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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Two Years in PU”

Recent post by TheLetter, October 28, 2009

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I realized that my mASF account clicked to two years old.

I did a first-year-in-PU post last year:

I figured I might as well do a second year post as well. The stats given are up to date, except for a kiss that happened after what I figure is the 2-year mark. I came into pickup on a 2 year cold streak, and not having kissed or fucked a new girl in about 6 or 7 years. My first year had results I feel were pretty decent for a beginner.

Last October, I was still in the height of my massive kiss girls phase. With a few exceptions, this was when I was kissing 1-3 girls a week every week. That phase lasted until probably May 2009, when I started sarging less and chose to focus on other things. These days, I might only kiss or two new girls a month, but it hasn't seemed to really hurt my extract stats (if anything, extracting is slightly more frequent).

Last November was probably when I started focusing more seriously on learning to extract girls. I picked a LOT of guys brains to get a good sense for how this works (and by DAFSing myself, I've noticed I wrote some good in-the-process posts I probably want to review). This led to a big improvement in my ability to extract off cold approach situations. Compare: one gimme my first year (that I didn't even escalate on) vs. six this year (which has led to good sexual encounters).

The end of November was also when I joined my lair. I would say I was pretty active in my lair from December to May. This not-coincidentally corresponds to my phase as AlphaPunk's wing. On the whole, I did learn and grow from this period, but I also picked up some bad habits and unlearned some good things, but I think I'm getting back into the swing of being a solid solo sarger again.

There has also been a pretty big life change, which was leaving grad school and going into bartending. On the whole, this has made me a lot happier person. It's full implications on how I perform as a seducer are yet to be understood, though.

Some stats (in the format Category: FirstYears# + SecondYears# = TotalSoFar)

phone numbers collected: 43 + 105 = 148
girls day2d: 9 + 8 = 17
girls day3d: 4 + 2 = 6
girls kissed: 36 + 62 = 98
girls full isolated/extracted from cold approach: 1 + 6 = 7
total girls full isolated/extracted: 5 + 7 = 12
girls fingered or have given me handjobs (but nothing further): 2 + 2 = 4
girls fucked: 1 + 2 = 3
fbs converted: 0 + 1 = 1

Some analysis:

Appearance-wise, I haven't particularly changed much this year. My hair has gotten longer, and recently I'm shedding some fat due to the activity level of switching to service work. But I'm still the lovable short, fat Asian guy I've always been.

The phone # stats really shot up, mainly due to my lair sarging stage. You'll notice a drop, and not increase in my day2 and day3 stats. The big reason for that is exhausting social circle options (where a lot of my day2s originally came from), and that I went through lots of phases where getting a meetup was relatively unimportant to me. I'm probably in one now.

The kiss count for this year is still pretty big, but if I'm still keeping track a year from now, it wouldn't surprise me if that number shrank, but my lay count were a lot higher. I'm more interested in extracting girls these days.

Quote from last year's post:

TheLetter wrote:
> Extracting girls from clubs or bars still baffles me.

The best improvement I can identify is my cold approach extractions going WAY up. I'm 2/6 getting laid off these, which could use some improvement, but I'm not going to complain about. On top of those, I have one social circle extract + handjob, and one social circle public handjob. For the most advanced guys on this board, these figures don't sound like much, but it is getting closer to being on track to 1 lay/month, which is my quantitative definition of "good". As a point of comparison, AlphaPunk was out 2-4 nights a week, working pretty hard, feeling frustrated, but getting like a lay and an almost lay every month. Comparatively, I'm working less hard, having more fun, feeling a LOT less frustrated. I'm also no longer forcing myself in field when I'd rather be elsewhere.

I'm going to focus my development energy on improving my endgame through what 60 described to me as "positive challenges". This includes physical push-pull, shock and awe escalation, pureevil break rapport, and advanced sexual tension manipulation. A key point in being a positive challenge is NOT falling into a chasing frame once the girl is sufficiently into me, which I'm feeling has been a common pitfall in the past.

I've been in this long enough that I know continued successes (of various sizes) are inevitable. It's not like the well is gonna dry up overnight. And as I stick in there, I will improve and my sex life will improve.

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