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Recent post by ockwick, May 6, 2009

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In many ways, this was one of the craziest situations I went through, and it also ended up pushing me beyond a certain point where I finally started being more proactive and taking charge of things.

This happened about 1 year after HBPickedMeUp. And guess what, I got picked up again. This was MORE than a year after my fingers last (and first) went inside pussy, my only sexual contact I had ever had, at that point.

I also gotta admit, this happened around the height of Badboy and Shark's popularity, so my wing and I were giving more attention to Eastern European chicks as a result. lol. Hey, it's true, I won't deny it, this is why I focused a lot on EE chicks in 2004. That and the fact that some of the EE types ARE pretty hot, too.


Inside some sort of Irish pub, EB and I are standing around on the edge of the dancefloor. Legs wide, leaning back. Things Badboy would teach. I'm dressed with some fake-leather fake-motorist jacket which fits me well, spiked hair, black jeans (same as last year). Peacocking no more, just dressing "cool" I suppose. Felt better too to dress that way, I was less of an entertainment piece. Looking like this is probably why I got opened this night by a Bosnian and her 2 roommates. The chickpit. Oh the memories.

The PU itself was simple enough. 100% like the hover. I was standing here, she was standing near, I turned my head and we made eye contact, one or both of us said "hey" and we started talking. Great! EB and I talked about travelling, Europe, and other things. The one who opened me seemed to talk more to me, so EB talked to the other 2 girls (both of them older than my target, one who SEEMED cuter, and one who definitely was in her 30s.) We didn't talk too long as it was getting late, and I hesitated on getting contact info so EB (bless him) points at my target and says "you should give him your email address so he can contact you again".

Effortless. She complied, and we parted ways.

2 days later, I sat at my computer and started composing a long email. Refining it. Rewriting and rewriting, hoping I'd write a really good email to "attract her". Suddenly I snap, and told myself "fuck it, I'll just straight up ask for her phone #, and she'll either go for it or not". So I emailed her something along the lines of "Hey was cool meeting you the other night, let's meet up again. Give me your phone # ". Got her phone #, and we met up.

This was the first time I ran my current "plan" for a meet up: everything simple. The plan is to meet up, never for an activity, just to meet up. Somewhere neutral, like a mall (and it's a good mall, has a garden on top, nice view of the city, interesting buildings nearby, etc). She accepted the idea, and we met up a few evenings later.

I immediately took her to the pharmacy cuz I needed to buy razor blades, she seemed weirded out at first but just came along. Then we walked, and pretty soon were holding hands and talking about our lives.. We ended up near some area where stray cats live, and I lean against the railing facing her and pull her to me, between my legs, and BAM! I started making out with her.

If I remember correctly, that was my first makeout that I initiated. Damn the precum was flowing in my pants, it felt real good. Not to let this one go, I suggested we rent a movie and watch it at my place, and hopped on the bus, rented the movie, and went to my place. We put the movie in and before the opening credits are even over we were making out and getting shirtless! Ohhh yeah "this is it" I thought. Got down to her bras and panties, and I started fingering her and fingering her and fingering her... Till she reached down to my limp penis and suddenly just stopped cold.

Oops. Either way, I was fucking amazed and happy with myself that evening. I met her up another time but she adamantly refused to come to my place --- looking back I shoulda refused to see her anywhere else --- and met her and her older roommate for a goodbye mini-party at a pub. Yup, my target was leaving for Bosnia for the summer, coming back in 3 months. We still had a lot of making out, and promised to see each other later.

That later meet never really happened. When she came back, she was really really cold to me, yet I went to her place anyway and she was such a bitch that after an hour or less I left and drove really fast in my car, crying, hitting my steering wheel, and fuckin letting all the emotion out! That day I also left my lair, cuz I was sick of some of the people in there who I saw as nothing more than leeches. It was very very liberating in some way, I had too much bullshit saved up and needed to let go a lot (more on that in the next diary!)

Now why did she grow so cold in those months? It wasn't just the distance.

You see, there were 3 girls in that group. Well, when mine left, I somehow got the old one in contact with my wing and friend Phoenix, and this started another odyssey. Meanwhile EB tried to get with her other friend, but she was such a man-hater that it led nowhere, and he still keeps bad memories of her lol.

Short story for phoenix: he went on about 8 dates with her, dealt with shit-test after shit-test about the age difference (she was 9 years older than him), until through persistance and staying power he finally shredded away all her defences and basically conquered her.

Now I imagine that, when she came back, my target saw all this situation and somehow felt FORCED or that there were too many expectations that I could place on her since my friend was basically fucking her roommate every day or two, and the walls are thin in a small appartment. This wasn't a fun fantasy meet anymore, this was becoming a really complicated situation, and it probably drove her up the wall and she convinced herself not to get with me. No matter how much her roommate wanted it to happen!

This goes back to old precepts of ASF, that chicks believe it has to "just happen" not be preplanned, otherwise it loses its "magic". And the magic was definitely broken once all those expectations were in place. It would probably have had been different if I had fully fucked her on that first date, rather than face her with a limp dick.. Who knows. Just a hunch.

So there goes another one of my firm beliefs that was implanted through experience: not only "make it happen", more like "make it.. JUST happen". It's all planned. A girl probably will know it's all planned, but because it's all happening fast and in the moment, she can convince herself not to notice what makes it seem planned.. And lose herself in the experience.

And such an experience doesn't work well over 4 months and long distance... As I keep harping.. This is FAST seduction. And only fast seduction gives her that experience of losing control and surrendering to a dominant male....

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