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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “FR+: Acting like i'm not easy TOTAL BACKFIRE”

Recent post by Idealist, November 2, 2009

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This girl was my second quasi-success last year in the game, and am now trying to rekindle. I previously never thought i had a chance with her and she hadn't givin me the time of day before i found the community. I know her through friends. Last year after workin at it - ha she for some reason responds very well to being ignored in social situations and challenged harshly - went out for a lunch date, she paid for her meal, i walked in and immediately put my arm around her lower back, continued on with tons of kino. I had her drive me home.

I talked to her later that night, and she told me she would feed me chinese food if i came over, or essentially that's what it came down to. went over and she gave me a meal and we watched a movie. At some point she accused me of being nervous or something about kissing her, and i hadn't at this point, and I laughed and said something i forget and immediately kissed her, saying something about haha i do what i want or soemthing.

This was a gamble and ridiculous, but seemed like a good idea. THroughout the night i kept saying "I'm not easy" and responding to her last minute resistance with that. When she said "we can't go in my bedroom" i was saying things like "what! you think i'm that easy! i don't put out on the first date!".

But then i actually left early to make that power move - leave her aching for more was the plant. I got up and left before going further to try and show her i wasn't desperate, nervous about getting with her, and in control of the sexual part of our interaction. As i left, I pushed her up against the wall we made out haha passionately. I decided to leave in hopes this move would then lead to poontang very soon after.

She had been talking about how she would cook me a home made meal/make me some cookies and some other ridiculous stuff while i was there, indicating future meetings. I left the situation, i thought, smoldering.

Ha, she then flaked for the next month and a half or so. It was ridiculous. I should have gone for it when i had the chance. I then got into a relationship.

Anyway, now i'm workin on her again. She didn't answer 1 or two messages i left a month or so ago. I saw her a couple times in the last 2 weeks. She gave me a big smile from accross the room, and we had a little convo. At a party on saturday i kept telling her to come out and dance (i was dancing with other people as well, wasn't like a one on one scenario - friends dancing, as gay as you want it to be). I told her i wouldnt make fun of her blah blah blah. She eventually did come out, but seemed shy. and somewhat unreceptive. i gave her tons of kino on the small of her back and whatnot whenever i talked to her and leaned in etc.

When i left and was walking away she kind of called "it was really nice to see you!" wasn't much, but it was something, especially after responding to my touch well and flirting, or at least teasing each other.

Should i just continue interacting with her in response to her flakiness in the past-very little attention, no calls/text/attempts to meet? or should i make another effort.

My current plan is to see her, i guess tonight, at an event we both attend, and do some more face to face interaction before callin or texting again. I guess the plan is to try and arrange a meet in person/say hey we should hang out soon and gauge response?

What do you guys think?

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