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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Basic Club Dynamics: The Rhythm of Venues and People”

Recent post by Sleazy, June 3, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

In reply to my recent post “FR+: Sleazy» at Club Pretentious (I)”, Brokenpath mentions a common problem:

>1. I’ve been running into
>countless cockblock friends.
>It will usually be when I’m in
>a 2-set, or something similar.
>One friend will be into me,
>and the other one won’t, the
>one that isn’t or the group
>that isn’t, always forces the
>girl I’m working on too leave
>with them, the girl resists,
>but can’t go against the pull
>of all of her friends/friend
>DEMANDING she get in.

Obviously, it is important that both girls in a 2set are in a good state. If her friend is having great fun, then you can easily isolate her. Problems usually occur, as he wrote, when someone of the group/2set is in a dim mood. Then they will be much more likely to cockblock or interfere otherwise. Just imagine that the whole group has a great time. If you then swoop up and yank a chick out of their circle, they will probably think it’s great fun too. Then you’ll have a fair shot. If your girl likes you (and vice versa) and you want to extract or isolate her, then she might check up on her friends. They probably won’t mind either because they are already having a great time.

The above is my experience. However, it does not work at every moment of the night. Club nights follow a certain rhythm:

1) The place opens
2) People slowly come in
3) The main crowd arrives, queues form
4) The atmosphere gets good, it’s packed
5) The people who have arrived earliest start to leave (due to work etc)

And this is how individual people/groups work:
1) Show up, warming up
2) Having fun
3) Getting tired, leaving

If everybody would show up at the exact same time, then working the clubs would be much easier. They would all be “warmed up” at the same time and having fun at the same time. In reality, there is often an overlap. You often have three waves of people. Some show up, say, between 10 pm and 12 pm, most between 12 pm and 2 am, and some at a later time.

Let’s say a place opens it’s doors at 10 p.m. In London there were places where, during the week, it was already packed and pumping at 10.30, which was because people showed up early, after drinking in the pub, and wanted to have a great time asap. They were fully aware that they had to leave at midnight because of work the next day. Thus, those were pretty accelerated environments. People got sucked into the atmosphere fast and the main crowd (students) that arrived at around midnight warmed up quickly. Therefore, you could isolate and extract a chick easily.

If you don’t mind a brute force approach to clubs, then start hitting on chicks when you feel that the night has really started and the (majority) people are enjoying themselves. If you are more perceptive, figure out where the person or group in question is at and act accordingly. I have had chick say to me that I was “way too early, because I just arrived.” Of course, if she just walked into the place she won’t be up for whacking you ten minutes later. This is not necessarily because she needs to get hammered to do this, even though this is a common misconception when it comes to club game. People have to get into the right mood before they are able to enjoy the atmosphere of the venue. Clubs are not part of the real life. They are a form of escapism. You might worry about your job or your sick pet, but in order to fully enjoy a club night people have to let go of those thoughts. This seems to usually happen between the first thirty to forty-five minutes. Afterwards, they are up for a lot of things.

>2. The venues I go too
>are difficult to really
>scope out without looking like
>a hunter.

First of all, the fear that you look like a “hunter” is often just in your mind. People don’t really care about this. However, there is a dynamic that determines how the people in your immediate surrounding in the venue will perceive you. The main factor is when you start to scope out the venue and approach people. The venue I wrote about in the above mentioned FR was certainly more of the standard kind. People showed up relatively early for my city and it got fairly empty before 5 a.m. Up until 2.30 most people were clutching their drinks and standing close together in their groups. Not only at the bars, but also on the dance floor you could clearly see who arrived together. If you then approach and get blown out, people might be more likely to notice because they are still thinking too much and haven’t allowed themselves to get sucked into the atmosphere of the venue. Also, your approach is much more likely to be less efficient. But if you wait until “the boundaries blur” you can easily swoop in and do your stick. The ability to “see” where a club is at, or a group of people, greatly determines whether you are able to work clubs well or not. Also, being able to literally see this will allow you to spot when you can escalate especially fast and when you might be headed for some boring conversation.

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