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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “What Is The Matrix?”

Recent post by Z, December 10, 2008

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I have no idea where this is going to go.

I used to think that "seeing the matrix" meant that you could understand interactions to the point where you knew exactly what to do next to push shit forward. The thought of that was pretty cool. Then I kept learning shit, and thought that the next step was being an obnoxious asshole who doesn't give a fuck and who can get away with whatever he wants. That was pretty fun to be honest. I probably got some of my best stories out of shit like this, just because I would throw the craziest shit at people to see how they would react. It was kinda cool. But honestly, there's a level even past that.

I'm at the point right now where my approaches consist of literally just walking up to a chick who I make eye contact with and saying, "Hi." That's it. I don't come up with ridiculous approaches or any of that shit any more, I don't try to be an asshole or appear like I'm some super-bigheaded guy who thinks he's the shit. I literally just act like a normal guy who has a little balls and doesn't even think that what he's doing is a big deal. And honestly, my success has fucking blown up because of it.

I think a lot of times, we try to either overcomplicate or oversimplify things here. A lot of the stuff that gets suggested here is super-high energy type of stuff, like picking girls up and carrying them around, being incredibly playful and shit like that, coming up with ridiculous lines and shit. And it does work sometimes, I'm not denying that. But honestly, by just playing shit straight, but with the added confidence that I've picked up here from doing my earlier shit, I've just had so much more success.

I'm not talking about being incredibly unreactive and playing hard to get. I'm not talking about being all up in a girl's face with all kinds of ridiculous shit. But literally, I just talk to a chick like I'm trying to figure out if I want to sleep with her, which usually is what I'm trying to do anyways. I don't give her the bullshit compliments like "beauty is common, what else do you have" but I say legit stuff to compliment her. If she does something I don't like, I don't do takeaways or anything like that, I just laugh at it because it's honestly funny. Simply put, I'm just not taking shit seriously.

This might sound like I'm trying to oversimplify shit here also, but I'm describing this to the best of my ability actually. Essentially what I am doing is stripping down every single part of this shit that I have learned. Everything. All I keep is the confidence that I know what I'm doing now. And then I just talk. I really don't know how else to explain it. It literally creates the perfect active disinterest because that's what it is. Your behavior is not altered because of her, yet you are talking to her. Weird how that works, huh?

I know a lot of this is probably going to be kicked to the curb by people, but I hope there are a couple of you who see something in it and maybe try it out for yourself. The biggest thing that I can say is that you aren't trying to put on any type of show in this, you're still appearing confident, and you have a complete willingness to walk away at any point because you have nothing invested in it. Those are the three guiding principles that I run with.

That's about all I got, hopefully a few of you enjoyed this. Comments and shit are always welcome.

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