inner game». Knowing your worth and keeping this in mind will allow you to be unbreakable and untouchable when you are gaming a girl. Truly knowing your worth will allow you to completely assimilate the mindset of being the prize and translating this mindset into your body language» and your way of carrying yourself. Your worth is not only a concept related to yourself and your ego but it is also essential when relating to other human beings as it indicates clearly how you are able to add value to their lives.

Your worth is essentially composed of several things: your knowledge, your experiences, your personality and your sexuality. Each of these components plays an integral part in determining your personal sense of worth.

Think about it honestly. What do these girls have going for them except their looks? The answer is not much. Their looks will be gone as time passes whereas your self-worth will only increase as you gain more knowledge and more experience and as you build upon your sexual identity and your personality.

Your knowledge essentially comprises all you know about the world from what you have read in books and from what you have distilled from your experiences. This includes everything that interests you and that stimulates you intellectually, and it includes everything you could teach someone about life that they would find interesting or useful. For example, some questions you could ask yourself to determine your knowledge-worth are: have you read a book that taught you something interesting about yourself or about life? How much do you know about other cultures and how they differ from your own? What can you teach her about wine? About art? About the world?

The next concept that forms part of your self-worth are your experiences. This component is perhaps the most important since it truly makes you what you are. Seek adventure and experiences will come by themselves. The more experiences you amass, the richer your life will be and by default, the higher your self-worth will climb. Some of my experiences: sailing into a storm with a tiny catamaran, falling asleep on a train and waking up in some completely random place, attending carnival in Venice, tasting the best red wine in an Italian restaurant in Miami, getting lost in London with one of these bicycle-cabbies one summer night, watching the shooting stars in the summer, writing poetry and reading it in front of an audience etc… I will obviously not mention all these things to her however knowing that I have experienced them and lived to tell the tale adds a certain pride and allows me to truly feel my self-worth and be aware of it when I am talking to a girl.

Simply put, your sexuality is your sexual repertoire and the methodology and techniques you employ to get her turned on and to please her sexually (since you are on mASF you have a pretty good foundation on this), which is also tied in very closely to your experiences. Absorb everything on the topic of sex and don’t be afraid to test and try new things out. Inform yourself and read voraciously on topics such as the sex practices of the ancient Romans (if nothing more then for your own entertainment and self-enrichment), cunnilingus, S&M, anal sex, dominance, tantric yoga, masturbation, erogenous zones and massages. The more you know, the more you can impart into her when you do seduce her and the greater your sense of self worth will be.

Nothing makes you feel more of a man than being able to please a woman the right way. Knowing where to touch her to make her shiver and tremble or knowing where to lick or bite her and how to do it gives you an enormous amount of power over her since you are in possession of the keys needed to unlock worlds of pleasure for her. A lot of this sexual component comes from experience so it is a lifelong journey.

The final component which allows you to complete your concept of self-worth is your personality. This is the facet which is comprised of those uniquely individual things which are exclusive to you: this could be the way you dress, your sense of humour, your smile, the way you speak, your abilities as a conversationalist, the way you perceive the world, your ability to understand and employ sexual tension, and your overall aura. As you work on your inner game» and your own self-improvement, your personality will automatically be enriched. For example, I know that when I’m talking to a girl, the way I dress is conveying something about me. It is adding value because I know that I am dressed completely different from anyone else she has spoken to that night. The way I hold my drink or the way I make her feel at ease are also facets of my personality which add value to the interaction and to my self-worth. Everyone has a different personality and as long as you realize that you are unique in this area, then understand that you are also valuable – scarcity breeds value and there is practically nobody with the same personality composition as you.

Once you have meditated and created your own notion of self-worth, understand that NOBODY will be able to take this away from you and that as long as you continue living and learning, this concept of self-worth will be increasing exponentially. When you are talking to another person, you are offering them the ability to get a glimpse into this fantastic world that is uniquely you. Since you are now aware of all the things they will be able to learn and assimilate from you, be aware that these people are privileged to be able to sit and talk with a person who has so much to share with them. If they seem ungrateful or are putting up an attitude, don’t take it personally; they probably didn’t have anything useful or positive to add to your life in the first place.

Just this weekend I had a girl asking me: “do you feel like buying me a drink?” I didn’t even reply so she created this cute little drama whereby she proceeded to ask me if I was gay. She then surmised that I was and went on to tell the male bartender that I had a crush on him. After that she informed me of what she did, but upon seeing the fact that she was unable to faze me emotionally, she left. This did not bother me in the least. Why would I waste my energy getting offended or bruised by this little drama? A girl that prostitutes herself for drinks in this manner, then after being rejected proceeds to waste her time creating this little drama to try and “punish” me for not bending over to her demands is really quite ridiculous. I am aware of my self-worth and if anything this little episode increased it. I have now another story I can add to my list of experiences. Learning to think in this way will benefit you greatly in creating an unbreakable inner game» and projecting this through all your actions.

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