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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “10 things that every beginner (and advanced player) needs to know”

Recent post by DeadEye, January 21, 2010

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Hey everyone, so I, like many of you, found the seduction community in order to better my own life. And it has been a really weird journey for the last two years because I have learned so much about myself, but have also seen a lot of downsides to what goes on around me. Anyway, here is a list of things that I think will help EVERYONE, no matter what their supposed skill level is

1. To improve your success with women, you absolutely need to take care of your own deep down personal problems first. Some might call this "inner game»", but I really don't like that term because so many things are lumped together with it. What do I mean by personal problems? Well, do you hate women? Do you want women to be a validation for the other parts of your life? Was your sexuality "repressed" by family, religion or culture? Do you feel like noone can love you the way you are and must change to appease others? Are you a people pleaser and value the opinions of other way before your own? Are you dissatisfied with your job and your treatment?
Now, you can proceed with learning pickup without taking care of your personal issues, a lot of people did. But that will leave you in a very dark and unhappy place and will raise a lot of personal conflicts. For example - when I first read a "system" and met a girl using it, I felt like I myself was a loser and that only the system made her like me, and she would never accept me without it
So yeah - your own personal issues COME FIRST.

2. There is only one thing in common with every single instance EVER of when two people met, or had sex, or were in a relationship - it started with communication. You will never get your desired results unless you actually go out there and talk to people.

3. Despite what PUA salesmen want you to believe, there is NO SUCH THING as a ultimate pickup master, and there is no such thing as an ultimate turbonerd loser. If "game" could be measured from a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 is the guy that never ever gets rejected EVER, and 0 is someone who noone ever cared about ever and he jizzes his pants at the thought of communication, guess what - NEITHER OF THOSE EXIST. Now, most PUA companies, in order to sell their product have you believe that you can either be that 0 or 100, and that is why people waste countless money and time on products to achieve that nonexistent 100 game, even though it is by definition impossible. As a side effect, guys that were pretty decent to begin with sometimes become far less successful with women once they join the community because they fall into that all or nothing way of thinking. So in short - game is analog, not digital

4. This is a touchy subject, but you must realize that Western women today have more advantages in their life than they have ever had before, and a culture that teaches us that "men are bad, women are good". This attitude is easy to fall into, especially for "naturals" or high status guys because they never think about this. Embrace yourself as a man and do not let yourself be taken advantage of. This sort of frame should be derived from point #1 but this has gotten so bad in western countries that it needs to be brought up again. It's cool to be a guy. Once you embrace this attitude, you will also attract the kind of women that will love and respect you, and not take advantage of you.

5. Looks matter, but appearance matters more. I define "looks" as your face and body. You either have a handsome face or you don't, you either have a great body or you don't (although both can be fixed but it takes a LOT of time and effort). Your looks give you a great foot in the door. You "appearance" however, is much easier to change. By shaving, dressing well, taking care of your skin you are making things WAY easier for yourself.

6. Money matters, but "passion" matters more. Let's face it, money makes your life easier, opens more doors, and funds all of your escapades. But passion - doing something that you really love, helps you resonate a great attractive energy. When you work on your "game", do not forget to work on your passions as well, it will make your life more fun and easier.

7. The points above make your life easier, but they are no guarantee of romantic success. I have recently met two guys that graduated from the best college in the USA, and a handsome dude that lost a gang of weight - nothing.

8. Everyone uses routines. From "structured game" guys to "natural game»" guys, to people that have never heard of "game" before. Ever told two different girls the same story when talking to them? That's a routine. So do not feel guilty about it.

9. Once you are comfortable with everything described above, you can now proceed freely to all the material that is available out there. Take everything as a tip or a suggestion, think about how it would fit you and your personality, and begin to apply it (as in point #2 - applying it is the only way you will ever succeed). It's ok to admire other people in the seduction community, their methods and actions, but do not get caught in the "PUA dick riding", because as we established in point #3 - there is no such thing as a master

10. With everything that you learned and will learn, remember, there are always exceptions. Some of them might lead you to the most wonderful people in your life. Ever hear the story of a pretty awesome and successful guy that courted the shit out of a woman, brushed off multiple rejections, and when he finally got a date, took his girl to see a movie????? What kind of a pussy AFC does that kind of shit? Barack Obama. Game

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