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Learning hard-core street-game - some questions

mASF post by Epsilon

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Learning hard-core street-game - some questions
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mASF post by "Epsilon"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2005

I found this post from protocol interesting. I'm reposting it here because the
links on this site never work for me, so I figure not everyone is going to be
able to follow them.

Protocol's analysis certainly helped me see some of the things I was doing
wrong. That said, I still found that trying street PU on moving targets was
massively time-consuming and unrewarding. Seeing as I could get better results
in clubs/social circle with a fraction of the effort, I never had sufficient
motivation to put in the months of intensive effort required to become good.

Anyway, over to the man himself...

topic: How to get good for newbies part 1. (1 of 12), Read 753 times
board: >> General
from: Protocol pua***s@co***.net[ ? ]
(first login: March, 30, 2003 04:51 AM)
date: Saturday, July 24, 2004 06:17 PM

After being a newbie myself a year and a half ago and now having
a chance to work with and help a lot of newbies. I've found
common trends or
sticking points as we might call them here that can easily be fixed if
only pointed out.

I've seen guys go from not being able to even approach to being
able to consistently hold a 40 minute set in three days with just
these SPs just being taken care of. The trend starts like this:
At first guys don't even know how to approach. There are a couple
things that need to be fixed right off of the initial approach that
makes it so effective. Here i'll talk about moving sets because
those are the hardest.

So you see the set coming. Internalize TD's 25 points and turn it on
right now(or hopefully its always turned on) Plant your feet and
project your opener (when i say project i mean talk louder not
faster). The trick to this is you have to engage their mind. A lot of
newbies will not understand this. They'll do things like ask for a
female opinion and wait if they can get the opinion or not. On
walking sets you CANNOT do this. They are walking and they
have somewhere to go. You have to keep talking. No pausing
period. That 1/3 of a second pause will fuck your set. I've seen this
happen many times. If you just keep saying the opener (which
hopefully you choose an engaging opener) the set will do one of
two things. Stop immediately (these are the sets you used to get to
stop even with the pausing) and sets that will walk another 5 steps
and walk back. Occasionally a small percentage of sets will keep
walking. As long as you keep talking right off the bat with engaging
stuff (material) she'll stay. Stack something else and wham bam
you're in.

For Newbies the structure goes like this.
1st step i don't how to open. Then they learn how to open.
2nd step what do i do after the opener?
3rd step i need more material and i hate shit tests
4th step i need to learn delivery
5th step i need to calm my sets down and not be a dancing
6th step i need to be myself in sets and pace them.
7th i need to sit the set
8th i need to learn when to cut the attract material and phase shift

congratulations you have graduated to rapport phase buddies.
Once you get these initial opening and attraction sequences down
you can do it almost 99% of the time. It's like you see a set, you go
and you don't even have to think about it. All this is field
experience based. Just keep hitting the field and you'll get it. It's
almost weird.

Hope you guys learned something from that.


Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2005 by "Epsilon" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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