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100% way to end AFC - watch this programme!

mASF post by Nemesis Rogue

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100% way to end AFC - watch this programme!
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mASF post by "Nemesis Rogue"
posted on: mASF forum: General Discussion newsgroup, July 7, 2004

Hey guys,

Sorry if someone has already mentioned this. I have just discovered something
that will end AFC and the uncertainty around becoming Alpha - and you gotta
admit that these are some of the most common questions in the community.

Also, written material can only go so far as people can interpret that material
differently and so still not be sure they are doing it right. Most importantly,
we are visual creatures and we learn faster and more effective through watching
and being shown than through text.

As the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words.

Anyway, it's not enough to ask what to use, what techniques, what methods, what
is your opinion of? because there is no right or wrong answer and you can end
up with 20 different responses from 20 guys.
What works for one may not work for another, or you. Also, it can greatly
depend on the girl you are sarging at that time, the situation and the

I believe the best approach in helping the shift to Alpha and PUA is not to
concentrate on "how do I become Alpha? What do I need to do?" for the reasons
outlined above but rather to REFRAME that as to "how do I STOP being AFC?"

It won't tell you what to do to be a Alpha or PUA as only you can decide what
works for you but it WILL stop the UNIVERAL trends than AFC men display.
And if you know what NOT to do then you are already well on the way to becoming
You may not be a smooth talking PUA overnight but women will see you in a
totally different light and not as the perennial AFC. You will already gain
STATUS in her eyes.
Maybe not enough for a HB9 to fuck you on the night you meet her but it's a
start. And you haven't even STARTED any seduction tools.
All you have done is STOPPED the AFC actions.

And this is where the free to air programme comes in. We'd all like to attend
an RSD workshop and see how PUAs work but some of us don't have the money so
that is why I am recommending this TV programme I have been watching for the
past week.

It is called "Average Joe." It is American but is being shown in the UK on
Channel 4 on Tuesdays.
You may have seen it.
The concept is one HB9 (a cheerleader) wants a fella and so 12 'average Joe's'
are lined up and through tests (the winner gets a date with her) she whittles
them down one by one until there is just the winner.

I have seen a couple of episodes and the guys are down to 3 now. I've not seen
the end result yet so please NO SPOILERS!!!

Now, why I believe it is so valuable is because you get to see - and cringe at
- the AFC behaviour from most of the guys - even some guys who are average to
above average in the looks department.

This programme WILL NOT make you a PUA or Alpha but it will highlight all the
lame, AFC behaviour that you probably did (I know I did) and will HELP you to
You will see the difference in BL, conversation and interaction that a total
chump displays and that which the cooler guys display.

It will be like a light switch going off in your head. Maybe you were still
displaying some of the negative attributes on sarges, even though you tried to
be cooler. Maybe some of the hesitancy and the lame dialogue still creeps in.

I was cringing with embarrassment for some of these guys and it was great
education material as I was watching with a friend who wants to stop being AFC.
I had already given him bits of ASF but pointing out their AFC actions got the
ASF points across to him much quicker.

It may seem dead obvious here in write up but they display things that many
guys do all the time. SO much more than I have provided.
Most are not planned but are natural but some are and they think they will work
a treat (hence: geeky guy's speech and the guy ratting on his competitor and

Watching this show, and how these guys act - and her response - is INVALUABLE
in my opinion.
They are not dorky - though some are. They are just average guys. And they do
the real bad things, BL, confidence, convo etc that AFCS do. And that Alphas do

Even though I know not to do this stuff anyway, it is still invaluable to see
just what they are doing. To have it reaffirmed. And it gives me a great boost
that I am not like that any more whilst also reaffirming the traits not to

And as said, when you see AFCs in action and you see the things they do (that
you do/used to do) and see how lame they are then you will change quick
Even though you may not be Alpha yet, you will see and recognise the behaviour
to avoid and you will cringe and you will avoid.

Also, at one stage, you see 3 total Aphas and the contrast in how they act to
the AFCS sums up everythng at ASF in minutes. It is very. very clear.

It ain't the best TV programme but it's the best damn Alpha/AFC/PUA workshop I
have ever seen!

Check it out.

Channel 4 in the UK (Tuesdays)

Gravity: It's not just a good idea. It's the law.

Unless otherwise noted, this article is Copyright©2004 by "Nemesis Rogue" with implicit permission provided to for reproduction. Any other use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the original author.


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