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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “The Three Levels Of Sexual Tension”

Recent post by TheCostOfSuccess, March 23, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

The first level, is intuition.
How you percieve the world.
If you percieve things will go badly, they likely will. If you intuit you will fuck up you probably will. If you intuit you are gonna go awesome you probably will.

The second level, is blending, or "thick air".
Normally, their is a separation, between one action and another. But at certain times, the edges of barriers blend into each other.
Example: Normally a stick on the ground, is separate from yourself, and picking it up is "different".
But when the barrier ceases to exist, holding the stick or not holding the stick, makes no difference.
This directly correlates with women as, away from women, close to them, touching them or not, its all the same.
Usually this state, is accompanied by a feeling of "thick air". Like a fog etc.

The third level, is one where you can control swathes of energy, and swirling colors.. Mostly in the range of purple etc.
Exuding from everything, you can send energy and recieve it effortlessly. Adapting perfectly to nearly everything in ones environment.
This usually only happens at the height of impregnator ability.
One can manifest most any behavior of women through this.



1) Intuition

2) Thick Air/No barriers (fine line between this and that blurs)

3) Swirls and swathes of colors and pleasure


The first level is how you intuit your world.

The second is the line between this and that, blending.

The third level, is swirls and swathes of colors and pleasure


Well, I think the first level is pretty easy and straight forwards. I mean, it states that if you think big joe, is gonna clober you over the head, and is invincible, this is probably in some metaphorical form going to happen to you.

The second level is super easy to understand too. Basically, if you think there is a difference between this and that, you ain't at the second level.
Approaching for example, when I'm at second level, equals, girls just falling onto my dick. In a way, I'm having sex with them, from across the room. They are already in my bed, and it truly feels that way.

The third level, is most impressive. It causes visualisations, and understandings of pleasure and how to move it, in absolutely amazing ways. Its probably one of the most enjoyable experiences, and powerful states.


I'd say this model is fairly accurate after much tinkering.

For if you don't have the first or second level, and you try the third, you are only likely to be still on the first level. (aka, possible placebo effect).

If you get the second, with that removal of barriers, automation, etc. Girls will flow into your arms pretty damn effortlessly.
And so long as your intuition stays strong. You'll do well, and enjoy the situ..

If you manage to get the intuition right, the no barriers aspect right, and then the third level right.. Oooohhhhh baby!


Most people operate tension on the level of intuition.
But get battered around, by "dilemmas and issues".

Aka, they allow situations to batter around how they intuit a situation.
So their affect comes and goes. And tension is sometimes used for benifit, sometimes not so much.


Some are able to create a blending, and removal of barriers.
I was always good at this with things like escalation, and assume rapport, touching, role playing and flirting kind of stuff.

To me, there isn't really a barrier between doing it, or not doing it. Sometimes there is, but usually not. Especially, if the girl is my friends girlfriend (seems all barriers dissapear, and explains why I have to AVOID meeting girlfriends of mates at all costs).

Essentially, this blending, makes clashing not happen. Which is great for sex, but also great for the feelings of seduction etc.

Tension created through intuition, is made stronger, through this second level, because more smoothly, does the intuition coat, and flow through the woman, without "clashing".

Aka, it removes, the oneitis, needy, stuff that can occur in the first level. The intuition level.

Most people just don't understand this level is even possible, so its often unnoticed completely.


The third level, is generally created in sexual trance. Or inducing women into a very sexually animalistic state.
Aka, sexual trance, instead of "oneitisy attraction".
Effectively, its quite powerful, to an astounding level.

You can separate a boyfriend girlfriend couple, by luring her over by your command of pleasure and energy. And the dude, doesn't feel like normal, so can't act in the normal typical ways. You fuck the chick, and seemingly nothing much changes.. Or the dude walks off.. Its weird. But essentially incredibly powerful.

I've had someone else do this to me, and can vouch for the fact, that this feels so intense its like a person is blasting you with molten lava levels of pleasure. Explaining the differences in behavior, and ability to lure women so powerfully.

This can be created, by the perfection of intuition (something akin to animal whisperer state)
The perfection of, blending (something akin to a feeling of mastery, and fatherly dominance)

And then, the peak ability, the third level of tension, is sustainable.


When The Third Level Of Tension Doesn't Work:
If you don't have the first two down, it likely won't work.
I've tried to jump straight into the third, but usually, I get a compulsion to "go quick", or the feeling is "too bright" or too intense for me to handle.

But if you develop the first two, first, then move into the third, its a seemless transistion.


This theory, essentially, atlast, puts each part of seduction in its place.
And explains, the three different successful seductive states.
The Animal Whisperer
The Master
And The Impregnator


Word to the wise:

Most people are working on the lowest level. Intuition.
Assuming their issues have any bearing on such things.
This is stupid!

Stop jamming on that stuff, and instead DISTRACT, into positive focuses, so that the first level atleast starts working FOR YOU.

Then move onto the second.. which is blending, and no barriers. Aka, escalation will be easy as pie (simple sign you haven't got the second level, is feeling a barrier between you and the kiss, instead of being able to slowly move in and tease relentlessly).
This is why I SO FULLY recommend, atleast being ABLE to kiss and escalate, IMMEDIATELY.

The third level, isn't for everyone.
So meh to you all, I ain't givin away no secrets on that one
Its very cool, to just lavishly interact with women on that level. Makes me smile just thinkin about it.

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