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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Tips on Social Interaction (featuring a gentle conversation with outfoxer AKA AgentS)”

Recent post by true_ace, August 21, 2009

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Hey guys,

After reading some posts and thinking about things, I wanted to share with you a couple tips on what I feel like are important aspects of social interactions. It's sad and funny to read posts on here that talk about how you need to NEG and put somebody down in order successfully pick-up a woman. You could argue that if you want to pick-up some LA-style hot-model "10" that you may need to use NEGS and put-downs, but I don't really see how I could have any fun with someone who is so delusional about themselves, that I have to use put-downs in order to build a connection.

1. Being authentic is my first tip. Being real; about yourself; the things you enjoy, your passions and interests. These are the things that BUILD CONNECTIONS with women. Not the phony 1-liner NEG that puts her below you.

This includes having taste, making choices for yourself, being picky about the women you like, meeting girls with the interest of seeing whether they qualify to you on some other level besides that fact that they're hot.

You want to use NEGS? You can do that without using them by simply being AUTHENTIC.

Girl: "I really like Nirvana."
Boy: "Oh? I've heard them a couple times, but Grunge music isn't really my thing."

I used to stall out a lot with women. How could I progress in building a connection when all I'm worried about is whether or not I could pull a slick move in order to build up her buying temperature. In the mean time, she's probably thinking this guy is a weirdo, and why is he trying to act super-cool and put me down.

Honestly, people that are that worried about their EGOs are no fun to be around anyways. I'd rather stick my head in the toilet.

If I like something about someone, I'll tell them. For example, I was at a bar last night and talking with this chick, and her friend comes over who is a complete red-head. I tell the girl I'm talking to, "I like your friend," and I say it loud enough for her to hear. She asks why, and I said, "because you're a real red-head, and you have all the qualities of one."

Or something like that. Doesn't matter, because I was just being honest about what I felt, and it was a unique compliment about herself. She smiled, and was very friendly to me the whole night.

2. Not being critical.

Sounds simple, but a lot of people talk to others in this PARENTING voice. I see it all the time, right on this forum! A guy comes on here, seeking advice and asks a question, and the pick-up wizards sense his weakness and decides to hit him over the head with a shovel of knowledge about why he sucks, call him horrible, and tell him how to game like him.

That's being critical, instead of being open, listening to the facts and making a decision based on what is true.

Accepting others for their different qualities makes having lots of friends and meeting a ton of women possible. People in general don't like to hear about how they can be improved, especially if they don't really know why you could add value to their viewpoint.

So, simply don't judge them. Doesn't mean I have to like that quality about them and even pretend I do. If I treat them the same way I had been, before I knew something about them, then I'm not being critical -- and that builds TRUST.

Just make sure you know the difference between teasing someone and judging them. If you do know the difference, teasing is a GREAT tool to use with women, because it comes from a place of having fun TOGETHER.


I just want to add that I haven't always been authentic and non-critical myself, but I've learned that I can open many more doors by doing so, and I also care a lot less about the outcome because I'm just

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