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Recent post by pureevil, November 6, 2009

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Earlier this year I re-set my goals. I used to game to get laid as fast as possible. Now I'm gaming to lay particular girls of my choice. This change in goals has caused me to see game in a whole new light.

As a disclaimer, I consider this to be very advanced. New guys should go balls out and fast escalate until they've figured that game out. I would only move into precision gaming after a guy has pulled several SNLs, or at least has slept with many girls quickly. Without a clear understanding of fast game, which is eye opening in how women work, then going after "that particular girl" can be an excuse to be weak and drag seductions on that go nowhere and cause oneitis.

Here are the skills a guy needs in order to seduce each and every girl of his choice. This is all "in my experience" and "from my current perspective." I'm very open to critique, opinions, and additional skills as they will only help my game.

1. A guy needs to have good short, mid, and long game. He needs to be able to quickly calibrate which style of game will lay the girl he's after the fastest, and know how to execute each game properly.

2. A guy cannot necessarily assume attraction or comfort when going after "that particular girl." He must have the skills to build attraction and comfort before going sexual when necessary, though going sexual as quickly as possible is always key. The "as quickly as possible" needs to be properly calibrated to the girl. Some girls will simply not be receptive to high sexual energy before a certain comfort level has been reached.

3. A guy needs a clear understanding of sexual tension, when to introduce tension, and at which rate he should accelerate tension, calibrated to the girl. For some, tension should be instantaneous, others it should come only after a certain level of comfort has been built, or else be introduced very subtly during the comfort process.

4. When gaming "that particular girl" a guy should slightly err on the side of caution over balls. Balls out will blow you out with many girls. Show balls, but in a very calibrated way, where you're pushing the girl out of her comfort zone, but just within her "blowout" limit.

5. A guy should have an understanding of the different types of women and the different emotional states that these women happen to be in at the beginning of the seduction.

6. A guy should have an understanding of a girl's menstrual cycle, and be able to predict where she is on that cycle and when her horny week will come around. If she's three weeks away, for example, your best bet is to long game her until the horny week.

I could break all of these down in detail, but that would be another post. Here I'm interested in putting together the list of skills.

Any other thoughts, ideas, skills, angry responses, etc to help me along this new path?

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