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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The "Kit"”

Recent post by CallMeTarzan, December 18, 2008

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This isn't so much a tactic for pickup as a technique to avoid failure... I posted something about this in response to a message that someone put about having to take an emergency shit while out and about. Nobody really commented, leading me to believe that either nobody does this and is unaware, or this is somewhat common practice. Either way, feedback is appreciated.

When I go out and I know I'll be gone for a while, I carry a small stash of assorted pills with common medications in them:

acetaminophen (Tylenol, Excedrine)
diphenhyrdamine (Benadryl, Umisom)
phenylephrine (most Antihistimines)
loperamide (Imodium)
pseudophedrine (Sudafed, Wal-Fed)
loratadine (Claritin)
chalk (Tums)

Why do I carry these around? Mostly because they help avoid otherwise game-killing situations, but also because some of them can be used to improve your game as well.

The benefits of some of these drugs (all of which are over-the counter) are obvious, assuming you know what they're for. It's always good to have a couple painkillers for a random headache. Anything with loperamide in it works as an effective diarrhea inhibitor. Diphenhydramine will stop the sniffles (but make you somewhat sleepy). Phenylephrine will do the same, but clear you out. Loratadine is a non-drowsy allergy treatment. Tums (aka chalk) for upset stomach.

Using some of these in combination can help not only get you out of a physical rut, but can help improve your mental and physical state to keep you on top of your game. For example, if your allergies are acting up, take a benadryl and an excedrine. The caffiene in the excedrine helps combat the sleepiness from the benadryl and helps with sinus pain.

Another example - pheylephrine, when it doesn't have to do all its work clearing out your schnozz, dilates your pupils and spikes your blood pressure - makes you appear more interested in whoever you're talking to.

Caffiene can give you a 10-15% increase in memory recall capability. Helps you remember what HB9 told you (and what her name is) 20 mins ago before she and 10 friends went to take a long piss that you suspect was a #2.

Just be careful mixing some of these with alcohol. For example, Umisom and alcohol do NOT mix - that will not just put you to sleep, but might leave you unconscious for a few hours.

Opinions? Any one else do something like this? Additional med suggestions?

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