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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Giving and taking away 'points' and rank.”

Recent post by battlecat, December 26, 2008

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Original discussion thread:

I've found that a great banter tool with women is taking away and giving points. For example:

You "Oh no, you're not one of those. You lose 3 points."

HB "HAHAHA! Oh no! What happens if I lose points?"

You "I might have to demote you."

HB "What will you demote me to?"

You *look at her like she should know the answer already* "...assistant."

Now you have a fun and easy reward system for the rest of the interaction.

For example:
She buys you a drink? "Thanks for the drink. I guess you get a point for that. Keep it up and you might earn half a gold star." with a smile/wink/pat on the head.

As with all banter, keep it playful. This is a fun game you're playing.

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