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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Where is your desire?”

Recent post by Krome, Septmeber 6, 2009

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Original discussion thread:

Where is your desire?

At one point in your life, you discovered that you really want women. Later on, you found mASF and the seduction community, which you learned could be used as a means to get to women. But then something happened to your desire. In fact, your desire disappears all the time.

You say you want women but you don't act on it. You say you want to get laid but you don't show it. You say your attracted to that one girl, but it doesn't seem like it.

If you have the desire for all of this, then why is it such a struggle? Why do you have to force yourself to go out at night? Why do you have to pump yourself up over and over before you talk to that girl? I thought that you had the desire for these things. What happened?

Do you think Michael Jordan used to tell himself when he was younger- "ok just gotta force myself to play basketball 5 times a week and practice shooting the ball, then in a few years I'll be good enough that I don't have to worry about this"


His thought process was more like this- "Damn I love basketball, there's nothing better than being on the court shooting hoops." Every day he wakes up with the desire to play basketball. It's not a challenge for him. It's not a method, it's not something that he needs to conquer or overcome. It's his desire. It's his passion, his love.

Why isn't it the same for you? Don't you love women? Don't you want to enjoy her warmth? So why do you have to force yourself to approach?

Follow your desire....

Go out at night because you want to have fun and meet some girls- not because "Mystery said you need to go out 4 nights a week to master the art of seduction»"

Approach that girl with a nice ass.... because you like her ass- not because you want to "get enough practice to get good at this"

Talk to that woman because you love women- not because you think "that's what you should do"

Touch her because you want to touch her- not because "X method you just read about says kino is important"

Your desire is what will make you good. Never forget your desire. This isn't work. This should be fun and enjoyable. Deep down you know that this is what you want. That's obvious because you're on a seduction forum reading this post right now. But you don't follow your desire.

Take action because you want to take action. Talk to girls because you want to. Escalate because that is what you desire. Always remember your wants and desires. Whenever you're feeling fear or anxiety, just think about your wants. Just ask yourself this question--

Where is your desire?

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