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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Cultivating Profound Change - Part III: SUMMARY”

Recent post by Corvette, October 3, 2009

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-Most people, whether they are good or bad at pickup or any area of life, are operating under AUTOMATIC BEHAVIOURS. Naturals are conditioned for success. Guys who suck are conditioned for failure. The behaviours happen first, THEN you are made aware of them. This leads to "It happened again!" thoughts and a sense of little control over your life.

-To change reality tunnel to one where you get what you want, you have to have an idea of what that reality tunnel might look like (you won't know for sure till you get there). This is why observing guys who are already successful is of paramount importance.

-Jumping to the new reality tunnel is a matter of two synergistically linked concepts:

1) Removing obstacles to success. This means tossing out unhelpful behavioural responses. This is done by careful observation and conscious removal (doing new things instead). Presence/meditation helps with this. Where a response cannot be changed, INTEGRATION of that response must take place instead. This "deflags" the response so it is no longer seen by the central nervous system as "bad" (shock state). An example: I was scared of spiders up until a few weeks ago. That was my imprinted response to spiders. I saw a spider in my room and stared at it, focusing my entire awareness on the terror. Feeling the terror without judging it. Focusing on the waves of terror whilst breathing regularly and in a controlled fashion. After half an hour, my central nervous system had deflagged spiders as "bad" and spiders are now "neutral". The breath is EXTREMELY important here. It seems to tie your central nervous system to its sensory inputs. The breath seems to be the "metronome of life". I cannot explain that yet but feel it must be due to its ancient nature (being linked as a fundamental system rather than the neo-cortex, our rational thought, that makes us human). You can use this process of integration during quiet meditation by visualizing things that have upset you in the past and focusing on the feelings till they subside. You will wake up a different person.

2) Doing the behaviours you want to see yourself doing. Humans do not learn verbally. Humans learn by doing. We have something called "1-track learning" whereby an action is learned by doing it once. Performing an action loads that program into your most ancient brain, the reptilian brain. It is up to you to discover how to get into the right states to be able to perform the actions you desire. I recommend doing things that boost neurotransmitter levels. I have said exercise is one such way. Remaining present is also critical while learning new behaviours. This is because if you aren't present your limbic system will throw those old behaviours at you. You "play the same cards" you always did. Meditation and clarity of mind are the keys to presence.

-You can have a perfect logical idea of where you want to be (goal reality tunnel), but your behaviours might still reflect previous conditioning. In other words you can know pickup inside-out but still be SHIT at it because you lack the experiential aspect of doing the right behaviours and observing their results. However, you can de-imprint the old reality tunnel (presence plus integration) and re-imprint a new reality tunnel by doing the behaviours you would like to become automatic. You can effectively become any person you want, and I have given you the tools here to do that. Think about how you view women and seduction. For me personally, "doing pickup" is no longer a paradigm I even entertain. "Attracting women" isn't something I do, it's something I am. That's because that is my reality tunnel now. I changed it using these methods. These methods are just one way of getting there. If they don't work for you, try something else. Never be afraid to try new things.

-Change comes quickly and is linked to "doing" new behaviours. This is how your unconscious mind works. It links up behaviours with results and makes broad patterns predicting how your behaviours will play out in the world. This is known as "your reality". You can do a new behaviour or remove an unhelpful behaviour and all concepts linked with that behaviour will CHANGE. You will wake up a different person. This is the flimsy nature of your reality tunnel and why any and all problems should be seen as simply as a manifestation of your reality and not seen as objective reality as a whole.

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