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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The Trap of Sets and Logistics, WHY Natural Game works”

Recent post by PerfectMoxie, November 29, 2008

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It just came to me.

Intuitively I knew that I shouldn't put a tag on the sets or really care about the logistics in each set. But why? The most efficient way of doing anything is just analysing it and coming up with a solution, right?


At least in PU.

Everyone knows whe should be outcome independant and not really care too much about any of this stuff. But... Why? How could "not giving a ####" get better results than analytical problem solving?

I never got results while I was thinking or analysing, I just got them while I didn't do anything. The geek part of me accepts that, but, it stills wonders Why?

Psychological Investment!

Caring about Why, where, when, what or who in the set is the wrong way to do things. Each time you are putting a tag on these things you're putting in them your mental energy and time.

Because of the psychological investment there is, every time you're worrying about logistics.

This causes AA also because you already have something to lose at the moment of the approach. And IF you approach you are in disadvantage because the girl was just having fun, even if she gave an AI. While you were working!... in this militar strategies about the approach and the girl. You are the one that can lose the precious mindcrafted plan.

You can't relax and vibe when you have something to lose or at least when you think you have invested something to lose.

So that's the logical reason because Natural Game»» works.

Now in this type of game you're the one who doesn't invest while she is the one thinking about social hierarchies and all that crap.

With state control techniques I would be able to shut down the logical part of me but the geek part was still trying to "help" me analysing things. That's why this realization, about why not thinking is better than thinking, is sooo important especially for logical guys, like me. Because it roots the reality of why Natural Game»» can work, giving you a green card to try it and still be congruent with your logical side.

And...That's it. If you had a geeky part of yours that didn't let you go out and "shoot the ####", "don't give a ####" or do some really crazy #### in the field. Now you have a logical reason to do illogical things...and get results you can't even imagine right now.

Simple yet so powerful.

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