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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The paradox of Pick-up, Seduction, and Social Calibration.”

Recent post by RagsToRich, February 24, 2009

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This paradox applies to many other things as well.

I've made the following observations multiple times over the past year:

1) Now I understand something which Cosy wrote about previously, but I was either not able to understand or not able to understand properly.

2) I know now what to do/say which is well calibrated, seemingly out of no-where it's just totally obvious what a cool social guy would do/say and feels completely natural.

3) I now understand how to pull off a move which TVA»/Sleazy»/Et al wrote which I previously tried and it did not work.

This understandings typically come from seemingly nowhere after I have done the action in question.

In other words the material I read is being applied to my understanding retrospectively - after I have the discovery for myself I understand it.

Why is this the case? Dunno. Could be that it's just the way I learn (through action), could be that it's the way everyone learns, could be that my sub-concious understood it all along and took me to master the skills/techniques wrote about through some weird spacey nonsensical path. Why is not important.

The point is, once again, that only through action will you achieve understanding of the most important areas.

Another point... just because you don't understand something now or something doesn't make sense to you now, does not mean that it will not make perfect sense to you soon enough.

Also: it's quick-fix vs. real solution once again.

I have fallen victim to this back in December when I had a bit of a day 2 dilemma, I started asking people for advice on what to "txt" back in response to this "txt".

I got some good advice which bandaged up my situation... temporarily... before it fell to bits again later on.

As it turns out I fixed it myself after that.

But this is how quick-fix solutions work.

"I said this, she said this, I said this, WHAT NOW?!??!"

I have a wing who's always showing me his text convos and getting advice off me. I tell him exactly how to respond, he does, it temp fixes his situation, and then it fucks up right again afterwards.

Maybe because of the incongruence of my worded text compared to his personality, or maybe something else, I dunno.

The question he has to ask himself (which I've mentioned to him, in not so many words) is does he want to be a player who has the skill to text well, or does he want to rely on guys who know how to do it for quick bandage-style solutions to his weak txt-game.

Fuck that.

Just try something, this is how you really develop a feel for this game.

It's probably gonna take fucking years to become a pro, buckle down, accept that you're gonna fuck-up tons of opportunities and lose tons of targets and learn from them.

Again I'm noticing my post containing anti-advice advice, Lol.

It's not intentional I'm just speaking my mind.

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