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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “Remember: All Women Are Sluts!”

Recent post by IAmMaximus, May 4, 2010

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One of the first lessons you learn when you find the community is a very simple, yet powerful one: women love sex just as much as men. This is true.

However, I don't think those words quite get to just how hard wired for dirty fucking women really are. This has been written about in countless other places, of course, but I'd like to take the time to break it down for newbs here, to help anyone who might be struggling to internalize this very important concept.

Human beings are one of the very few creatures in existence who will have sex even when a female is not ovulating. Now, males of just about every animal species tend to be opportunistic and will take sex whenever it's available--anyone who's ever seen a pet hump a stuffed animal or someone's leg has seen this in action first hand. As in about all other animal species, women serve as "the gatekeepers" of sexuality, while males are "the keymasters."

What sets us apart from most other animals (besides apes, dolphins, and a few others) is that our females A) usually don't know exactly when they're ovulating so they have to have it a lot in order to reproduce and B) have a powerful sex drive of their own.

There are plenty of reasons why this evolved the way it did. Plenty of reasons why female humans have orgasms when there's no evidence that the females of other species have anything close. Frequent orgasms and the ejaculation of semen into the vagina has even been found to have a powerful antidepressant effect on women (seriously)! Women don't just like good sex. They NEED it more powerfully and more often than you do! When they don't get it, it does all sorts of weird things to their psyche.

So... why did we evolve this way? The main reason is that putting out helps a woman to keep a man (or men) around as providers/protectors, which has proven very beneficial to human survival over the long term. Multiply this by thousands of generations over the past several million years of human evolution and you get a strong evolutionary pressure for women to not just have sex with men, but for natural selection to favor slutty girls who enjoy pleasing their men in all sorts of kinky, slutty ways.

However, society has stigmatized female sexuality because it is a threat to the stability of patriarchal societies (gotta make sure she's passing on YOUR genes, not the servant's or neighbor's). Women also have to worry about pregnancy (a miserable, life altering, and potentially even life threatening condition, when you think about it), so if she's going to risk pregnancy then you damn well better be worth her time. And for a woman, even with modern birth control methods, the fear of pregnancy never really goes away because that, too, is inborn. You can't blame them, really.

Unchained female sexuality is also a threat to the value of other women, since a woman's status in a patriarchal society has always been inherently linked to her sexual desirability. Notice that when a woman is really jealous of another woman's attractiveness or social status, her most powerful insult is always some variation of calling her a slut or tramp.

Yet despite all these pressures, the underlying drive is still there, buried underneath the programming and fears, waiting for the right guy to come along and flip the switch(es) for it to go off and turn loose her inner slut. Waiting for the guy to take the initiative and approach her, then prove himself worthy of her and show that he can satisfy her desires. That's where we come in.

You are here because you want to be that guy. In fact, as a man, that's what you are SUPPOSED to do! Every woman evolved to be closet sluts who crave the affection and approval of studs who will provide them with the great sex their bodies NEED. It's simple biology. It's not just "women like sex because it feels good for them, too." The evolutionary pressures that have shaped women's sexuality run much, much deeper than that. Every woman you see, no matter how buttoned down or conservative she may look, longs to find a man who knows how to bring this out of her. It's in her DNA. Don't ever, ever forget this.

Need more proof? Ever see how crazy and silly girls will go over "sex toy parties?" Ever see a group of girls talking amongst themselves and see their eyes light up when the topic shifts to sex? Ever notice how every woman is only about 3-4 drinks away from a bisexual experience, or gets a curious gleam in her eyes over any suggestion of BDSM? Ever notice how often girls will give each other vibrators and sex toys when they have birthday/Christmas/bachelorette parties together? One of my exes even used to describe her horniness as "an ache" that just won't go away until she has an orgasm.

The average woman is hornier and more depraved than a man will ever fathom. All we have to do is learn how to draw that out of her. Then we get to enjoy the benefits.

God bless Darwin!

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