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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Basic Manners & Etiquette with real world example”

Recent post by JusticeSF, November 24, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

Open Line of Communication

People often start judging a person based on material items off the start rather than if they are good fit based on personality. In this society we are very quick to make judgments and assumptions but not give people a chance and let it build into a healthy relationship. If the person really cares for you they stick with you through times of prosper and times of desperate measures.

It’s important to keep a line of open communication and be honest at all times. The way you feel is important and there should be no secrets about your feelings about your significant others. The fact is that many women are much more in touch with their feelings and emotions than men are and they have the hormonal changes in the month the prove it. When you have small quarrels with your loved one or the boyfriend/girlfriend you are dating many issues can be resolved with basic communication.

Manners & Respect

Kelly’s Dessert Story. This is what we call in PUA a “Shit Test”. The women is seeking a confident man that will tell her how he feels and let her know through open communication. This can be accomplished two different ways the right way and the wrong. This is an example of the wrong.

After having dinner at a Restaurant with her boyfriend…

Kelly orders dessert then goes to bathroom and her current boyfriend starts to eat more than half of her dessert once she arrives back to wash up. She arrives back and starts to get upset and then demands to get another dessert because her boyfriend lacks basic etiquette and manners.

Kelly says, “I want a new one since this one has been already spoiled.”

The women’s look of disapproval on her face caused conflict with her partner. It was a challenge (he reacts defensive) Where is the situation supposed to go from here?

She was irritated that she didn’t have the first bite. Kelly was upset that he had the first bite. Why? She doesn’t have a problem with sharing…As long as the boyfriend would have asked. She didn’t get that mad,

Kelly said, “Ewe you have cuties” just joking around. "I’m not going eating that."

Is there a right or wrong in this situation? I consciously wait for the women to have the first bite prior to me taking a bite. It’s a form of simple table manners and a certain level of respect.

Kelly: Its’ not that big of a deal and I made a joke of it.
Boyfriend: He got mad and started to watch the Football game and ignoring his date.
Kelly: Then I got mad at him for eating my Ice Cream & ignoring me.

Kelly: It doesn’t make since for him to get mad at me for him eating my ice cream. It’s like going into a grocery store spilling the milk & blaming it on the storeowner.

Of course this happened at the end of the dinner and he doesn’t really like going out to dinner. It takes a lot of energy for him to go to dinner and then the evening is ruined. This is how so many nights end if because they are lacking an open line of communication… The guy thinks, what a waste of time, energy and money. Now both of them are upset over a simple thing like dessert.

Resolution of Problem

The Boyfriend should have waited for the lady to have the first bite, basic table manners. Or offered to buy another dessert and the situation would be resolved. The evening would have ended in another fashion for the both of them if these slight adjustments were made given the advice prior to the date.

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