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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “How Complete Congruence Works : Sub-concious Acceptance>>> Your Action>>> How you are perceived by Society”

Recent post by RagsToRich, January 4, 2009

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Warning: Philosophical waxy post - not for the likes of TVA» But... really interesting.

I've wanted to post about this ever since talking about it with tasman last week... he's really the one who planted the seed but it's a fascination subject... not one that will make your dick grow any larger unfortunately, but still relevant and interesting.

I refrained from posting this because... yea it's philosophical ass waxing ... and na, it's not gonna help you get the balls to do something you weren't already doing. But it's still interesting/cool to know.

When your sub-concious has accepted that you are a certain type of guy, for example a guy who is "good" at "painting", then when you paint you will find things come easily. Your whole body and mind cooperate to further your talent, because maybe teachers/parents told you you were good at it, you decided that you were good at it, and then you fill that role in the matrix.

So after painting good pictures with the full cooperation of your sub-concious (congruence) then other people see your pictures and then you become the charactor "a good painter" in the eyes of society/other people too.

It affects the way you act, the way you dress, and everything about who you are.

THIS is how our brains work, and it's also how the matrix works.

Another good example is the kids at school who "just don't understand maffs"... because basically their social circle, parents and teachers tell them they suck at it, so their subconscious makes it appear as a fucking mess of shit to them instead of the piece of piss logic puzzle it actually is.

If you can understand this concept, you can understand why various types of people have no problems with X type of game, but then cease up at Y type of game.

Like I have a friend who will approach ANYONE ANYTIME... his reason is "well I've always you know just been a bit of a goof, it's what I do... I go and act goofy and talk to people "... he's a fun guy, he opens well.

Maybe because of things people have said to him, or maybe just decisions he made about himself throughout life, his subconcious decided that YES he is someone who DOES randomly talk to people... and therefore.. no AA at all ... he has complete cooperation of his senses and body... he is totally congruent.

But he can't close for shit.


Well he's not the type of guy who does that. That's showing clear interest... that's real... that's no "the fun random guy" any more... that's something else... he gets close anxiety.

His subconcious has not (YET) accepted that he is the type of guy who gets women's phone numbers... or seduces and kisses... and extracts any woman he wants.

So therefore his system resists the "odd" behaviour... he ceases... he lacks outward congruence.

Behaviour over time... which is mainly just getting your ass in field and pushing your comfort zone... complemented by other techniques... will change your sub-concious perception of yourself.

Once it "clicks" into place and your subconscious accepts that you're the type of guy who does X... then it's easy.

That covers step one which is ... Subconscious Acceptance>>> Congruent Action... the other step is very similar.

Congruent Action on your part eventually naturally flows into society and also into the other areas of your life. Until you become a new characature... the characature of a rockstar.. or a seducer... or whatever.

Just by having that image... by becomming that image, which your subconcious will actively encourage once you have convinced it that you are the type of guy who does XYZ, then the things soceity thinks are congruent with that image will FLOW to you.

Like if you become a badboy in the eyes of society, girls will start acting just like the girls in books/movies when they interact with badboys - their subconscious will reinforce this. Wet pussies, emotional, desire to fuck, unable to resist, and so on.

Anyway... apply as you will, but I find this very interesting, very accurate and very observable in my own development.

Recent example... People (real life) have started to comment on the sexual energy of my interactions... I'm being recognised by people surrounding me as a guy who's good at that... it's helping, it's helping to convince my subconscious that's who I am.... this is all a landslide in terms of personality change, because then the action becomes easier and more congruent... my style shifts naturally as my subconscious encourages it to... I appear more like that character so then society even encourages me to act more like that... etc etc... deadly circle.

I've even made a stupid diagram...

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