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#PUA Chat Log December 29, 2002, Page 1 of 4
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Session Start: Sun Dec 29 22:40:54 2002
*** Now talking in #pua
*** Topic is 'pua - If you're not here to chat about seduction, please leave :)'
*** Set by depex on Sun Dec 29 00:03:39
<SweetFemme79> (though they do start them young in here!!)
<Air2000> hehe
<mmasters> yeah I can say that first hand, had one PU that came home with me and left after she saw it, said it was way to big for her, think about that guys lol, it sucked bad and I couldn't reverse it
<WinHandle> it's not about dick size, but more of sexual skill level.....
<Vince> Yeah, look at ######## - Never had a tongue kiss!
<Bryan`> 29 yr old virgin is so far the record
<gunwitch> no shit vince?
<zeev1> but mostly is ok
<tikipoki> ..!
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<zeev1> me too!
<zeev1> yeah never had
<tikipoki> Bryan I know a 50 year old dude who still lives with his mom
<zeev1> I'm 23 now
<gunwitch> thatd suck
<tikipoki> .. but he's nu pua
<Bryan`> whoa
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<depex> hes the small asian guy?
<wizzard_> WinHandle: absolutely
<Vince> Yeah Gunny - said so himself!
<zeev1> my little truth
<depex> no my brother is the record
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<SneakyBiscuit> whhhhhhew
<depex> he is 35, and he got the first GF in his life now
<tikipoki> !
<Bryan`> lol
<zeev1> I never french kissed and I'm working on it now
<depex> she sits in a whelchair and is FUCKED up
<alamo> good evening people
<mmasters> ouch lol
<Vince> Dude! Sneaky in da HOUSE
<tikipoki> yeah but you can fuck without a girlfriend
<depex> haha
<tikipoki> depex is your brother tom green
<SweetFemme79> Freaky. I've not been around the block too many times, and last partner said I gave the impression of having been with a lot more men than the number I told him (which was actually the real number). Not sure if he was taking the piss, but he seemed to be framing itas a compliment!!!!!! Ah well.
<SneakyBiscuit> sup party people
<depex> haha
<depex> nah more fucked up
<tikipoki> and does he beat her legs with bamboo
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<gunwitch> lol tiki
<SneakyBiscuit> i have plans ooooh boy do i have plans
* SweetFemme79 smirks at tiki
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<wizzard_> depex: hmm. but then, I went to uni at 18, left home properly at 21, was pretty much a virgin until 23
<tikipoki> well i'm not in any trouble right now
<alamo> wassup tiki,formhandle :)
<SneakyBiscuit> whats the topic people
<mmasters> is it just me or does it seem lame when people get on the subject of how many people they've laid with (?)
<ockwick> wow 37 people
<alamo> and everyone of course :)
<gunwitch> jumbled up sneaky
<SweetFemme79> It is kinda lame.
<tikipoki> wizzard I went to uni at 17, left home at 17, and got sexually molested (fucked) by a chick when I was drunk at 17
<formhandle> yes, # of lays is lame
<tikipoki> haha 17 is a good age ;)
<gunwitch> virginity kinda
<formhandle> and age of first los of virginity is lame
<Gatto> formhandle: did you received my email with sven's posts ?
<dulce> hahahaahhah good for you tikipiki
<Vince> Lost mine at 17 - no molestation, though
<gunwitch> form what does your handle mean ive always wondered
<SweetFemme79> Yet it persists.
<vrax_pol> question to english speaking natives: what does "peacocking" mean?
<tikipoki> Well did you have an audience Vince?
<Bryan`> entertain-not entertain? (don't u want 2 be entertaining?)
<formhandle> gatto, i got it... it's in my inbox... i haven't had time to sift
<wizzard_> formhandle: although ratio of pre-ASF : post-ASF lays is always an interesting statistic.
<Veroxii> femme: you reckon guys should lie about their # of previous partners... especially puas from here who could have had 100s?
<zeev1> vince: yeah tough history you've got there
<tikipoki> Peacocking is dressing so that everybody KNOWS you're there
<depex> don't use it to transelate gunwitches shit tough
<vrax_pol> ok thx
<Gatto> fh: ok.
<SweetFemme79> peacocking is walking around like a peacock ... male peacock (bird) has brightly coloured tailfeathers that are raised and displayed to attract a mate.
<greg8699> tiki what do you think of tylers boots?
<Vince> Vrax - to display like a peacock - wear an outfit that makes you stand out
<tikipoki> greg; they're nothing for me
<SweetFemme79> wizzard ... heheh - yeah, that is more interesting ;-)
<Veroxii> wizzard: Infinity - division by zero...
<tikipoki> I'm more of the brad pitt type 'rockstar'
<greg8699> haha too gutsy for me
<depex> wear black nail polish and show magic tricks ;)
<tikipoki> with big gucci glasses and shit
<gunwitch> i dress kinda ac/dc (the band) style
<dulce> 2hello
<formhandle> pre- and post- numbers aren't as important as "am I getting what I want" in a more consistent way than before?
<SweetFemme79> Veroxxi ....not sure about that
<gunwitch> brain johnson look without the hat
<SweetFemme79> Veroxii .... it wouldn't put me off, but then I'm kind of unusual I guess (as WinHandle has already pointed out)
<Vince> I'm the bad guy in the black hat
<vrax_pol> thanks guys, now I got it
<Veroxii> femme: simpler - you reckon a large number of partners would turn on or off?
<Veroxii> oh... didn't see your reply...
<tikipoki> veroxii
<Gatto> I look like jesus christ
<gunwitch> i tell people in real life that ive fucked 300 women
<Veroxii> tikipoki
<tikipoki> just ask her why does she want to know, does the number mean anything to her?
<SneakyBiscuit> mommy mommy look at that man in that black hat
<tikipoki> whay if you fucked 1000?
* SweetFemme79 smiles
<tikipoki> whay if you fcked 1000
<tikipoki> 100
<tikipoki> 10,
<tikipoki> 1
<tikipoki> 0?
<tikipoki> does it matter to her?
<formhandle> women only worry about the number of their past sexual partners in the context of a guy they are interested in for marriage or LTR
<tikipoki> does it make a difference in this situation, here, with the 2 of us
<alamo> hey people, what is happening with the mission section anyway?
<Veroxii> Yeah... I usually just avoid it and don't answer...
<wizzard_> tikipoki: if you are talking about being quizzed by the target, leave it to her imagination
<Vince> Mommy, look! A cowboy!
<tikipoki> well I BUST her on it
<WinHandle> well, the different thing about girls I'm after, is a very nice mind (makes one ideal LTR material) ..... hard to find, unfortunately.....
<gunwitch> i think 50s a good number to tell a prospective LTR, but then all my LTRs would like to see my life shortened so far so lol
<Gsta> how do u manage coping after being ditched out of a 2 year relationship???????
<Vince> GFTOW
<SneakyBiscuit> giddyup ya hear?
<tikipoki> Gsta get over it, do other shit
<alamo> gsta: go out and sarge
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<SweetFemme79> Veroxii ... a good answer may be something like "well you'd have to specify whether its meaningful or fun" ... (implying that you have done both)
<tikipoki> but hey guys, send me the recap email of this chat ;)
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<Gatto> Gsta: the fun is only beginning
*** Bryan^ is now known as Bryan`
<tikipoki> i'm off to a hot bath
<SneakyBiscuit> score with ehr sister
<tikipoki> ciao
<SweetFemme79> (rather than just fun, which is what she'd fear if you've had 1000000000)
<Vince> Ciao
<depex> cya tiki
<alamo> cya tiki
<Gsta> iitsssssss so hard tho
<vrax_pol> cya tiki
<Gatto> ciao
<Bryan`> bye
*** tikipoki is now known as tiki_in_tha_tub
<tiki_in_tha_tub> ;)
<alamo> gsta, it is only in your mind
<mmasters> I just say I don't keep track of it because it's l-a-m-e
<Vince> GSTA - Go Fuck Ten Other Women.
<Veroxii> femme: I like that.... I actually usually ask "like REAL girlfriends? Or just the fun ones?"
<alamo> trust me, lol, i'e been there
<zeev1> ok bye nice to talk to ya all ;)
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* wizzard_ has been there
<SneakyBiscuit> and after that youll have 10 more love affairs to worry abuot
<Gatto> Vince: ...then stop and leave some to us
<Vince> Well..
<gunwitch> GFTOW is immpossible for a new guy, and also immpossible for him to understand the concept rather than reality of it
<Gsta> it messes ones head up madly
<alamo> gsta: read the last chapter about the psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini, the one about scarcity
<formhandle> If a chick asks, just say "You couldn't handle what I'd tell you."
<SweetFemme79> Damnit. haven't ever got to that chapter. Must read that book again (and get beyond chapter 3)
<Vince> It's a reframe, rather than a life or death goal, IMO
<SneakyBiscuit> if she asks what again form? i missed it
<alamo> what about "not enough"
<formhandle> If she backs down on it, great, you remain in control.
<Gsta> alamo - is it on the site?
<SweetFemme79> form - nice answer like that
*** Fugace|Paladin is now known as PaladinoFugace
<Veroxii> form: good stuff...
<alamo> no gsta, u'l have to buy it, sorry ;)
<formhandle> If she insists on knowing, keep telling her that she can't handle the answer
<SneakyBiscuit> thatll intrigue her
<Megatron2> Mystery says keep it to 8
<vrax_pol> and tease
<gunwitch> what if she hits you with a plantholder form lol
<formhandle> Kep doing this until she FINALLY states that she CAN handle it
<Veroxii> or piss her off...
<Gsta> booyah
<Vince> If she insists on knowing, tell her she's pissing you off.
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<SweetFemme79> booyah?
<formhandle> Then, when you tell her whatever number you feel will cause her increased attraction...
<Bryan`> yea
<alamo> gsta, get it at the library or something, it willl help you, because you get an insight what is happening to you, and that it is ridiculous
<gunwitch> anybody thrash chicks houses ever in order to stop an arguement?
<Veroxii> form: sweeeet... I like that routine....
<Air2000> so are most of you guys at the point where you want sex, and you get it, like that isn't even the issue's more like i wanna do her in her mom's bed for the funk of it...or should we get kinky and do it at Discovery zone
<formhandle> She'll either HANDLE it like she said she would or...
<formhandle> ...if she gets freaked out by it, you just say "SEE... I told you you couldn't handle it."
<Gsta> booyah - as in havnt been to a bookstore since i was 12
<depex> gunwitch, nope but I'm gonna try that
<wizzard_> the last chick with whom it was an issue, it seemed important to her that we had had approx the same number of partners previously
<Vince> No, Gunwitch.
<wizzard_> Air2000: No. haha ha
<SweetFemme79> gunwitch ... don't do that. Not unless she's the kinda chick to do it to yours.
<gunwitch> aint they all sweet?
<Veroxii> wizzard: she seems pretty LSE then...
<depex> like those german HUGE chicks
<mmasters> sounds like something ross would say formhandle ;)
<depex> with moustage and shit
<alamo> gsta: about time then
<Megatron2> depex: jacy
<Megatron2> :)
<depex> haha
<SweetFemme79> My material goods are valuable ot me. I'd feel an urge to become intensely physically violent to someone who trashed my place ;-)
<depex> yeah I would love to trash her house
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<wizzard_> Veroxii: LSE, Anorexic, Bullemic, Anti-D's, counselling
<Veroxii> hahaha!
<Veroxii> I hope you ran like hell!
<Gsta> alamo - lol :p
<wizzard_> Veroxii: I am starting to suspect the reason I haven't heard from her the last few days is because she has been put back into loony-bin hospital
<wizzard_> Veroxii, no, 'cos I liked her. she was nice.
<formhandle> The point is to always remain in control of your own reality... don't sink into hers just because you think it's what she wants to hear, un;ess what you say to her is TACTICAL to get you what you want.
<Vince> GUYS! What kind of women are you targeting?!!!
<Veroxii> The ones that breath!
<wizzard_> also, she looked like Heather Graham
<SweetFemme79> roflmao
<gunwitch> i like goths right now when i can find em
<SneakyBiscuit> haha
<depex> haha
<depex> ok go for jacy then
<depex> haha
<Vince> BIIIIG mistake! Screen out the crazies!
<Bryan`> do u create this reality 4 urself?
<wizzard_> admittedly a slightly fat Heather Graham
<depex> its the fucked up troll that turn up here every day
<gunwitch> i kinda like the crazies lol
<SweetFemme79> lolololol
<Veroxii> yeayea... actually right now I love the "sweet innocent" girls...
<SweetFemme79> "a slightly fat Heather Graham"
<SneakyBiscuit> slightly fat
<SneakyBiscuit> oxymoron there
<Veroxii> If she's got "pig-tails"... she's in!
<Bryan`> me too veroxii
<Gatto> vince: i agree, I have no time to waste with that bullshit
<SweetFemme79> Veroxii ... all that sweet crap is the best way I've found to compliment the "alpha guy"
<formhandle> Vince, I found my niche chicks, they also tend to be the ones that respond to me best: 22-23yo post-graduates (or last-year students), petite, 8-9 in looks, not from the area or new to the area
<wizzard_> size 10, but anyway not the point
<Bryan`> if u want them u need 2 b "bad boy"
<SweetFemme79> Alpha guys seem to want sweet.
<depex> nah
<SweetFemme79> Then they fuck them about so they're not sweet any more heha
<depex> I'm looking for a hb that paints graff
<gunwitch> older chicks always want me BAD
<Veroxii> femme: so you're out then! :-)
<Air2000> i'm going for that beach girl, high schoolish, jeans and a shirt
<depex> hard to find in this small place
<Vince> Excellent, Jay - but what do you do about screening for undesirable traits?
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<SweetFemme79> But if you can give the right impression, you can go again ;-)
* SweetFemme79 smiles sweetly
* wizzard_ seems to have high standards but varied tastes
<Veroxii> yeah.... I always tell chicks that "I'll corrupt them"... and they agree!
<Vince> "You don't wanna know me. I'm TROUBLE"
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<gunwitch> i basically screen "does this chick look prudish enough that she wipes back to front?"
<SweetFemme79> I've got to say, is there a guy in the world who would refuse a 22-23yo post grad or final year student, petite, 8-9 in looks from outta town?
<Veroxii> "If you know what's good for you, stay away from me... I'll just break your heart"
<SneakyBiscuit> i do handwriting analysis
<formhandle> Well, I don't approach chicks for long-term, so my screening isn't up-front since that would just end up filtering out chicks I would get rid of later anyway
<Bryan`> lol gun...
<Veroxii> hahah!
<wizzard_> SF79: lol
<Vince> If she fails my test, I do. I walk.
* wizzard_ was thinking that
<gunwitch> i aint eatin no shitty pussy cause she wants to wait til marriage man
<mmasters> ew
<formhandle> But for chicks that I look at with decent potential, I've found that they're all psycho in some way
<SweetFemme79> that would be bad.
<SweetFemme79> (gw)
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<SweetFemme79> Yeah. I'm psycho. Didn't I mention it before? ;-)
<Gatto> SF79: Me, if she is psycho.
<gunwitch> i like HOT sluts the kind that take 2 hours to shave their pussy cause thats all they think about
<SneakyBiscuit> so did you dig yourself out of apprentice handwriting analyst vince
* SweetFemme79 smiles
<WinHandle> well, how to find the non-psycho/non-bitchy girls then ?
<alamo> hmmm, yes, ime lots of psycho chicks out there. I always seem to attract the LSE types too
<SneakyBiscuit> get your master certificate yet
<Vince> Handwriting analysis as a screening technique can save your ass!
<wizzard_> actually, the thing I liked about this girl, is that she'd been to hell and back with her depression, I've had the same and it gives a unique perspective on life
<formhandle> Well, femme, I'm not saying all chicks are psycho, but I've been discovering much more recently about the dark nature of chicks, the behind-the-scenes stuff, and I don't like what I see
<depex> you actualy beleve in handwriting analysis?
<mmasters> same her form, they start out great, but then go downhill later, makes you wonder
<depex> haha
<Gatto> vince: a little convo also will do.
<Vince> AS for that - ask Jay what's happening with the GRAPHO page, Sneaky...
<Air2000> if your going to a university, are u an english major SweetFemme?
<SweetFemme79> The dark nature. Well now I'm intruiged.
<SneakyBiscuit> oh but vince...who in there right mind believes in that mumbo jumbo!
<alamo> form, elaborate?
<Veroxii> form: and it's always there... hang around most chicks for long enough, and the veil drops...
<SneakyBiscuit> ill look into it, url?
<Veroxii> It's just to what degree...
<wizzard_> actually that '8 Circuits of Consciousness' post that someone made, I only like chicks whose 5/6th brain circuits are activated
<SweetFemme79> Air2K ... nah, graduated in CompSci in 2001.
<gunwitch> that was my post
<formhandle> Vince, vince, vince.... I read your first mail fully, and just let the second one sit in the inbox
<Vince> SHE"S A NERD!
<SneakyBiscuit> Jay, tell me, whats happening with teh grapho page
<gunwitch> i dont like those "spacey chicks" who are all spiritual and shit
<wizzard_> gunwitch: fuckin' eh. excellent stuff, I have read around it a lot on the net since.
<mmasters> hahaha, I'm a comp sci major too
<WinHandle> well, I would think that the LSE girls are the best (considering their mind, not the looks!) ... but: how to find/recognize/attract those ?
<formhandle> wizzard, which borad wasthat posted on?
<Vince> Yeah, Jay - and I missed the Christmas selling season!
<Bryan`> is explanation a form of supplication?
<wizzard_> formhandle: uuuhhmm General, I thnk
<SneakyBiscuit> haha gun, you just like "get in a fuckin sexual state already, enough with teh mumbo jumbo!"
<gunwitch> timothy leary was brilliant, he wasnt just some LSD poppin hippy
<formhandle> No CHristmas selling season for seduction :-)
<wizzard_> Bryan: yes. you are alpha, you don't explain your actions
<Bryan`> great
<Bryan`> :)
<wizzard_> is the link
<Bryan`> the link 4 what?
<Vince> No, Leary was a whacko - he just had a good pitch.
<gunwitch> hell yeah man if a chicks got lots goin on upstairs they cant get enough blood flowin to the right parts lol
<Air2000> it just seems out of this world to do gunwitch's like...hugging is out of the norm in my family.....but to show a girl your
<SweetFemme79> Thats a big heap of shite gw. *grin*
<gunwitch> i know not biologically
<SneakyBiscuit> yeah you gotta use bishops butterfly to loosen her up a bit..seems to help circulation i guess
<Vince> Smart girls are best.
<gunwitch> i like em dumb
<SweetFemme79> I agree with Vince. ;-)
<mmasters> but the brain is the most important sexual organ :)
<wizzard_> dumb girls are easy
<SweetFemme79> lol
<wizzard_> but they turn me off
<Vince> Antithetical to my approach.
<gunwitch> dumb girls just dont hassle ya as much either
<Veroxii> My current primary is an electronic engineer... they're cool in the long run...
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<SweetFemme79> Handy when your toaster fries too.
<gunwitch> they forget you exist and shit
<SneakyBiscuit> wizz, what is this site
<gunwitch> those smart as fuck obsessive chicks think about you and everything else 500 times a day
<formhandle> dumb girls who are attracted to you are best
<formhandle> lol
<Vince> Gunwitch, you are relationship averse - you poor guy! LOL
<Veroxii> but sometimes too smart for their own good....
<mmasters> lol so true
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<SweetFemme79> perhaps
<vigrid> - Talk about religion, politics, war, and rape
<gunwitch> i have some prblems paladino
<vigrid> oops :)
<SweetFemme79> And on that dubious note I have to bid you all farewell
<Air2000> well the reason why i asked that sweetfemme is because ..well i'm gonna sound nerdy for noticing, but your sentence structure and words used is really uh...good or well i forget which one
* wizzard_ ponders whether or not to watch American Beauty
<Vince> Bye V
<formhandle> not because they're the best to interact with, but because they are so easy to deal with
<Veroxii> watch it...
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<mmasters> nice meeting you SWF
<SweetFemme79> Yeah watch it cool film gotta see
<Veroxii> bye!
<Vince> formhandle likes to play with his food...
<gunwitch> you can have 3 dumb chicks youve fucked in the same room and its no prob
* SweetFemme79 waves
<greg8699> haha vince where'd that come from
<Veroxii> lol!
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<gunwitch> 2 smart ones man and its gonna be drama
<formhandle> gw... lol
<Veroxii> gw: sooooo true.... been there...
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<depex> how bout just having deafh chicks that can't talk
<Vince> We are predators.
<formhandle> smart ones with emotional baggage... first filter
<Veroxii> (with the 2 smart ones)
<Gatto> How many italians here ?
<Veroxii> It wasn't pretty...
<gunwitch> hell yes form
<PaladinoFugace> Ehy Gunwitch, this is the first time I meet you in chat. If you have time, can you answer this question. Since you have fclose a lot of chicks in your zone, now this doesnt create you problem about reputation or chicks gossiping or meeting again the same chick or running out of chick. I say this because I live in a little town and I meet always the same people.
<depex> hopefully none
<formhandle> actually, my first filter is to find out if they're from Boston
<gunwitch> that = crazy man
<Vince> Do I count?
<formhandle> If they are, I stop talking to them and walk away withotu another word
<PaladinoFugace> (I sent this private message to Gunwitch, Im repeating it in public)
<gunwitch> i dont like LA chicks
<wizzard_> anyone else bet that V = UG?
<Bryan`> 2how is everyone's calibration skills?
<RickyRoma> I'm Italian
<SneakyBiscuit> you work in any anchoring gun? for future encounters with your lady friends/
<Gatto> Vince: yeah !
<gunwitch> i can SMELL a wet pussy bryan lol
<SneakyBiscuit> get em into state quick
<Air2000> where are you at Gunwitch?
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<Vince> Nope. V is probably 7.5-8.
<mmasters> damn, maybe that's been some of my problem I tend to target smart chicks lol
<Bryan`> great
<gunwitch> oregon
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<wizzard_> Vince: cripes.
<Vince> Bryan - define calibration.
<gunwitch> we get some LA chicks up here that think theyre fuckin hot stuff man
<formhandle> Yes, I agree w/ gunwitch... if you're standing with your head near a chick (like over her shoulders), then it's easy to smell a wet pussy
<formhandle> Especially if she's got a skirt on...
<Air2000> yeah i'm in L.A County, god looking girls here though
<Veroxii> :-) I love the smell of wet pussy in the morning!
<SneakyBiscuit> yep yep
<gunwitch> i can see it when a chicks eyes change to an IOI
<SneakyBiscuit> <SneakyBiscuit> you work in any anchoring gun? for future encounters with your lady friends/
* wizzard_ lives for that DDB look
<gunwitch> my buddies have trouble with that ive found
<Air2000> at the beginning were you self concoius about it, i mean before you now do your method..i mean...obviously you were, but do you have any of that "I used to be painfully shy" type story?
<wizzard_> they run away?
<SneakyBiscuit> get em into your sexual state right quick
<gunwitch> ive found anchoring can be a problem
<depex> what other super bio powers do you have gunwitch? :)
<Air2000> or were u born grabbing the nurses tits and sucking on it
<SneakyBiscuit> how so?
<gunwitch> i dont analyze women in relationships anymore cause it tends to fuck things up
<RickyRoma> What's the best supermarket opener? Should I use something like the blonde hair opener?
<Veroxii> gunwitch: I still miss the chicks going into their "sexual state" sometimes... I get the idea after a while, but I reckon they might've been dripping for ages already when I get there...
* wizzard_ had some success with anchoring sexual state to tickling the back of HBtrain's neck
<SneakyBiscuit> Ask her what you should stuff your ravioli with
<formhandle> Ricky, read my AI page
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<RickyRoma> ok, I'll check out the AI
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<Veroxii> gunwitch: anything specific you look for? their eyes? i dunno...
<SneakyBiscuit> got that shit bookmarked
<Air2000> i have never seen a girl in a sexual state other than on T.V
<depex> woho 40 ppl
<depex> hehe
<gunwitch> its just a look they get
<Vince> Yuri from VA
<formhandle> There is an art to "street" PU that is vastly different than bars/clubs - when I say street I mean everyday places
<jj> hello all
<Yuri`> Hi, Vince.
<wizzard_> I would scratch the back of her neck during the earlier stages of sex, and then the next time I wanted sex, I'd tickle the same spot, it seemed to make a difference
<gunwitch> simpler you keep things the easier it is to spot
<Yuri`> gunwitch: Hi
<mmasters> it's a strong but relaxed look
<Yuri`> Air2000: Hi.
<gunwitch> hey yuri
<Veroxii> gw: ok..
<Yuri`> formhandle: Hi. :)
<Vince> Hey, jj
<Air2000> hey Yuri!!
<Veroxii> gw: guess more practice is in order.
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<formhandle> Yuri: hi
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<formhandle> lol
*** Bryan^ is now known as Bryan`
<gunwitch> IOIs and state matching ont he approach is a 100% practice for success oriented deal
<Yuri`> =D
<Vince> Poor Bryan
<depex> gunwitch, you tried voodoo? right? did it work?
<gunwitch> you cant really try vodoo
<Bryan`> i miss everything
<RickyRoma> This AI stuff looks good...I guess I'm going to have to be more observant when I go out
<depex> and why is that?
<wizzard_> Who do? You do?
<gunwitch> alot of it is REAL conconctions that will kill people and shit
<SneakyBiscuit> was there an altered ver of gunwitch that vince was throwin together?
<depex> aha
<wizzard_> depex: Jedi is much easier than Voodoo
<wizzard_> there is no Voodoo
<SneakyBiscuit> yes, just use teh grip on her
<depex> well I wouldnt want to fuck with supernatural black shit anyways
<gunwitch> its all just alchemy and shit
<Vince> Nopem Sneaky - pure GWM.
<wizzard_> depex: You haven't met Hellen
<depex> just had a little look at psi
<SneakyBiscuit> ok
<gunwitch> no real "magic"
<formhandle> Funny, I realized last night how even day-to-day vocabulary from here is saturated into my internal thoughts...
<gunwitch> same her form
<SneakyBiscuit> was it a rewritten guide then?
<wizzard_> formhandle: yup.
<SneakyBiscuit> i forget
<Vince> Yeah, Jay, but are you dreaming of seduction?!
<gunwitch> when i say "lol" to someone in real life im off the net for a month
<Veroxii> lol!
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* wizzard_ has previously said lol in conversation. it's bad.
<Bryan`> u say anything 2 get the girls aroused or is it all how u say it with body language & tonality?
<SneakyBiscuit> just wait till you say rofl :/
<SneakyBiscuit> your state
<SneakyBiscuit> sexual state
<Vince> I DO say stfu.
<formhandle> I was having Sushi w/TokyoPUA yesterday and was discussing some target in a group (HB9 Asian) and she walked by and TPUA said somethign about "isolating and going Gunwitch on her"...
<wizzard_> I told my mate he was a total AFC, without thinking
<gunwitch> someone knows what lol means and you say that to em, ultimate fuckin "thats funny but not that funny" thing you could ever do
<formhandle> ...and we both knew exactly what that means.
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<SneakyBiscuit> dayam form
<Eroby> hi
<formhandle> we all regularly use just a slice of words to describe a highly detailed PU scenario
<wizzard_> ok, laters all
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<Bryan`> how do u transition from everyday state 2 sexual state quickly?
<Vince> Hi eroby. Bye wizzard
<greg8699> i'd be interested in knowing that too
<Eroby> any dutch guys here?
<gunwitch> bryan i will sometimes tell a girl i have a big dick
<Veroxii> form: yeah, me and some wings were talking tactics right in front of the targets before we moved in... and it didn't matter... the lingo was so obscure we could've been talking about a video-game for all they knew...
<Bryan`> mmm hmm...ok
<Vince> I don't. I'm in state when I leave the house.
<gunwitch> visualize the sex, feel her body ect
<Bryan`> kino?
<formhandle> chicks get into a sexual state when you vibe that to them - then they're either going to react positively or negatively... a few rare chicks will react neutrally
<Bryan`> or in ur mind?
<gunwitch> thats how i do it i just think about her body under mine and nice positions where i can see her body as we fuck
<depex> you tried/used selfhypnosis gunwitch?
<depex> to get your state even more pumped up
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<RickyRoma> I know the Mystery Method is good for clubs, has a structured approach been developed for street PU's?
<formhandle> Vince, I think Bryan was referring to gettign chicks in a sexual state?
<Veroxii> Good god! We don't need gunwitch's state even more pumped!!! Just imagine!
<depex> hehe
<Vince> Gunwitch - I've got some ideas regarding state management.
<formhandle> Ricky, part of the book I'm writing covers street PU
<Vince> Jay - My state leads her state.
<Bryan`> no...ur own state as the girls will follow u anyway
<RickyRoma> When will your book be available Formhandle?
<gunwitch> depex ive done tons of self hypnosis but dont find it any use lateley
<depex> you're writing a book formhandle? when's it comming out?
<PaladinoFugace> Ricki: check Juggler's posts
<depex> ah k
<depex> I've tried some
<depex> but not much usefull
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<depex> I just tried to get stoned with hypnosis
<formhandle> Ricky, don't know, but I have the outline mostly done and some stuff written up for the beginning.
<Vince> depex - pull your ear! LOL
<depex> haah
<RadioStar> Damn, it's gettin crowded in here.
<RickyRoma> sounds good...
<Veroxii> depex: that's be cool... cheapest drugs available!
<formhandle> I have to sift through over a year's worth of notes and review my own understandings...
<RickyRoma> Will it be an ebook or a real book?
<gunwitch> when you do get it done form you should replace the layguide with its basis
<Veroxii> paper is dead.
<Bryan`> how about using ur external environment 2 affect ur inner environment?
<SneakyBiscuit> ok look at porn bryan
<Vince> I use anchors to affect my internal state
<RadioStar> testing...
<RickyRoma> yeah the layguide seems to have too much SS shit
<Bryan`> ok
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<formhandle> AI, pAImAI, control structures, flow-hitting, flux, a few things picked up from TokyoPUA, etc. are all bits & pieces of an overall structure
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<SneakyBiscuit> wt? too much!?
<SneakyBiscuit> not enough!!! :)
<Vince> Ricky - what is SS?
<formhandle> The Player Guide needs an overhaul
<gunwitch> the smell of a heavilly perfumed bitch can put me into sexual state as well
<RickyRoma> I never seem natural when doing Speed Seduction (SS) patterns
<WinHandle> RR, actually, I find SS the most stunning idea of them all....
<formhandle> They Player Guide + day-to-day discussions are "wax on, wax off"
<SneakyBiscuit> thats the problem ricky, if you dont feel natural, it wont be natural
<Bryan`> wax?
<SneakyBiscuit> but it works
<formhandle> wax on, wax off = Karate Kid
<gunwitch> karate kid
<Vince> Ricky, there's more to it than PatternLanguage. Too bad Ross is such a prick about people questioning him.
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<mmasters> and of you PUAs used to smoke - I just quit. THinking it really should improve my pu performance, any insight?
<gunwitch> ross talks about a mans method is judged by his actions but fuck he can be a jerk about shit
<SneakyBiscuit> vince you hear anything about new ver of SS? i have a feeling hes gonna utilize 3d mind from essential skills. not sure though
<formhandle> All these things in the guide and tactics found throughout the site are things that gets a guy conditioned to truly understanding PU and seduction
<mmasters> ross didn't mind me pretending to be a chick to him :)
<RadioStar> Smoking cigarettes?
<Vince> [Hack, cough] You're askin me?
<RickyRoma> There is probably some good stuff with SS but I find if I use it prior to building rapport the chicks tune out
<formhandle> Conditioning is like having the symptoms of a virus, but not really having the virus
<SneakyBiscuit> just wondering, if you heard around
<SneakyBiscuit> i know yer into it
<gunwitch> SS is great for "hooking" a chick into LTR after a fuck if you really want her to come back ive found
<Strings> Any of you have a rep of going to a club being drunk and acting AFC then going back and start acting Rafc. Did you have a rough time breaking through peoples perceptions?
<Vince> Ricky - you aren't using SS. You're using 'stuff' from SS.
<SneakyBiscuit> strings i had that, with friends of mine
<SneakyBiscuit> breaking into alpha position
<Bryan`> i like gunwitch's philosophy
<Strings> I'm thinking about disappearing from this paticular club and going out of town to work on my stuff
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<SneakyBiscuit> was weird at first but now its just normal
<formhandle> But, if you become conditioned enough, and pay attention to stuff as you learn and gain experience, you end up with an overall awareness of how to do things and the tactics you've learned along the way become "wax on, wax off"
<RickyRoma> Vince- You are right. I'm too cheap to buy the whole SS course
<Vince> Not a bad idea, STringsa.
<Veroxii> Strings: in a club you won't get that... people don't care...
<SneakyBiscuit> so are we rick
<SneakyBiscuit> hehe
<Veroxii> but it's tougher to convince your friends....
<gunwitch> thanks bryan
<Eroby> At the moment you are too cheap to buy the whole stuff
<vrax_pol> SS in a club is dumb idea - I tried it
<Vince> Jay is right. You incorporate this stuff, i.e. get it in your bones.
<Veroxii> but they'll get the idea eventually that you've changed... because you really did change...
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<mmasters> SS in a club is lame
<Strings> True, some don't care buyt you just run into the same thing. Part of this is mental masturbation.. I livei n a small town with one major club.. Going to try another city
<gunwitch> ross says that if you arent willing to pay full price it isnt as effective because you arent REALLY willing to learn it
<RickyRoma> Is that dude ######## still a virgin?
<formhandle> SS in a club only after isolating a chick and you sniff "proximity to sex"
<RadioStar> What happened to you guys with your old friends, when you finally started down the road to PUA-dom?
<Vince> SS in a club is a joke!
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<depex> haah sounds like he wants cash
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<WinHandle> hey, what do U think about using SS over the phone with a chick who has been ONS or a weekend-sex-partner..... any change to turn her into LTR mode ?
<Vince> ######## has never felt a breast.
<Veroxii> They're still my friends, but I don't go out with them...
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<Tiki_Poki> wooptidoo
<gunwitch> ######## gives shitloads of advice now i think hes getting laid
<formhandle> My old friends are either already married or continue to maintain an AFC lifestyle
<depex> how was the water tiki? :)
<mmasters> it's the alcohol, distractions and noise which kill it
<Tiki_Poki> hot, as usual
<gunwitch> i wasnt aware he still hadnt
<Strings> Radio- I got threatened... Was good enough of a friend to walk away.. never talked since. There bad state was keeping me down
<Bryan`> i think that using Ross or ss isn't enough of a paradigm shift...causing u 2 fall back on old afc ways
<RickyRoma> Man, he's got the biggest balls in the group and he can't get laid
<Vince> No, Gunwitch, her isn't.
<gunwitch> lol
<Vince> Sorry, typo.
<SneakyBiscuit> and form, of your friend that are married, do they act afc still?
<gunwitch> i notcie youre really peeved with him lately vince
<RadioStar> Yeah, I figured stuff like that would happen. Oh well, goin' to college in a year anyway. :)
<Tiki_Poki> college is gooood
<RadioStar> Haha, so I've heard.
<formhandle> I figured out ########'s issues multiple times for him, and described how he could fix them, but he seemed to keep repeating the same patterns
<Vince> Yeah, the kid posts like there' s no tomorrow, but it's all "They said I was rude."
<Tiki_Poki> well
<RadioStar> test
<Vince> Probably because he IS rude.
<Tiki_Poki> then his delivery must be off
<Tiki_Poki> same thing vince
<Veroxii> form: what would you say is his issue?
<gunwitch> he wont try my stuff IRL so im done helping him
<Veroxii> Cause I know guys like him....
<Vince> Someone mentioned he has a certain lack of personality.
<formhandle> He would keep repeating different tactics many times, bbut not fully understand those tactics and WHY they work (memorization versus understanding)
<SneakyBiscuit> maybe hes forgeting teh funny, and just goign cocky
<RadioStar> Is he an Iraqui From Hell or what?
<RadioStar> :)
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<depex> I don't really understand how it is possible not to have humour :P
<Air2000> all i need is balls....and to not give a fuck anymore, any tips?
<Bryan`> irainian
<RickyRoma> But with all the chicks he hits on, you would think someone would fall for his shit
<Tiki_Poki> yeah humor's goood
<formhandle> Also, he would mix too many styles within a given PU and not maintain congruency of character or style
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<RadioStar> Woah, teh funny? Do we have a Something Awful goon in here or something?
<Vince> Yeah, AIR - check your shorts for a pair.
<Tiki_Poki> I once entertained a train cabin
<Tiki_Poki> for 2 hours striaght
<greg8699> how'd you manage that?
<Tiki_Poki> haha the 40y.o. women in there would've fucked me hahaha
<gunwitch> an acctual train cabin or people in it?
<greg8699> stripshow tiki?
<Tiki_Poki> too bad there werent hot chicks
<Tiki_Poki> yeah
<Tiki_Poki> no
<Tiki_Poki> all talk
<RadioStar> Sounds exhausting, Tiki. ;)
<Strings> Air do what i'm doing.. just start with a basic opener three seconds and go
<Tiki_Poki> talk, jokes and - yes - singing
<Tiki_Poki> hahaha
<Tiki_Poki> 20 people in the cabin
<formhandle> Guys, my advice is to stop doing stuff to "entertain" chicks
<Tiki_Poki> I got them all singing when we arrived at the destination
<Bryan`> i think that having stuff like humour & charm etc. is a bonus
<Air2000> k man thanks
<gunwitch> i was gonna say thats pretty fuckin entertaining man
<RickyRoma> I sit in front of this computer to much...Maybe I should go sarging tonight...
<Tiki_Poki> formhandle - true, you arent their free entertainer
<RadioStar> I already learned that. This clown don't dance for nobody anymore. :)
<Veroxii> form: I couldn't agree more...
<Tiki_Poki> BUT it is a good skil to be able to rock ANY room
<Tiki_Poki> and get them going and having fun
<RickyRoma> What's a good place to hit on Sunday night...Starbucks???
<Vince> Seriously, regarding ########, someone who saw him in action indicated the guy has a problem of a major sort.
<Air2000> That's how i always feel around girls, like i gotta entertain em
<mmasters> unless you are damn good you do get used
<gunwitch> i figure my dicks the entertainment of the evening if thats not ammusing they can go have some beta male AFC tell em jokes
<Bryan`> not tonight rick
<RadioStar> Like what, Vince?
<formhandle> Right - and even after a chick earns the right to be "entertained", I'm not going to brign myself down to that beging being playful, funny, or flirty
<RickyRoma> What's the problem Vince?
<SneakyBiscuit> haha gun
<Strings> Problem with entertaining is you internalize it and you just fuck up and don't pay attention to your end goal
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<mojojuju> Who's seen ######## in action?
<Bryan`> lmao
<Veroxii> Vince: how doya mean?
<Gatto> vince: what do you mean ?
<formhandle> Strings, that is right
<gunwitch> what do you mean vince? lol
<Bryan`> funny gunwitch
<Tiki_Poki> Air: a better frame is that you screen them
<Bryan`> :)
<RadioStar> Vince, what do you mean?
<SneakyBiscuit> wtf do you mean?!
<RadioStar> haha
<Tiki_Poki> in fact, REALLY screen them
<formhandle> Also, even when youre mind is on the goal, the entertainment is a distraction to the chick
<Vince> He apparently has a lack of personable qualities. This is just hearsay, but given his posts, it's damning hearsay.
<Vince> Good point, Jay.
<Air2000> yeah, can almost actually feel the shift when I go from me the one auditioning to me the one recruiting for my show
<Tiki_Poki> yeah
<RadioStar> Like what? He's just creepy? I know a fellow like that, he tries hard, but he's just got that psycho-murderer vibe to him.
<Tiki_Poki> well recruit them for your fuckings then
<Gatto> He probably should develop some real interest and hobbies
<Strings> Yeah, I know been there and still do it.. I blow out so much by doing that.
<Tiki_Poki> it's bad to 'try hard'
<gunwitch> ######## told me he wanted to dominate and punish white women for not liking asian men
<Tiki_Poki> hide your effort and boost your results man
<gunwitch> with his dick anyway
<formhandle> Well, I don't have any interests or hobbies :-) Beyond THIS ;-)
<Tiki_Poki> gunwitch
<RadioStar> Exactly. You can actually feel him putting effort into everything he says. Really offputting.
<Tiki_Poki> i'm sure he'll get some ho's with that
<depex> haha poor asian ppl
<Vince> YIKES! ######## has a poisoned agenda!
<Tiki_Poki> he just has to screen them for it
<greg8699> haha this is the best of any interest or hobby
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<RickyRoma> Does he only go after white chicks? What's wrong with asian chicks?
<RadioStar> Not better than Frisbee. ;)
<depex> there was this huge article in the newspaper over here "ASIAN PPL HAVE SMAL COCKS", it pretty much made all my asian friends cry
<Tiki_Poki> Ricky
<Megatron2> gunwitch: how does ######## plan to do that?
<gunwitch> he doesnt want asian chicks he told me
<Vince> Sure, Jay, all that artwork is just paint-by-numbers...
<Tiki_Poki> everyone his flava right
<Gatto> form: I KNOW you're laying (ehm ...:-)
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<gunwitch> by fucking them hard or somethin man
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*** Bryan^ is now known as Bryan`
<Megatron2> that's not punishment, that's rewarding them
<Veroxii> form: anything happening on those t-shirts?
<gunwitch> feminist brainwashing "all sex is an act of violence"
<formhandle> Well, honestly, I don't care what ########'s agenda is/was, I could tell from his reports that he was at the very least simply not understanding how to apply the materials... he had a half dozen examples where he tried applying "cocky & funny" but what actually come out was mostly "arrogantly naive"
<RadioStar> Which design are we going for on those? I had a preference for the third one, if the FS101 wraparound was taken off...
<depex> I can work out some cool gfx for a tshirt if you need?
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<depex> but you would need pretty good qquality on the print
<Tiki_Poki> depex
<depex> gunwitch, there is you'r goth chick
<Tiki_Poki> make it with illustrator
<Vince> "You can lead a horse's ass to order, but you can't make him think."
<Tiki_Poki> scalable ;)
<depex> nah
<formhandle> t-shirt update: I had to put that on hold for just a bit while I take care of some other stuff on the backend for the site
<Megatron2> gunwitch: :)
<depex> I don't make vector
<jacinda> me is gothic! :)
<mmasters> anybody know of any really good PUA video clips, or tape recordings from the field? it's like you see people that are good out there, but there's just some people that seem too good to be true hear about on here
<jacinda> who else?
<depex> I do awesome photoshop stuff + 3d
<gunwitch> i am kinda
<Veroxii> Jacinda!!1 hahaha!
<jacinda> 1?
<Tiki_Poki> photoshop alsmost the same as issustrator man .. but thats another discussion and no pickup topic ;x
<gunwitch> MOST goth thing about me though is my newrocks
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<RickyRoma> I only have come across one audio clip...It was a Ross Jefferies pickup in Central Park. Found it on Kaaza...Search BHSC
<schematic> wow
<depex> well I got no experience with vector
<schematic> lots of people here tonight
<RadioStar> Hey, this isn't #graphicdesign, folks. ;)
<jacinda> paladino ciao!
<Vince> Hi, schematic
<depex> I never bothered with that
<PureTNT> gunwitch: reading ur method
<schematic> hey vince
<PureTNT> guess what
<PureTNT> it rocks
<PureTNT> :))
<depex> yes it is, now leave outer gfx chan radio
<depex> hah
<gunwitch> thanks tnt
<Yuri`> schematic: Hihi
<mmasters> hm I'll try that
<schematic> hey yuri
<mmasters> BHSC on kazaa?
<Yuri`> Hi RadioStar :D
<formhandle> I'll be doing the final design in Illustrator. Tiki, Photoshop is not good for structured, vector based graphics (thinsg that require scaling up/down without loss of detail).
<RadioStar> Sup Yuri.
<gunwitch> you listen to type o jacinda?
<Tiki_Poki> form I know that why I sais use photoshop
<depex> ywah
<Yuri`> Sup? Just got back from a 3-hour drive and now my mom wants to order chinese. *groan* :)
<Tiki_Poki> but the interfaces are alike
<RickyRoma> yeah Basic Home Study Course (BHSC) for Speed Seduction
<jacinda> ofcourse..typo negative rock!i love summerbreeze
<RadioStar> Chinese? You don't want it, send it to me, bro.
<depex> well formhandle, if you want some advanced shit just contact me
<Vince> Yuri! Asian bias?!!
<gunwitch> i like everything dies
<Yuri`> Vince: Hmm?
<Yuri`> Vince: Ah, no :)
<RadioStar> Haha, you culinary racist!
<Yuri`> Vince: Puke-bias :D
<jacinda> gunwitch...witch witch circel do u sympathiese with?
<formhandle> depex, I'm all set, thanks - I've done high end graphics works for a living. Maybe some of you even played games I greated when you were kids :-)
<Vince> Just kidding. We were talking about ######## and his White bias.
<Yuri`> Sorry, bad memories of eating chinese food, going out for a run, and emptying my stomach on the side of the road
<jacinda> vikka circel?
<gunwitch> chaos magik
<Yuri`> Vince- Seems a lot of people have that problem. hrm. :D
<depex> oh really, you got any work I can look at formhandle?
* schematic saw "catch me if you can"
<jacinda> another girl in here hehe
<Megatron2> hi schematic, good to see you back
<gunwitch> not really into wicca that hardcore though
<Vince> Wicca circle?>
<Veroxii> schem: any good?
<RickyRoma> Actually on Mystery's website, he has the ESP routine in an MP3 file.
<formhandle> LOL, no depex, unless I wanted to say goodby to ananymity
<formhandle> ananimity - anonimity
<Megatron2> schematic: anything useful from the movie?
<mmasters> only getting documents ricky, vid files
<depex> heh
<depex> blabla
<depex> just email me a pic then
<mmasters> err no vid files
<Megatron2> rickY: cool, i'll have to see how mystery delivers it :)

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