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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Remain who you are to be good at seduction”

Recent post by TheCostOfSuccess, June 10, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

To assume a person has to change who they are to be good at seduction, is not only untrue its also not helpful towards that persons goals.
It is important for everybody to understand that nobody needs to go through a "life crisis" and change who they are to become a good seducer.
Infact, what influences a person most, is not "who they are" but rather, their situation, their posistion and how they are being treated (do they have good health? Do they feel motivated? do they feel positive about things?).

The biggest factors in a persons environment, are ofcourse, things like their health, levels of stress, motivation etc.

"Changing ones identity" is silly for two reasons
1) It increases stress (reducing productivity and good decision making)
2) It is irrelevant

To assume that identity has any significant role in results is rediculous in the same manner that a comment "others don't feel pain" is.
Identity, from my knowledge doesn't make anybody immune to disease, stresses, pains, successes, failures etc.

So its now apparent that anyone with the belief "I need to change who I am", is counter productive to progressing in seduction.
For not only is it totally irrelevant, it also increases levels of stress effectively slowing their progress!!!

So in keeping this in mind, if you find anyone thinking they have to "change who they are" to be good at seduction, please help me and others, remind them that this is entirely unnecessary, and possibly because of the stress involved in such a thing, inhibitive to their goals.


Seduction is a skillset like any other. And through more experience and more time with it, you can grow a passion for it, a love for it, that may very well change your environment and thusly become part of who you are.
Its a wonderful thing, and its amazing how the positive influences of passions in life can affect you so benificially.
Obviously, this effect isn't particularly exclusive to seduction, its true with many things.

My point, is that, whilst positive influences like seduction may influence your life benificially, and possibly even change who you are in time, it is unnecessary and also inhibitive to stress in order to improve.

If you wish to become better, or want someone to become better, then it is like anything else. Better health, and more positive/productive focuses, will make sure that you are in TOP CONDITION, to be able to make progress.
Hobbies and things like seduction CAN be an important part of this rewarding effect, and certainly can be a major part of giving someone the qualities that may make them a more productive and pleasant individual.

A positive environment, and positive goals are important
Identity changing is not (read its irrelevant)

So if you see anyone with the whole "change who I am" crises. Please help me out, in letting them know that they need to reduce stress and promote their personal "top condition".


This way, people can get rid of that old clanky myth, and progress in a constructive and more accurate manner. Thankyou.

If you wish to improve at the best pace, promote motivation, health, and relaxation.
Anything that increases stresses reduces your effectiveness and ability to progress.
Changing identity is irrelevant.

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