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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “'You're weird'”

Recent post by P_U_A, [Month Day Year]

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Original discussion thread:

I was hanging out with this HB7 in the library waiting for our classes to start (seperate classes). She was trying to read a book and I was distracting her from it(she wasnt really trying hard to read). Anyway we spent a while talking, I was busting her balls on everything and being C&F, she was lauging and it was all going well. Then she went to reading her book, so i just decided to poke her for a while untill she put down her book again and told me to stop (she didn't actually look pissed off or anything so it was all good).

ME: "you smell nice, is that just the bubblegum or are you wearing perfume"

HB: "i'm wearing perfume, wanna smell it?"

ME: "OK"

HB pulls out a barbie brand deodarant can, like the ones little kids use, and i start busting her balls (not in a mean way, just teasing) about it and about her still playing with dolls and stuff. It's working, she gets all reactive and defensive, but lauging her ass off. So we tease each other about that for a while.

ME: "that's so cute, you're like a five year old, i bet you're a barbie fanatic, do you have the house and the car as well?"

HB: "hey how do you know so much about that? you're the barbie fanatic, not me"

ME: "hell yeah, i love playing with dolls, iv'e got ach one and i dress them up and do their hair..."

HB: "Yeah definitely, me too, i always get the magazine as well"

I took her deodorant/'perfume' and started reading the back of it. It started with 'Now you can smell like your favourite barbie...' so I was thinking 'haha, there's some perfect ammo for me' and started reading it out loud.

ME: "NOW you can smell like your FAVOURITE BARBIE DOLL..."

HB: "Hey, stop reading that"

ME: "don't you wanna smell just like your favourite doll?"

HB: "Give me that"

I go back to reading the can

HB starts pulling on my neck chain: "If you're taking my can, I'm taking your chain"

I take off my chain and give it to her: "here, i don't care, play with it, pull it, hold it ransom, i just want to read your barbie kiddie-can"

HB looks at the chain for a few seconds then starts using it to whip me (playfully), then a bit harder.

I give the can back: "hey, than one actually hurt a litle, you're so violent, there's counselling for that you know."

She pulls out a permanent marker and starts blacking-out the whole can.

HB: "Now no-one will ever read it, and no-one will ever know."

ME: "I'll know, and i'll never let you live it down barbie girl."

HB: "All done, now it just looks like a normal random can."

ME: "if I can't read your can i'm gonna resort to poking you again"

HB: "Why don't you go get a book as well"

ME: "They don't have the book I like here."

HB: ""We're in the middle of a library, surely they're gonna have some other book you'll like"

ME: "Allright, but if they don't I'm blaming you"

I go and find some psychology books that look interesting to read (no surprise that they dont have prometheus rising of NLP101 in there). I go back and the HB is lying on her stomach, reading her book. I should have laid down next to her , but instead i sat against the wall just behind her, from where I had a first-class view of her legs and ass, which caused her rating to go up to an HB8 in my books.

ME: "You look really nice from this angle"

HB turns around and sees me still checking her out: "eww, you're weird"

ME: "I like being weird, I'm weird with pride, weird is interesting. Although I think the correct word is purverted"

HB: "weird doesn't sound as bad"

ME: "well lets go with weird then"

Then I C&f for a whiile and we talk about the books I picked out about some othert stuff untill its time for her to go.

Now I know I could've ran a bit better game here and I didn't use nearly enough Push and Pull. I don't use enough push-pull in my game, it's effective so i need to start.

And I should have just laid next to her and used the KiNO laddder.

Not sure If the way I responded to the you're weird comment was the best way to do it. People (mostly girls) call me weird or different a lot when I run game, but I'm proud of being weird, because I'm a fun guy and I stand out, so I let them know that, but is there a better way to respont to 'you're weird'?

I didnt kino her and didnt kino her when she left. Last time she called me and asked me to hang out, I went overboard on the kino (probably shouldn't have kissed her neck, was horny ) and freaked her out a bit. But I think (last time I saw her) it was my lack of sense of direction and plan for the hangout that really turned her off, sisnce I had no time to think of anything, since she called me and knew exacly where I was and called me just as I was done with these other HBs and told me she just happened to be in the next floor, bored. That's a realy weird coincidence that she was on the floor above where I was, yet somehow knew where I was and who I was with. hmm... anyway, i didn't kino this time. not sure if laying off the kino for a while was a good Idea, or just go in crazy again?

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