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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Keep the conversation going/ Elicit Values+Other stuff”

Recent post by PerfectMoxie, February 26, 2009

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Every time you want to find out something about her or just keep the conversation going, you can use this.

You didn't tell about...


-"You didn't tell me about your dreams"
-"You didn't tell me if you can cook"

Make sure you use the right tonality.

It's good cause:

-Presupposes she has to qualify to you, setting a screening frame.
-It's an affirmation, not a question. More alpha


Saying Goodbye

Avoid just saying good bye in a boring way, it's better to say

"I have to leave you now"

It always let them wonder what you are up to afterwards. Sometimes it let people with the feeling of "WTF, is so important that he has to leave ME?!" Be aware of that effect.

To older girls

If you have a healthy looking face and don't have any bags under your eyes. You can tell them:

"Yeah, I have to take care of this bags under my eyes"

You being the prize frame + social/health savvy high value. When older girls hear this from you, they say to themselves, "wow I must look awful to this incredibly attractive young stallion" . Then, proceed to qualify and caress them.

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