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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “ADDENDUM: Absolute Social Basics for a Man”

Recent post by Corvette, January 17, 2010

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This is an addendum to my Circuit II post found here:

I feel compelled to add this addendum because of a discussion that took place on my own forum. A member was telling the story about how he was in a car on the way back from a rave and the driver had the music on way too loud, and he wanted to know how to approach the subject of asking him to turn it down. My answer was: "TURN THAT SHIT DOWN." followed by turning it down if he didn't.

That seemed very straightforward to me. However, I thought back to even 6 months ago when I still didn't have these concepts of authority and dominance solidified in my own head. Then I thought back to 7 years ago when I didn't even understand them at all, and I just thought the world was split into "Assholes" and "Good people".

So I am compelled to write this for everyone reading this forum to explain to them the absolute social BASICS you require as a man before even CONTEMPLATING pickup. I know if someone had written this for me 7 years ago, it would've shaved 6 years off my learning curve, since once I got THIS, I can pick up how I like, when I like, and, amusingly, girls now actively pick ME up.

So listen up.


1. Resisting infringements on your personal space - both physical space and mental "headspace".

Example 1: If a driver has music on too loud, you have to know you will be able to get him to turn it down to a reasonable level. If you can't tell someone "Turn that shit down" and know that they will, you need to cultivate that ability. You NEED to.

Next time someone infringes upon your personal space in any way, shape or form, take whatever steps are necessary to rectify that situation. EVEN IF IT MEANS GETTING YOUR ASS KICKED. (This rarely happens).

Q. How do you know when your personal space is being infringed upon?
A. You will feel a drop in your gut, a sensation like "Something isn't right." This is part of the kinaesthetic way of "feeling" your way through situations and is fucking ESSENTIAL that this physiological system is acknowledged and utilized.

I am wholly serious when I say if you begin asserting yourself in defence of your personal physical space and mental headspace, the whole game of picking up chicks becomes infinitely easier. This is part of sending those cues that "I am a man of integrity" that girls sense a mile away, and is part of what causes baseline attraction without you "doing" ANYTHING.

2. Articulating what you want without excuses.

As a man, your desires are your own and can be stated explicitly without excuses.

You should ALL be able to say to a woman, without apologizing, "I fancy you" (or whatever cultural variant you have; that is the British for "I find you sexually attractive"), or "I desire you". It doesn't matter if it "works"; that's not the point. The point is, you should be able to say it to a woman you desire unflinchingly and feel GOOD about it. This isn't a clever tactic, it is an absolutely basic requirement for you to be able to do before even beginning to think about clever ways to pick up girls. If you can't even say the truth about how you feel, how can you possibly be congruent in trying to pick up girls? You can't. If you can't do this, get practising. If you assume you can but you've never done it, go out and do it. You might find out something about yourself.

Another example: Articulating your desires around men. "I am bored of this place; let's go." You need to have the ability to articulate your opinion whenever you like. If you want to go but they want to stay, you need to know you can leave if you want, or choose to stay if you want. The decision needs to be yours.

You need to be able to articulate your points of view and desires to both men and women, and be comfortable with receiving straight answers, even if they are to the contrary of what you desire.

3. Taking action.

In point 2, you learned to get used to consistently expressing your desires. As hugely important as this is, this still hands control of the outcome over to others. You also need to be able to do actions necessary to achieve the outcome you desire.

For example, in point 1, you wanted the guy to turn the stereo down. You need to know that if he verbally rejects that, you will do the action required to get what you want anyway.

There are no excuses here. If you have fear about physically intervening, this is a TYPICAL example of when a neurochemical "push" is required, and I taught you how to do that in the other post.

Your desires for women also need to be expressed physically via actions. This is things like kissing the girl because you want to kiss her. There is nothing extraordinary about kissing girls. It is simply doing actions congruent with your desires.


Follow the points in the order they are given.

Point 1, defending your personal space, is most important. Without that basis, you are not a man, you are a sheep who'll do whatever others tell him.

Point 2 takes that a step further by teaching you to state your desires and learn to tolerate flak from those who oppose them. Get used to that. On this planet, not many people want you to succeed. Why? Because it usually means THEY lose something. Get used to the idea that your desires are RARELY consistent with the desires of others.

In point 3, you are not only acknowledging your desires, but acting upon them. At this point you are a man.

These are absolute basics. If you can't do these three things, you have no basis to even be studying seduction. And I say that from direct personal experience.

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