(From the archives at Maniac High's website: http://www.pickupguide.com)
(a log of David Shade's online seduction: an example of agreeing, understanding,
feeding back, using trance words, patterns and sexual metaphors. but the poems are
the real killers. unfortunately I have no idea, where he gets them, maybe they
are in Ross Jeffries' Basic Home Study Course (BHSC), I really don't know)
From dav***e@ho***.com[ ? ] Mon Aug 2 03:15:27 1999
From: David Shade
Newsgroups: alt.seduction.fast
Subject: the married room
Thanks to Ross' BHSC, my online sarging skills have really improved.
Please don't ask me to post the poems or patterns. They are copywritten
by other people.
We start with small talk. She is 31.
Jenny: I used to live near the mountains but I really want to move near
the ocean.
David: Why do you prefer the ocean?
Jenny: not sure, I just like it much better
David: I love to visit the ocean. It is very peaceful there, and
Jenny: which do you prefer?
David: I like the strength of the mountains and its majestic, but I
prefer the tranqulity and nature of the ocean
Jenny: yes .....I love the water
David: I also love the water. I love to swim in it and feel as if I am
one with it
Jenny: me too.....mountains seem to crowd me.....
Remember this word "crowd". We trade pics.
Jenny: what color are your eyes, can't tell for sure in the pic.....
David: they are brown
Jenny: nice
David: Do you prefer brown eyes?
Jenny: love brown eyes
David: That is a nice thing to say :-) You are very sweet. Why do you
love brown eyes?
Jenny: brown eyes are very sexy...
David: oooh, sexy, is it because they are dark and mysterious or because
they are so intense and seductive
Jenny: :)....intense and seductive.....
David: ooooh good, because people tell me that my eyes are very
intense. Some even are intimidated by them. But I hope you are not the
type to be intimidated by dark intense eyes. :-)
Jenny: no, not intimadated at all.... :)
David: excellent, because I like to communicate with my eyes. I think
they are the windows to the soul
Jenny: yes, me too......many people comment on my eyes
David: and to look into beautiful intense eyes is a very moving
experience. Have you ever heard of soul gazing?
Jenny: yes I have.
David: Really? It is something that is taught in Tantra. It is where
two lovers stare deeply into each others eyes to really become in touch
with each other.
Jenny: I love to look into peoples eyes
David: Yes, I do as well. eye contact is so very important.
she is a stay at home mom with two young children
David: being a mom is the most important job. The most important thing
we do is raise our children
Jenny: I agree, but my marriage isn't very good, so I think I should go
back to work soon
David: I am sorry to hear that. I certainly know how that goes. What
is missing?
Jenny: things haven't been good for a long time...we have just grown
apart....we married too young
David: I know how it is to grow apart.
Jenny: is that what happened in your marriage? we seem to lead
completely separate lives
David: yes, it is. I started to mature. We never really did
communicate. Later I found that what I needed was emotional and
intellectual intimacy.
Jenny: exactly......I feel as if I'm married to my brother
sometimes.....not good at all....we were only 20 when we married.
right....the same here....my husband and I share none of the same
David: Yes, I can understand that. Then there would be no real
passion. A relationship has to have that true passion, that fire. And
it is for both people to keep it interesting to keep it exciting
Jenny: yes, but do you think that can last through time? sometimes....I
think I expect too much. that this is just the way marriage is
David: I dont know. I certianly have decided that I will not marry
again. I would not marry unless I knew that the passion would always be
Jenny: don't blame you....if I divorce ....I will never remarry
David: I sometimes think that I have such high standards now. I have
come to like my independence. I have a full rewarding life, and I have
a good career, and I have my sons.
Jenny: I would love some independance
David: I like the freedom. I hate feeling crowded in
Jenny: me too......
David: I do not want to make the same mistake. I want to be able to
"run into the water and swim". I will stay in the water as long as it
feels good. As long as it is still exciting.
Jenny: my husband is often gone....he calls anywhere from 8 to 10 times
a day....I have to account for all my time to him.....drives me nuts. I
would love to be able to get out and meet some new people.....all of our
friends are stuck in ruts they never discuss anything
interesting....same old thing...day in and out
David: Have you found the computer to help?
Jenny: yes it has helped a good bit....but when he's home I can't get
online much
David: oh yes, that must make you feel really crowded
Jenny: he doesn't understand why I would talk to complete strangers
David: meeting new people is interesting
Jenny: I agree. but he doesn't talk....and he's not interested in
anything I have to say......
David: that is too bad. Communication is SO important. And in a real
relationship, each person would want nothing more than to truly know
what the other person is feeling and thinking
Jenny: yes it is...that's why I think it is pretty much over. exactly
David: I like to meet people where I feel as if I can really connect
with them
Jenny: me too
David: I mean, like, have you ever met someone, and
IC pattern here
Jenny: but I am also very cautious.....
David: and you want to feel trust for this person because you know you
really like this person, so you take the time to build the trust. And
building trust takes being honest with each other while at the same time
being independant. Do you know what I mean?
Jenny: yes....I know exactly what you mean. I like to know the other
persons exact feelings, without having to beg them to tell me
David: Oh yes, you want to be with someone who is communicative and
shares their feelings freely.
Jenny: yes, no head games.....no kiddie games
David: and you want to get to the point where you can almost know what
they are thinking, like you could finish their sentences. And you so
much want to know what this person is feeling, and you want them to know
what you are feeling
Jenny: yes.....you want them to tell you just like you would with them
David: yes. And then you get to the point where you almost want this
person to feel the same feelings you are feeling. That is when it is
really special
Jenny: yes, that's when it is really special and most delicate
David: What do you mean by delicate?
Jenny: because that is when you find out if that person is what and who
you think they are
David: yes, I understand. Say, if I read a poem to you that I had
written, would you give me your honest opinion?
Jenny: yes I would....go ahead
David: ok
"The Tear"
Jenny: that's very beautiful..... :)
David: I am so glad you think so Jenny :-)
Jenny: :) I do....
David: Are you going on vacation this summer?
Jenny: already been....went to the beach.....:) are you going?
David: Yes, my sons and I are going to Cedar Point. It is a wonderful
amusement park. We love the big roller coasters.
Jenny: we have six flags here....my daughter loves the coasters too
David: I love roller coasters.
Discovery Channel pattern here
Jenny: that's amazing....the descriptiveness.....hmmm, sounds more like
making love to me
David: really? You know, you are right! It should always be that way
Jenny: yes it should!!! :)
David: :-)
Ballroom dancing pattern here
Jenny: it's passion.....another great description of making love...that
is what I miss.....feeling that much passion for something.....other
than my kids.....
David: I know, to feel so much incredible passion, to the point where it
burns at your very soul
Jenny: exactly.....I only feel that for my children now.....
David: Would you like to hear another poem I have written?
Jenny: yes
David: ok, and I want you to give me your honest opinion Jenny
Jenny: I will
David: I love reading poetry to you :-)
Jenny: I love you reading it to me :)
"Rose in Your Heart"
Jenny: wow....that was completely amazing....I love that.
Jenny: very beautiful David
David: I am so glad you did Jenny. You are so sweet :-) You are very
nice to me
Jenny: do you write poetry often?
David: I like how you really feel my poetry. I do love to write it when
I can
Jenny: you're very talented at it.....you should write it as often as
you can
David: I have written poetry to give to buddies at work so they can read
it to their wives.
Jenny: wow...really? :)...that is sweet
David: the guys have thanked me for it. I have even written poetry for
lady friends of mine to read to their boyfriends
Jenny: I can't believe some woman isn't trying to catch you right
David: You are so sweet. Would you like to hear one that I wrote that a
lady read to her boyfriend?
Jenny: yes i would
David: ok, hold on...
Jenny: ok
David: I think one of the most romantic things I could do for my lady is
read her poetry in bed
Jenny: that would be heaven.....:)
David: When we are alone and there are candles burning
Jenny: imagining that
David: I think that is the most romantic way to read poetry. ok, here
it is...
Jenny: ok
David: as you are imagining that, let yourself feel the poetry
Jenny: I will
"Intimate Moments"
Jenny: you are amazing.....
Jenny: that was so wonderful :)
David: Oh Jenny, you are so sweet to me :-) That makes me feel so very
Jenny: just telling you the truth. trust me....I'm not always a sweet
person.....you are very nice to think so
David: and I will always tell you the truth.
Jenny: good, I'm glad
David: I cannot imagine you not being a sweet person. You make me feel
so good.
Jenny: I'm glad that I do....your poetry is absolutely beautiful
David: I love reading poetry to you in bed :-)
Jenny: :) you are very sweet
David: I have one more poem that I wrote from a woman's point of view.
Jenny: I would love to hear it
David: Now Jenny, this one is a little steamy. Are you ready for this?
Jenny: sure....go ahead
David: ok, again, I ask that you really allow yourself to feel it. That
is when the poem has its greatest effect.
Jenny: I will
"My Desires"
Jenny: you have so much passion in your poetry.
Jenny: and you know exactly what a woman feels.....I really like that.
Jenny: they are all wonderful....
David: I so want you to feel the passion Jenny. That last line I put in
there because of what I said earlier
Jenny: oh really?
David: that we can get to that point where we so much want the other to
feel what we are feeling
Jenny: I would love to feel that much passion again
David: I crave that passion.
Jenny: you are a wonderful person, I crave it too
David: I have so much desire to share
Jenny: I feel that you do
David: I have so much sensuality to give.
Jenny: I can feel the passion in the way you speak
David: I think that it is like two lovers in their own psssionate
dance. only them. all alone. like the world goes away
Jenny: yes, you are right
David: I wrote a poem about that, would you like to hear it?
Jenny: yes I would. I love hearing anything that you write
David: I love reading to you Jenny
Jenny: please read it to me
David: I love that you can really feel the poetry
Jenny: how can anyone not?
Bishop's "The Lover's Dance"
Jenny: beautiful :)
David: :-)
Jenny: how can you not be married???
David: I will not be married :-)
Jenny: lol....well, I know that....I meant...how could your wife let you
David: She just could not appreciate what I have to offer
Jenny: apparently not.... her loss... my gain....:)
David: maybe :-)
Jenny: maybe? my gain.....for having met you..... :)
David: :-) I have to go outside and lock my car. it will only take a
minute or two.
Jenny: ok
David: but I want you to read something while I am gone
Jenny: ok what?
David: I will email it to you. hold on a sec...
Jenny: ok
David: it is something I wrote about a week ago. I have wished for
someone special to send it to. I may have found one.
Jenny: send it please
David: ok, hold on a sec...
Jenny: ok
David: ok, here it comes. I will be back in a couple minutes.
Jenny: ok
I email to her Bishop's "Warm and Fuzzy"
Jenny: thank you David.......
Jenny: you make me feel very good....
Jenny: that was as beautiful as all the others
David: I love making you feel very good Jenny
Jenny: you are so sweet
David: You are so sweet to me Jenny. I want you to feel as good as you
make me feel
Jenny: you have made me feel better tonight than I have felt in a long
David: I am so glad Jenny. This is our time. Just us, to feel, to
Jenny: you're not going to go and disappear on me after tonight are you?
David: NO
Jenny: ok, good.....I was hoping you wouldn't
David: I want to feel this way again. and when you feel this good, you
want to come again and again and again to the same place where we can do
this again
Jenny: yes, over and over
David: I closed up everything and I also turned off all the lights. Now
the computer screen is like candlelight :-)
Jenny: :).....the same here
David: good Jenny. the mood is set. It is almost as if we are together
with candles, just us
Jenny: yes, just the two of us
David: And now I want to read to you my last poem. This is my most
special poem. I so want to share this with you Jenny
Jenny: please read it to me
David: I feel so close to you Jenny, I so want to read this to you.
Jenny: please
David: Imagine that we are truly together and that we are feeling these
feelings that I describe in my poem together.
Jenny: I will
Bishop's "The Lover's Dance 2"
Jenny: I am speachless
David: and breathless
Jenny: yes....and breathless....:)
David: as it should be
Jenny: and excited
David: I want you to feel that
Jenny: mmmmm, oh, I feel it
Jenny: you are the most passionate person I have ever met in my life
Jenny: :)
Jenny: I can envision us together just as you said.......
David: I can as well Jenny. And you are such a sensual women.
Jenny: yes I am....very few people know that.... I like that you know
David: It is late. I would love to speak with you on the phone some
day. I have a deep soothing voice and I would someday love to hear your
sweet feminine voice
Jenny: I would really like that....yes it's late....thank you for all
the poetry David....I am really glad I met you tonight...when are you
usually online?
David: I do not get online that much anymore. I used to a lot, but I
guess I got tired of it. There were too many people who want to just
talk online and I want someone to interface more with than just online.
Jenny: that's ok.....you can call me if you want to....just don't want
you to disappear on me
David: I would love to call you Jenny
Jenny: should I give you the # now?
David: yes, I have a pen here.
Jenny: (xxx) xxx-xxxx......you can call me during weekdays anytime...
David: I will never call you unless we meet here first and you say it is
a good time to call
Jenny: ok, thank you
David: Why don't I call you before I go to bed for 5 minutes and tuck
you in?
Jenny: ok
Jenny: :)
Jenny: I have to sign off for you to call
David: ok, I want you to close up everything and allow yourself to
become completely comfortable.
Jenny: ok, I will
David: How much time do you need?
Jenny: give me 5 min. ok?
David: ok sweetheart, I will see you in 5
Jenny: ok, xxxxx
David: xxxxx
On the phone we giggled and laughed and giggled some more. She said she
could not believe she gave me her phone number. I did the Blammo
pattern. I got busted! But she didnt care :-) She loved it. Now she
can make her husband dissapear and then she can feel me "penetrating all
throughout" her with a "warm and fuzzy" tingle all throughout her body.
hehe. After about 30 minutes of conversation, mostly giggling, I told
her: "Well, I promised that I would only keep you for 5 minutes, so I
will let you go." This one could actually result in a meet.
David Shade
From dav***e@ho***.com[ ? ] Mon Aug 2 03:15:50 1999
From: David Shade
Newsgroups: alt.seduction.fast
Subject: Re: the married room
Update: We chatted this morning.
When we were on the phone last night, I had anchored sexual feelings to my
devilish laugh. She called my "slick."
Now, online this morning, I test to see if she is ready to meet in person.
Jenny: hello, how are you today?
David: Did you think about me?
Jenny: yes I did....actually didn't get to sleep for about an hour....you
are naughty
Jenny: :)
Jenny: did you think of me?
David: ooooh, I am glad you took a great deal of time to think about me
:-) Yes, I did think about you
Jenny: then I thought of you when I woke this morning...:)
David: hehe :-) and I trust that was just as rewarding
Jenny: yes it was ........I can hear that evil little laugh......lol
David: lol good then. Whenever you want to, you can remember my evil
little laugh :-)
Jenny: will never forget it
Jenny: :)
David: and too, you can remember my deep soothing voice comming through the
screen to penetrate throughout your entire body
Jenny: oh yesss, I thought about that too
David: and give you a "warm and fuzzy" tingle all throughout your body :-)
David: You did eh?
Jenny: you are bad.....:)....yes I did
David: *devilish little laugh*
Jenny: I hear you...lol
David: lol good, I want you to
Jenny: you enjoy seducing women don't you? :)
Jenny: it's ok, I enjoy being seduced.......:)....evil little laugh of my
David: I enjoy getting to know a woman who is intelligent, natural, and who
has a child like curiosity for life
Jenny: that's sweet....
Jenny: and how many hearts have you broken this year? lol
Jenny: teasing
David: and when I meet such a woman, I would want to enjoy all that life has
to offer together with her.
Jenny: mmmm, sounds very nice
Jenny: did you go right to sleep last night?
David: and for me there is nothing finer then feeling that incredible
connection with someone that you feel so very close to.
David: hehe, I admit that I did not go right to sleep last night :-)
Jenny: no there isn't, only true passion can bring that feeling
Jenny: oh really, what did you do? hehe
David: *devilish little laugh*
Jenny: lol.....
David: hehe
Jenny: bad little boy......;)
Jenny: and what are you thinking now?
David: I have read that lovers can transmit thoughts even when they are far
apart from each other
Jenny: I have read something similar
David: so, I will concentrate really hard and you can tell me what I am
thinking ok
Jenny: hehe....ok
David: ok, here goes...
Jenny: ok
Jenny: you are thinking about slow, deep passionate kisses
Jenny: :)
David: wow! isnt that something!
Jenny: among many other wonderful thoughts.....
David: oh yes
Jenny: isn't it though.....
Jenny: :)
Jenny: pretty slick David
Jenny: ;)....hehe
David: it really is sweetheart. Whenever I think of you, you will feel it,
inside you, you will know that it is me
Jenny: oh my.....and will you think of me often?
David: You make me feel so very good Jenny. So very special. You know I
will think about you very often.
Jenny: you make me feel very good too David, I will think of you often too
David: and I will feel it. I will know that you are thinking of me.
Jenny: mmm, how will you ever get anything done as much as I will be
thinking about you? :)
David: Your thoughts of me will make my days so wonderful
Jenny: good, it will make me happy to know I will be making you feel good
David: I love to make you feel happy Jenny
Jenny: you are too sweet to be true
David: In fact, I love to make you feel all those good feelings you have
always longed to feel...
David: to make you feel wanton desire, firey passion, total satisfaction
Jenny: would love to feel all of that with you
Jenny: total satisfaction?...wow.....:)
David: oh just the thought of it, just to imagine it, overwhelms me
Jenny: would love to make you feel all of those things as well
David: It makes my knees weak...
Jenny: would love to hear that sexy voice and feel your breath
David: it makes my hands shake
Jenny: and makes me tremble all over
David: it makes my stomach tingle
Jenny: mmmmmmm, mine also
David: oh sweetheart, I want to make you tingle all over, so badly
Jenny: and would you stare deep into my eyes as we fulfilled each others
David: oh yes baby, I would look straight into your soul
Jenny: oh mmmyyy.....that alone would satisfy me
David: and I would show you just how good you make me feel
Jenny: and I would love to show you in return....all that you make me feel
Jenny: and would you write a poem about our first dance together?
David: that would be the most incredible ultimate form of sharing. We could
enjoy it together
David: Yes, I would love to
Jenny: mmmmm, I would love to tuck you away for only me....:)
David: You make me feel so good Jenny. So very good.
Jenny: you have made me feel with words, things I haven't felt for a long
time David
David: I love to make you feel this way Jenny. for words are all I have to
express myself to you until we are together in person.
Jenny: and when we are together in person, I will be consumed by all I feel
for you........
Jenny: I want to just stare into you eyes for a long time first
David: oh yes, to soul gaze
Jenny: you could become an obsession.....:)
David: something that you could not get enough of
David: that's the way I want it to be for you
Jenny: we would take our time exploring and sharing....nothing hurried or
rushed.....yes, something I couldn't get enough of
David: yes, take our time savoring and adoring each other
David: for it is the journey, not the destination, that is to be savored.
Jenny: exactly
David: exactly
Jenny: I've know you for less than 24 hrs and I want you more than I've
wanted anyone
David: Jenny, that is the most incredible thing anyone has ever said to me
David: that has made me feel better then anything anyone has ever told me in
my life
Jenny: I can hardly believe that.....I would think women would be dying to
be with you, to have you
David: Maybe I have become too picky, but I want a woman who is as I
described above.
Jenny: picky is good, I am extremely picky also
David: then it has allowed us to finally come together
Jenny: yes it has, you have set my heart on fire
David: gooooooooood
Jenny: :)
David: :)
Jenny: what is your favorite color......something I need to know
David: That is a good question. It depends on what I am thinking about.
What mood I want to put a color to.
Jenny: what is your fav. color when we are talking
David: I see red and blue being mixed together to make white. The red for
passion, the blue for peace and coolness, the white for white hot.
Jenny: oh my......I like that
Jenny: :)
David: Please describe to me what color you think about when you think of
Jenny: hmmm, I see all the colors of the rainbow, wrapping around each other
David: are they bright and vibrant or cool and difuse?
Jenny: very bright and vibrant
David: and as you concentrate on the brightness of the colors, what does it
make you feel?
Jenny: it makes me feel very warm, excited and full of passion
David: oh baby, I love it when you feel that way
Jenny: mmm, you are making me feel that way
David: When we are finally together, I am going to totally worship and adore
your entire body for hours and hours on end
Jenny: and I will adore and love your entire body, and treat you like a king
David: oh baby, you make me feel so good, I can only imagine what it will be
Jenny: it will be like a thousand coaster rides.....nothing will compare
David: oh Jenny, I know
Jenny: I want to be your addiction
David: that I could not get enough of
Jenny: someone you can share everything with
Jenny: yes, never get enough
David: everything
Jenny: everything
David: that would be the ultimate
Jenny: yes it would, I've never had that but always wanted it
David: I have always dreamed about it
Jenny: baby, I don't want to but I have to go now, my children want mommy to
come play
Jenny: but I will think of you, and hear you
David: I know baby, and our children are the most important things in our
Jenny: yes they are, you even understand that
Jenny: :)
David: I will think of you and hear you
David: yes, I do :-)
Jenny: xoxoxoxoxoxo....until I we speak again....take care baby
Jenny: bye
David: xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo take care baby
David: bye
(whoa... gotta get my hands on those poems!)
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