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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Girls responding negatively”

Recent post by jetsetjim, January 9, 2010

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One of the biggest things that trips up beginners (and that includes me once upon a time) is getting a bad or negative reaction from an interaction with a girl.

It's often very, very hard to figure out why some chick acted like a bitch when you made your opener. The forum is full of guys posting about this.

In almost all cases, the reason for this is almost entirely based in your body language» language and subcommunication. This is what makes up your "presence", and developing it will do wonders for your success in PU.

Let me give an example that you can easily check out: The character of Hiro on the TV show Heroes (played by real-life geek genius Masi Oka). This guy...nobody takes him seriously. His body language» is poor. Somehow, Oka portrays a guy who just oozes poor self-confidence. If he opened a hot chick, she would immediately sense that this guy is a beta male and either politely or not so politely blow him off.

In episode 20 of season 1, he meets his future self. Now, THIS guy is like some kind of badass Japanese James Bond. He doesn't have a shred of meekness. Past-Hiro comments about future-Hiro "I scare myself."

If badass future-Hiro opened a chick, she wouldn't even think of being bitchy to him. He has "presence". And it has NOTHING TO DO with his looks, but is all about how he carries himself. It's a testament to Oka's acting ability that he is able to pull this off, and it's also a lesson- you can radically change the way people perceive you with a bit of acting ability.

I remember reading an account of a guy who was a bodyguard for some starlet at a club, and a couple of guys get in to an altercation. The bodyguard is a short, balding guy. He walks up to the guys and says, "Is there a problem here?" and defuses the situation. Now, he wasnt physically imposing, but he had "presence", and subcommunicated that you didn't want to fuck with him.

So, if women are consistently (it will happen to everyone occasionally...some women really are just bitches) giving you bitchy reactions to your approaches, the problem is almost certainly "presence" and you need to develop your inner game». Women are exquisitely sensitive to weak inner game».

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