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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “FR++: In bed w/4 nurses! LOL!!”

Recent post by ijjjji, November 14, 2009

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Last night friday 13th. Saw an UG in pub and steamrolled into her whole table (see NOTE1) which had a yummy(!) HB and 2 semihot girls.. Ended up sandwiching in dance floor between the HB and one of the Bs, while another HB I talked to before was watching and touching herself show-style. Good times.. Fast forward: I had to leave a bit. Pub closed when I returned. Found them in street. Walked them to a couple of clubs. Talked a bit with the UG. UG arranged afterparty in their hotel room, OBVIOUSLY scheming for my cock - ouch!

WEIRD dynamic in hotel room. HB (semi drunk) sat on my lap speaking about her ExBF AND her CURRENT BF, while I was slowly massaging her ass. As she reached the climax in her story where her Ex beat the crap out of her, I slid my hand inside her pants and started to massage her ass and asshole. I was getting SUPER horny but she just went on talking. Tilted her a bit towards me to enable reaching pussy, and just ran a fingertip across it now and then and FINALLY she started breathing a bit more heavy and rub my neck slowly.. At this point the other girls started acting STRANGE. 2 of them started tidying the room, and the UG started giggling and jumping on bed and hurling pillows at us.. a bit like a jealous 6 year old imo. THIS was when the BOMB hit me.. one of the girls makes a comment about a hospital, and I suddenly realize they are NURSES! (See NOTE2) Im like "HEYHEYHEY HOLD ON! Can we all please sit on the bed? Please! You and you, get over here!" and I just smile for a sec while they are going 'WHAAT?' And I go BIG grin and tell them I ALWAYS wanted to be in bed with 4 nurses!!! (Totally true!!)

Ok so they giggle and hit me a bit, and the crazy UG tries to MOUNT me and we wrestle a bit and touch one another a bit like putting on a show (what Cozy refers to as style/pose/gay when referring to dancing) and there is a little bit of random 3-way makeout. But BIG OUCH, HB is falling asleep and UG starts tugging at my belt. GRRRRR!!! I turn away from UG and try to wake HB up with kino and dry-humping but she is soooo slleeeepy at this point and Im wishing I could just KICK the other girls out and cuddle up with her, but alas they all stay in this one big room. ARRRRRGHHHGHGHHH!! (cr WhDrgn)

So I give the HB a BIG kiss and quickly hug the other girls goodbye and leave so fast that the UG doesnt get a word in. (See NOTE3)

* *

NOTE1: After I got more lean, UGs fucking LOVE me like crazy. So I use them as 'vaulting' points for moving between various sets. I should probably post about it, but you kinda get the picture, no?

NOTE2: In retrospect, this was where I probably should have gone to the toilet with the HB instead! I always found it hard to kill a fun party just to get sex though.. its also a part of my PU style I guess.. hmm maybe I should try to change this!

NOTE3: A big thing when utilizing UGs is to never reject them DIRECTLY, which comes down to navigating so that they never get a chance to verbalize a desire to fuck you.. FUCK I realize I really should make a post about the UG-insta-pivoting method. Not now though! Laterzzzz..

(Sidenote: I have discovered another crazy nice DF-move. Gonna put it in tech-forum though. Title: Dance Floor BJ Simulation (att: Cosy))

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