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Player Guide: The Basic Rules

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The Basic Rules

The 3 seconds rule - THE most important rule for Pick-up Artists. Enhanced!
Look and feel your best - Not rocket science, but a lot of guys need to be reminded. Enhanced!
Be the Alpha/Dominant male - Because when you're not, you can only be second best. Enhanced!
Do my looks matter? - Yes... and no. At least not as much as you think. Enhanced!
Nice guys vs jerks - the key difference between the two explained.
Good traits to have - or develop, to be a successful player.
It all comes down to satisfaction - read why you actually have the upper hand with the most beautiful of women.
Women want good sex - so make sure you do her right:)
Should you express or contain your sexual desires? - a moot point, read why.
Wanna play the dating game? - ... um... let's see now...
The rules with your wingman - if you approach girls together with a friend / wingman, make sure you agree on the rules.

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