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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Positive vs Negative Energy”

Recent post by mankite, January 26, 2010

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No .. not that type of energy !!

Well ... maybe it is ?!?

They say that energy is energy right ?

Energy and Momentum are directly linked (in an engineering sort of way) and can be described in logical engineering terms.

If you are sitting in a car while it is moving and the car slows down rapidly ... you then will be forced forward in respect to the car .. correct ?

Thats an If/Then logical statement.

Now .. when you're talking to people and you have an escalating momentum and you do or say something that is less escalating ... it will register subliminally in the other person as a negative.

The energy .. although positive when it left you .. is percieved as a negative by someone expecting greater momentum when they recieve it.

Make Sense ?

It is a relativity issue in that if a woman is shopping and you walk by ... you can say something relative to her energy level that has positive momentum and she will 95% + respond positively (I had a few recently that for some unknown reasons didn't).

On approach ..

"oh thats nice ... your worth it"

usually gets a smile and good body language» .. both very positive responses.

(ok this next one you're just going to have to try because it is sooooo stupid that I didn't believe it myself but .. damn if it doesnt work every time.)

Do the "ijjjji smile" where you perse your lips and smile like your trying to not smile and say.

"... are you shopping ?"

(I know ... it seems like a "Duh" question and sometimes she will look at you like ... DuuUUuuH !

and thats what you want !

Because then you can both laugh at it and it does many things simultaineously .. it breaks the ice , it sets up a baseline of being able to laugh at yourself , you can now try to give the impression of being smarter than that .. because it is understood by most people that you would do so after an obvious flub.

At this point you have a setup where positive energy is easy to achieve and apply. She will understand that you now want to 'save your image' and so she will be more receptive to an escalation if it looks like you just want her not to think your really that dumb ..

Get it ?

It's like asking to be shit tested ... so that you can then nulify the test with a better impression. By moving with positive energy in respect to the moment.

It doesn't matter what she answers to " Are you shopping" .. but if she says "yes" in a trance like fasion ... ask her if she likes coffee .. or ask her what her favorite drink is ..


Ask her what her favorite (x) is or if she likes something specific ... why ? because most people will tell you the truth if they are not risking anything ... if they are given a choice (risk) without knowing and wanting the payoff .. they will say "NO"

If she tells you ... then you say ...

"Cool ... [PAUSE]

"... lets go get one ... over there" or "I think it's time for one ... right there" and walk off motioning her to come with you ..

... and see if she follows

I meet so many women just like that its incredible ! Its fast ... gets high percentage returns ... calibrates quickly .. and although I usually run into other obstacles afterwards ... it is reliable in insta-dating a cold approach.

If she says no or objects ..

just shrug your shoulders ..
shake your head ...
smile and say
"to bad ... I'm a lotta fun !"

and you're off to the next ..

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