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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “On Being Present”

Recent post by Krome, December 25, 2008

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I seem to struggle with being present. I've never read the book The Power of Now and maybe I should but I'm not sure if reading the book would really do anything for me.

I think a lot of guys on here struggle with this same problem that I have. The problem is basically thinking too much and attempting to apply logic and analysis to everything in life. In corvette's post on being present he talks about how nerds and people generally focused on academics tend to struggle with being present and consequently, being social or any sort of ladies man.


During summer a couple months back a discovered that this was a problem for me and I sought out to change it. So near the end of summer I decided to stop thinking altogether unless it was necessary. Whenever I was out, i would just be in the moment, not thinking about a thing. At home, or in solitude I would still not think and just meditate and bask in the silence. It was liberating and joyful. My ability to socialize and my overall happiness skyrocketed.

But then school started back up again. I still kept up with my determination to stop being so thoughtful and just enjoy life. But pretty soon I noticed that my grades weren't nearly what they used to be. My new found attitude had replaced my old academic self and I panicked. So the past couple months I've been mostly dedicated to school finding myself tired, stressed, and generally not happy. And I'm also back to being constantly in thought and out of the present.

I've always been far on the academic, logical, thoughtful side. So much so that half the time I'm completely unaware and out of the present so I do clumsy things and seem like a space out sometimes.


But, back on topic, over this Christmas break I've read some posts from Corvette, z, and ijjji (links at bottom) about the present I've been experimenting with it. Following the advice, I've been trying to just see what I want and then do it. Like if I want to call up someone, instead of thinking first, o its late, they might not want to hang out, I should have called earlier, blah blah, I just pick up the phone and do it.

But it seems difficult to remain in the present and cut out unhelpful thinking and most importantly, I don't want to lose my academic abilities or general intelligence.

So how do you remain Present without sacrificing your intelligence? And how do you really become present anyway? What happens when you're sitting on the john and suddenly your mind starts wondering into the future or thinking back to the past? How do you stop a thoughtful mind from being thoughtful?

Sorry if this was long and confusing, I'm just wondering how to become present because I think it will help me tremendously with pick-up and my overall well-being, but I don't want to lose my logical and academic abilities either.

Posts I'm referring to---

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