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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Social Diversity and Growth”

Recent post by beerbonghangover, July 8, 2009

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I have to write this post as I've answered several the last couple of days about this topic.

When a guy speaks up and says he's concerned about what his social group thinks or spends a lot of time wondering how to become alpha in a certain group I can see behind that to the underlying problem.

You guys have no social diversity. It's like you have one group of friends and that's all there is. You always hang out with the same group of people and you very rarely meet anyone new not already in that circle. Well it just occurred to me that for many people this is true.

If this sounds like you I'm going to tell you right now THIS IS A PROBLEM!

Personal growth is a difficult thing. There's a lot of things that stand in the way just within you. Conquering your own inner weaknesses is hard enough let alone dealing with other people's perception of what you should/shouldn't be. People do not like change. While you're growing you don't want to have to struggle against other people as well. In fact in order to grow you may be forced to let many people go..

Having many groups to be a part of is a fallback when you have to let some go. It will give you perspective. It will also allow you to get away and develop as a person.

I'm still in touch with certain people whose perception of me is five or six years old. Those people have to literally be hit over the head with it to understand my current reality. Now, it is easier because they see the results. But if I went back when I had first started making improvements in my life these people would have laughed their asses off!

Diversify guys. Make new friends constantly. If you're bad at it learn how to get better at it. Join different social groups, play sports, organize groups, whatever. And get a variety of different social outlets.

Then you won't have to write worrying about what will happen because you went all "alpha" on the group and they freaked out. Or worried because you're not automatically alpha in a certain situation. Like the rest of us you'll just laugh, move on and continue getting laid.

Do you really think the top guys on this board spend even a minute a day considering if they are alpha when out in a social situation?

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