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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Be Playful, Not Serious.”

Recent post by LikeTheWind, April 30, 2009

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A VERY useful thing that I've noticed is simply having fun and being playful.

This seems like common sense but let me put it into my own words...

If you're standing there trying to look "cool" and "badass" by not talking much, having a "cool" composure and just being very serious then you're obviously not going to be having much fun, or be pulling many girls.

I am naturally an introvert I believe, and I used to be incredibly anti-social so its hard for me to get in the 'groove' sometimes but I still manage.

One of my old friends (not my friend anymore) used to hang out around girls and NOT talk to the girls. (I know, wtf?)

He'd always talk about fighting and working out, and he'd actually pick fights with kids and beat up some middle schoolers a few times.

He thought he was impressing the girls, whenever we left he'd be like "Wow, man I was so badass wasn't I? Did you see the way the girls looked at me?"

I saw the girls about a week later and they were all FUCKING PISSED at him.

And very creeped out by him, but hes just really anti-social and just tries looking like a 'badass' and impressing girls with violence.

This is an extreme example, but a true one nonetheless.

Sometimes I'll go out and be very quiet and not even realize it and then a girl will come up to me and say "You know.. You're really quiet."
Then I'll just be surprised because I didn't even realize it, then I'll start talking and be more social.

Until a few years ago I never smiled in pictures and I'd purposely hold back my laughter or smiles just to 'look cool.'

I forgot the logic behind this but I've noticed a LOT of guys do similar things.

Have you ever known a guy who never smiled in pictures?

I've known a few, and a lot of the times they look like douchebags, ESPECIALLY when they're in a group picture and everybody else is smiling while they have their arms are crossed and they have a serious look on their face.

They try to look cool and won't just calm down and just HAVE FUN

Generally two things I always tell myself is "Stop trying to be cool" and "Stop being so serious."

NOBODY likes the quiet guy standing there at the side of the party.

Nobody likes the guy who has to try to impress girls and brag and try to be so serious about everything in life.

When you're hanging out.. You're out to have fun, not 'look cool.'

Don't be THAT GUY

Ever been to the club and seen guys with their arms crossed by the side of the dancefloor?
They probably think they look cool.
They're not.
They look like they're out of place, having a horrible time, and just can't have fun.

Just have fun, obviously.

And if you're not having fun, at least LOOK LIKE you're having fun.

Be playful, joke around, get with the vibe.

Make lame jokes, make a fool of yourself, laugh it off.

Seriously, having fun will make it so much easier you have no idea.

Smile, laugh, fucking enjoy yourself man.

Just enjoy yourself, if you're not enjoying it then why are you here?

Fuck it dude...


Have FUN

Its WAY BETTER than being 'cool.'

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