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What's New on Fast Seduction 101 - mASF Post - “A lesson from social psychology”

Recent post by Narcotikk, June 1, 2010

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So I was studying my notes from class and saw something that might interest a few of you.

The lecture was on attraction and relationships. In it, the teacher stated that threats to relationship end one of two ways.

When the person being threatened has low self esteem, their primary motivation for action is to protect themselves from emotional harm. In other words, they become defensive and aggressive toward the threat. Note that this threat could be their gf at the time, or target or whatever. What is important is that people with lower self esteem will become upset, smear the image of a person, or thousands of other defense techniques the ego is gonna use to mitigate the pain of loss in a personal relationship.

High Self Esteem people on the other are reported to focus on connectedness with the threat. IF their girl is talking shit about this and that, they try to understand where she is coming from. When a target might blow them out, HSE ppl will focus on connecting more with her instead of trying to defend themselves by walking away first or blowing themselves out.

This goes deeper though.

I actually took some time to meditate on how I reacted in theses situations and realized something shocking. EVen though i feel confident around women, sometimes its like i feel like they want to play this cruel little game that i hate.

Sometimes i play it back but only in a way that is hurtful, and i realize now done to defend my ego.

On the other hand, when im high or kind of drunk, i care less about ego and act more lovingly, even when a female acts like a bitch. i tend to think her actions reflect her internal state more than they reflect anything that i did.

Thats the point of this post and realization I came up with. Its useless to try and analyze your effect in women in a separate way. If you get blown out don't think its because of your techniques or anything. Think about why you two werent connected enough to continue the interaction.

If a woman shows you disrespect (real or imagined) dont focus on defending yourself. Think about what internal factors might cause you target to act this way and try to connect with her based upon these observations

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