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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “How to get away with utterly inappropriate Behaviour in field”

Recent post by Sleazy, February 26, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

Ever read about the rather unusual maneuvres some of the more advanced guys pull off in field like putting the hand of the chick on your crotch, fingering them on the dance floor, slamming them against the wall hard, or biting them hard and the like? If you are new to this, you will probably notice that it won’t go down too well if you try to, for instance, put your hand on a chick’s head only to pull her hair down hard. Many guys experience this. For instance, TheLetter recently stated that he loses the chick every time he pulls her hair. Rags, on the other hand, posted that he is now able to pull off “a certain move” that never worked before. And what might cause the different results those two guys get?

Today I skimmed through some of my notes of random observations from mid-2008, and I came across the following: “Pulling girls’ hair and putting their hand on my crotch used to cost me sets. Now they all go along with it. Instead of ‘I am sorry, I am not that kind of girl’, involuntarily followed by their walking off and telling all their friends what a creep I was they now say ‘I ususally don’t like doing this, but it’s okay when you do it.’” The translation of the last sentence, btw, is: “Please don't think I am a slut if I let you do this.”

It is true that I was fairly miscalibrated and had problems adapting to feedback. Instead of accepting that it might not be such a good idea to aggressively escalate in the venue, I just did it over and over again because I was such a stubborn bastard. Following my urges just felt right, and so I kept at it. Through repetition I became more and more confident. At one point, negative feedback just stopped evoking any reaction from me. Of course, there is a huge difference between a guy who wants to bite a chick’s neck and gets nervous when she tells him to back off, and one who just laughs at her and says: “Don’t worry. I’ll do it again later and that time you’ll allow yourself to give in.” (This is actually what I sometimes say in field. Just shrugging off a negative reaction is fine as well.)

The key is simply to be unfazed by their reaction. This is something that has to be learnt through experience, though. For instance, I remember a chick I wanted to finger. She flinched when I put it in deep, so I just pulled it back a bit and let the tip of my finger linger in there. I literally did not give a damn about her reaction, and she could sense it. Consequently, there was no problem at all. Quite on the contrary, she later on even conceded that I was fulfilling some of her fantasies because “you are this mysterious tall dark-haired stranger.”

If you feel the urge to do daring stuff in field, and not just think you have to finger chicks because some guys on mASF do it, then just keep doing what you are doing. It will probably take months, but eventually it will blow your mind with how much you'll get away with. Our benefit as men is that there is simply no such thing as a male slut. If we finger a chick on the dance floor, it might cause a stir, but it’s far different from the reaction a girl would get for putting her hand in a guy’s pants. So, keep following your urges.

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